Page 32 of Protector Daddy
“But Christian? Seriously? I get hormones. Obviously, I do.” He held his arms out wide at his sides. “But he’s basically a robot. I don’t even think he has hormones.”
“Trust me, he does,” I said drily. “And he knows what to do with them.”
He immediately plugged his ears with his fingers. “Nope. Not listening. I did not hear you.” He dropped his hands and gave me a cross look. “I have to work with the guy, remember? You have to work with the guy, assuming you got the job. And of course you did, because you’re perfect for it, and the Chief would be a fool not to hire you.”
I scrunched up my nose in a futile effort not to get misty again. I absolutely needed sleep. “You’re sweet, but no. If somehow I get offered the job, I’m not going to take it.”
“Why the hell not? Who would be better for it than you?” Mav crossed his arms across his chest in his best big brother demonstration.
“We started making out during my job interview.”
I shrugged. “Mistakes were made. I didn’t actually have an interview, at least for work.” I held up my hand. “And I don’t want to hear it. You got caught up at the Lookout Point by your fellow officer so you’re hardly better.”
“But you’re my sister. And Christian—dear God, you have to swear you won’t marry him. Van will kill me. She can’t stand the guy.”
“Marry him? Has marriage knocked loose a few of your marbles? I guarantee neither one of us had anything in mind other than pleasures of the flesh.”
He groaned and threw back his head. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Why should you feel better when I probably screwed over his whole career?”
“How did you do that?”
“Well, actually, your new wife did that because she has a giant mouth and clearly doesn’t want anyone but the two of you to have any guilt-free naked recreation.”
“Van knew?”
“She walked in on us, waving the ticket you left her yesterday. She came in to chew out Christian because she didn’t even recognize your handwriting.”
“I didn’t leave her a ticket.”
“No, just a note, but she assumed it was a ticket at first. Then she tucked the paper away in her purse for safekeeping because you’d left it for her. Sweet. Sappy but sweet.” I rubbed my chilly arms. “She barged in on us and read Christian the riot act.”
“Did she? Good for her. He needs something read to him. What the hell was he thinking, going after you? Wait until Brady finds out.”
“He doesn’t have to find out.” I huffed out a breath. “Well, I guess it’s probably inevitable now, thanks to Van trying to get the spotlight off the two of you and onto me. Some sister-in-law.”
“Give her a break. She’s only been your sister-in-law for half a day. But wait a second, she knew you and Christian were…” Mav pinched the bridge of his nose. “Since yesterday? And she didn’t tell me? We’re about to have our first fight.” He shifted to stalk inside, giving me a narrowed-eyed look over his shoulder. “This conversation is not over.”
“It sure isn’t, Dad, since you’re the one who left me off the wedding guest list.”
He headed back inside without another glance.
I tipped my head back to stare up at the cloudless sky. Not even two p.m. and this day was already a shitshow.
I dug my phone out of the pocket of my jeans and remembered I’d have to go in for my purse. Lovely. As if one tour through The Spinning Wheel today wasn’t enough.
While I was frowning down at my phone, it buzzed with a text.
Wireless caller:
How do you feel about haunted hayrides? Well, it’s after Halloween, so just hayrides.
I frowned. What the heck?
Who is this?