Page 31 of Protector Daddy
A few things happened at once.
First, the restaurant grew deathly quiet. I must’ve imagined all sounds of conversation and eating stopped immediately. Then without warning, nosy busybody Mrs. Gunderson popped up behind the pool table and put her hands on her ample hips. “So that was why there was a Closed sign on the door yesterday when I went to pay my parking ticket.”
Shirley Busbee let out a cackle. “You don’t pay parking tickets at the police station. You have to go down to the courthouse.”
“I wasn’t going to pay it, I was going to argue my case with Officer Masterson.” Mrs. Gunderson laughed behind her hands. “Guess he had other appointments to handle yesterday afternoon.”
The whole restaurant wasn’t laughing at us.Me. It just seemed that way. But that didn’t stop me from escaping from the booth and heading for the nearest exit.
My stomach growled and I ignored it. My eyes burned from embarrassment and hurt and probably tears but I ignored that too.
I’d probably gotten Christian in trouble now just because I’d wanted to get back at my stupid brother for not giving a crap if I was at his quickie courthouse wedding.
So much for more sex. So much for a chance to get to know each other.
Next time, try that before you lose your clothes, genius.
“Honey, wait.”
Mav’s voice didn’t slow me down. In fact, I walked faster, pushing through the door at a rate of speed that almost assured Mav would get nailed by the door.
Passive aggressive, maybe just a tad.
But he only charged after me as I hurried around the back of the building to the lot where I was parked. “C’mon, Honey. Talk to me.” He grabbed my arm once I’d cleared the sidewalk, bringing me to a halt. I expected him to yell at me for spoiling his “surprise”, but all he did was peer down at me in his big brotherly way. “Are you okay? What’s going on? I just want to make sure you’re all right.”
His altogether too caring eyes made my shoulders slump in defeat. “No wonder you didn’t want me at your wedding. I’m acting like a complete brat.”
“Well, if the hair tie fits…” He gave my braid a tug like he’d done a million times since we were kids. “And of course, I wanted you at my wedding. Who do you think I’d want more? I mean, other than the bride, and she’s kind of essential.”
I sniffled through a laugh. “You wanted Brady to be your witness.”
“Well, I’ve known him longer.” He tugged again, making me smile. “Squirt.”
I lowered my head and let out a sob as he drew me into his arms. And then I may or may have not wrapped my arms around him and given him the biggest hug ever before I whacked him in the back a time or three. “Jerk! Do you have any idea how much it hurt me to find out from the Chief my big brother was married?”
“From the Chief?”
Whoops. Wrong thing to say.
I ducked my head and hoped for a sudden fissure big enough to hold a body—mine—to open up in the earth.
He gripped my shoulders and held me at arm’s length. “You went to Christian’s, didn’t you?”
“Christ, Honey, what the hell are you thinking?”
“I can’t say I was thinking a whole lot at the time.”
He turned away from me and shoved his hand through his hair, not unlike Christian did several times overnight. I must bring out that reaction in men.
“Were you safe at least?”
“No. He roughed me up a little between rounds. See?” I mimed like I was rolling up my shirt and Mav batted away my hands.
“You know that’s not what I mean.”
“Not sure if you’re aware, I’m 24. Also known as barely younger than your new bride.”