Page 21 of Lost on Oblivion
“Oh,Idon’t recommend depriving yourManimalof yourSweetDropsat all—not unless you’d rather use a control collar,”Flow-da said, frowning. “Yousee, theScenthas kind of a cumulative effect—it builds up inside aManimaluntil he gets so aroused he can’t help himself.Why, poorHartfordactually gets so excited sometimes he tries to mount me!”
Shegiggled and blushed bright green, as though this was a naughty secret she was tellingAndi.
“He, uh, he does?”Andiasked uncertainly.
“Yes!Andonce or twice, he’s even managed it—and even gotten his knot in me.Canyou imagine?”Flow-da giggled again. “I’mluckyIdidn’t get a big belly from the way he bred me so hard and long!Andall becauseIdenied him mySweetDrops.”
“Why…”Andicleared her throat. “Whydid you deny him?”
“Oh,Iwas trying to punish him—this was back whenIfirst got him, you know,”Flow-da said. “Iwas still trying to train him.Hehad knocked over several of my ceremonial vases and broken them andIwasverycross with him!SoIrefused to give him mySweetDropsfor a whole day.Andthen that night was when he got, well…a bit out of control, if you know whatImean.”Shegiggled some more, her cheeks going bright green again. “Iwas bent over, you know, making the bed and trying to get the covers just right andHartfordgot right up behind me.”
“Hedid?”Andiasked uncertainly.
“Oh, yes!Well,Ithoughthe was just going to dry-hump me—you know, rubbing his shaft against my panties until he shoots his cream?Ilet him do that sometimes, you know—Manimalshaveneeds.Thesame way they need to lick your kitty sometimes.”
“Yourwhat?”Andishook her head.
“Youknow—down there.”Flow-da pointed to her crotch. “Wecall it a kitty or a cunny.Whatdoyourpeople call it?”
“A, uh, pussyIguess.”Andicleared her throat. “Ora vagina.But…you letHartfordlick you there?”
“Well,sometimes—but don’t tellGoodieTight-azz on me!Shereallydoesn’t approve of that!Buteven more than yourSweetDrops, yourManimalloves your honey,”Flow-da explained. “Soonce in a whileIletHartfordlick me there—the same wayIlet him dry hump me, likeIsaid.Aslong asIkeep my panties on, it’s usually not a problem.Onlythe nightIwas telling you about—whenIwas bent over the bed—I’dforgotten to wear any.”
“Oh, dear is right!”Flow-da blushed and giggled again. “OfcourseIrealized almost right away thatI’dforgotten to wear panties, but at first he was just rubbing against me and it felt really nice, you know?Ieven spread my legs a little to let him rub deeper.Butthen the head of his shaft found its way inside my cunny lips, you know?”
Andijust nodded, since a reply didn’t seem necessary.
“Sothen he was actually rubbing against my clitty andthatfelt evenbetter,”Flow-da confessed. “SoIbent evenfurtherover the bed and spread my thighs even wider—to let him really rub megood.Unfortunately, that opened up my cunny hole and the head ofHartford’sbig shaft somehow just slipped right inside me!”
“Didn’tyou try to stop him then?”Andiasked, eyes wide.
“OfcourseIdid!”TheZo’rathiangirl exclaimed. “Imean, thereIwas, bent over the bed, all spread out with myManimal’scock deep in my pussy!IknewIhad to get him out of me before he knotted me orImight getpregnant.Iwas panting and trying to push him away—with my hips, you know—and telling him, ‘No,Hartford!Badboy!Don’tfuck me any deeper—don’t knot me!Badboy!’”
Atthis,Hartfordmade a low, interested sound in his throat and rubbed his head againstFlow-da’s knee.
“No, don’t worryHartford—I’mjust telling a story,”Flow-da reassured him.
Thoughhonestly,Andithought theManimalsounded more interested and horny than worried or anxious.
“Sodid you stop him from, uh, knotting you?” she asked.
“Ohdear—I’mafraid not!”Flow-da giggled into her palm. “Becausethe wayIwas pushing back with my hips, actually somehow pushed himdeeperinto me!Thenext thingIknew, his big thick knot was going right into my little cunny mouth and swelling inside me to tie the two of us together.Canyou imagine?Itwas sonaughty!”
“So, it’s considered wrong to, uh, let yourManimalbreed you then?”Andiasked, feeling her cheeks get hot.
“Itis,I’mafraid,”Flow-da admitted. “TheNewOrderfollowers or ‘NOs’ have made everyone soashamedof having sex with aManimal, though to be honest,Iknow that a lot of women do it anyway,” she added almost in a whisper. “Butit’s one thing to have sex with them—it’s another thing entirely to let them knot you and breed you.Becausethen you might getpregnant—and a big belly is a mark ofshame.”
“But…how are you supposed to carry on your species then?”Andiasked practically. “Sinceallthe men onZo’rathThreeareManimals?”
“We’renot.We’resupposed to let ourselves die out—at least according to theNOs.”Flow-da made an indignant face. “Canyou imagine?Theysay thatTheIncidentwas a judgment on us all and a sign that our race is too sinful to continue.”
“That’sawful!”Andisaid, frowning. “Andridiculous.But…what happens if you turn up pregnant?”
“Oh, you carry the baby of course—you just kind of get a reputation as a loose woman.Andnone of theNOswill associate with you, but they’re all such sourpusses anyway—likeGoodieTight-azz.”Flow-da made a face.
“SoIguess you were lucky you didn’t get pregnant that time your, uh,Manimal…”