Page 20 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 20 of Lost on Oblivion

“So…you don’t mind it?Nothaving a man in his right mind for a partner?”Andiasked.

“WhyshouldImind?”Flow-da asked. “Honestly,Iwas still just a girl whenTheIncidentoccurred and my father had died the year before, so my mother andIwere already making it on our own.Theneverything changed and suddenly, the whole world opened up.”Shespread her arms expansively. “NowIcan be anythingIwant and no man can tell me otherwise!”

“Ifthings were really so unequal beforeTheIncident, it sounds like it reallyisbetter now for the women ofZo’rathThree,”Andiremarked. “But…you never get lonely?Younever wish for someone to talk to?”

“Italk toHartford.”Flow-da nodded at herManimal, who was still sitting patiently besideCadeon the carpet. “I’vegot him trained really well—you’d be surprised how much he understands.Hartford!” she called and made a littlechirripingsound with her lips.

ThebigManimalperked up at once and came over to her on all fours.Helaid his chin on her knee and looked up at hisMistress, as though waiting for instructions.

“Goodboy!”Flow-da stroked his head and ruffled his hair gently.

“Ifyou don’t mind me asking, how did you getHartford?”Andisaid. “Imean, if you were only a girl whenTheIncidenthappened?”

“Oh,Ifound him at aManimalAdoptioncenter onceIcame of age and moved out of my mother’s house,”Flow-da explained. “Yousee, afterTheIncidenthappened, all the women got together and decided on a few things.First, every woman who had a husband who had turned into aManimalwas responsible for him.Youweren’t allowed to just abandon your husband, even if you hated him, becauseManimalstend to run in packs if they get loose on their own and then they can be really dangerous.”

“Oh,Ifound out about that on the way here,”Andiagreed with a shiver.

“Yes—the packs around this town are awful!Andthey roam around the streets at night sometimes too, so you don’t want to be out after dark,”Flow-da cautioned her. “Butanyway, because of whatManimalsneed, it was decided that you couldn’t be held responsible for males in your household other than your husband.”

“Ohno?”ThisconfusedAndi. “Er…what do they need?”

“Well…youknow.”Flow-da blushed a bright green. “Anyway,Adoptioncenters were formed where people could drop off their other male relations that they couldn’t care for, so single women could come and adopt them.Andthat’s whereIfound myHartford.”Sheruffled herManimal’shair again. “Hehad the sweetest eyes and he didn’t try to jump on me or hump me like the otherManimalsin the center.Hejust came and laid his head on my knee and that’s whenIknewIhadto have him.Isn’tthat right,Hartford?” she cooed, stroking his cheek.

Inanswer, herManimalrubbed his head against her knees affectionately.

“Sucha goodManimal!Doyou want a reward?”Flow-da asked in a coaxing voice. “Doyou want someSweetDrops?”

Hartfordmade an affirmative noise that almost sounded like “Yes!” toAndi.

“Allright then.Comehere.”

Flow-da opened the long brown robe she was wearing andAndisaw that she had on one of the sports-bra type things she’d seen in theEmporiumwith the nipples cut out.TheZo’rathiangirl’s nipples were bright pink—just as herManimal’scock, (which was already getting harder)—was.

“Comehere and get someSweetDrops!”Flow-da said, opening her thighs so herManimalcould get between her legs and reach her breasts.

Hartfordlatched on to one of hisMistress’sbright pink nipples and began sucking vigorously.Flow-da moaned softly in obvious pleasure and stroked his dark pink hair.

“That’sright—suck them out,” she murmured. “GettheSweetDrops.Youdeserve them.”

Andicould be silent no longer.

“Excuseme,” she said uncertainly. “But…what are you doing?”

“Why—givingHartfordmySweetDrops, of course,”Flow-da said, as though it ought to be obvious.

“Ireally don’t understand—Ihaven’t even been here a wholedayyet,”Anditold her. “WhatareSweetDrops?”

“They’rehow you control yourManimalif you don’t want to use a collar,”Flow-da explained. “Everysexually mature woman has them, you know.TheScentturned all the men intoManimals, but it also caused the women to produce tiny droplets of nectar which helps to calm them down when they get too, uh, excited—you know?”

“So…are my breasts producing them too?”Andilooked down at her full breasts which were covered by the thin fabric of her red dress.Shedidn’t see any spots of moisture on the dress that might indicate she was producing any kind of nectar.

“Theyshould be, since you’ve been breathing inTheScentever since you got here,”Flow-da said. “It’snot a huge amount of liquid, you know—not like when your breasts fill with milk after you’ve had a baby or anything.Andusually yourManimalhas to suck hard to get them out—but theydolove to suck, don’t they,Hartford?” she added, with a little moan of pleasure as herManimalswitched to her other nipple.

“And…letting your, uh,Manimalsuck yourSweetDropskeeps them from getting too…too frisky?”Andiasked.Shewas trying not to watch the embarrassingly erotic sight, but her eyes kept returning just the same.

“Itcalms them down and keeps them happy, yes.”Flow-da nodded. “Ithink that’s enough for now,Hartford,” she added, tapping herManimalon the head.Hedidn’t seem to want to stop sucking but she tapped him again more forcefully and he at last let her bright pink nipple slide from between his lips and sat back on his haunches. “Verygood.”Flow-da nodded approvingly as she re-belted her robe.

“Wellwhat if…what if youdon’tgive yourManimalyourSweetDrops?”Andiasked.Shenoticed thatCadehad been watching the whole performance ofHartfordsucking hisMistress’sbreasts with great interest.Andnow the hugeHybridwas looking at her with something like expectation mixed with lust in his golden eyes.

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