Page 24 of Ace
“Let’s get Scar inside and make a run for it. Scar!” I yell, and he steps from his guard box by the gate.
“What’s up?”
“Can you run inside and get me a glass of water? This one’s had too many wines,” I say.
He laughs. “Yeah, no problem. You want a bucket too, so I don’t have to wash away the puke?”
I also laugh and then nod. “That’d be fantastic. Thanks, Scar.”
We wait until he heads inside and then make a run for the gate, pushing the release button. The second there’s enough space for us to get through, we squeeze past. It automatically closes after one minute, and there’s no one hanging around to slip in. We take off our heels and run to the end of the road, waving like crazy until a cab pulls over. Once we’re safe in the cab, we relax, giggling and panting for breath.
Chapter Ten
“Why the fuck would I know where there’s a bucket?” I snap. Scar has been rustling around behind the bar for the last five minutes. “Why do you want a bucket anyway?”
“Piper is sick, too much wine.”
“Jesus, she better not puke near my bike,” I groan. “Go check the kitchen.”
“I did. Bernie keeps that place spotless, and I can’t find anything.”
“Piper didn’t look too bad when she walked outside,” says Angel, running her hand across my chest. She hasn’t stopped touching me since we left my office. I sigh as the thought of us fucking just hours ago passes through my mind, and I wince. Being mad about Mae led to me making a stupid mistake with Angel . . . again. “You sure they weren’t playing you, Scar?” she adds.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Well, they were dressed to kill. Are they breaking out?”
Before she’s finished her sentence, Scar and I are rushing for the door. I rip it open and run into the car park. “Mae! Piper!” No answer. I do a three-sixty and see no sign of them.
“FUCK!” yells Scar, realising he’s been had.
“Get on the phone to Anton. I want them found. Then get out of my sight, you fuckwit.”
“On it, Pres,” says Scar, pulling out his mobile and looking sheepish.
I head back inside. Hulk shakes his head with disappointment. “Scar should have known better. Piper is the master at escaping.”
“I’m gonna kill ‘em.” I’m so pissed, I storm straight past Angel and slam my office door for the second time today. Pulling out my phone, I call Mae. It rings out and then her answer message clicks in. “What the fuck are you playing at, Mae? Since when do you behave like a spoilt little brat? Get yourselves back to this club right now or I’m coming to find you and trust me when I say, you don’t want that.”
I disconnect and then instantly call back. On the fourth try, she answers. There’s music pumping loudly, and she yells to be heard. “What?”
“Where are you?” The music gets quieter, and I realise she’s stepping out. “Mae, I swear to god, get back here right now. I don’t know what the hell you were thinking. Do you know the danger you put yourself in, not to mention Piper? You’re supposed to be the sensible one, and now, I have to send men to come and find you!”
“Then don’t send anyone. I can make my own way back when I’m done here.”
“You’re my responsibility, and we’re in lockdown for a damn good reason.”
“Stop pretending like you give a fuck!”
“Mae, this isn’t like you, you don’t do shit like this.”
“I’ve met a man.” She giggles, and my body tenses. “He’s hot. And not old.” My fist curls. She’s trying to get a rise. “I saw you leave the office with Angel. You fucked her?” It’s a question, and I don’t want to lie, but if I tell her the truth, I’ll push her into the arms of another man, and she could be in danger right now.
“Tell me where you are, Mae. I’ll come and talk to you. Let’s straighten everything out.”
“No, we’ve done talking. Just be honest, did you fuck her?”