Page 26 of Lost on Oblivion
“Well, that was just delicious,GoodieTight-azz,” she remarked loudly, putting her napkin on the table and rising to her feet. “Letme help you clear the dishes.”
“No—you don’t have to bother,” the landlady said, butFlow-da insisted.
“OfcourseIdo!You’reso kind to cook such lovely meals for us, the leastIcan do is help clean up.Hartford, stay,” she added, as she rose with her dinner plate and headed towards the kitchen. “AndAndi, just keep eating—Ican see how much you’re enjoying the miseline pie!”
“Well…all right then.IguessIcould use some help.”GoodieTight-azz rose as well, taking her own plate and the pie plate as well.
Bothwomen walked to the kitchen, chatting, and finally leavingAndialone, withCadestill licking her under the table.
Cadewas full of lust—his fangs sharp and hisMatingFistthrobbing at the base of his shaft.Thetaste of his female’s pussy was hot on his tongue—though itwasannoying that there was a barrier in the way which kept him from tasting her fully.Heneeded more of her honey—the tiny bit he’d been able to gather wasn’tnearlyenough to satiate his endless hunger for her.
Growlinghoarsely, he pressed between her thighs.Ifonly the barrier wasn’t in the way, he could lap her more fully!Hewanted to drag his tongue over her pleasure button again and again—that would cause her to make more honey.Thenhe could thrust his tongue deep in her pussy and taste her sweetness from the source.
Atfirst she had tried to push him away and close her thighs, butCadehadn’t allowed it.Hecould smell by her hot, feminine scent how much his female needed to be tasted—how badly she needed to reach a release.Asher mate, it was his job to help her.Andsure enough, after a silent struggle, she had given in and spread her thighs for him, allowing him greater access to her sweet pussy.
Evennow, he sensed that she was close to coming and redoubled his licking.
“Cade!”Heheard her gasping his name and then her hands were in his hair.
Cademade a low sound of approval in his throat.Yes!Shewas caressing him as he licked her.Itwas a clear sign that she enjoyed the way he tasted her—as clear as the honey her pussy was making for him.
Butthe next moment, she was pushing him away and standing up—pulling down her skirt and hiding her sweet pussy from him.Cadefrowned up at her.Whyhad she stopped him when she clearly needed this as much as he did?
HisManimalmind was unable to process why his mate would act this way.Shebelonged to him and he belonged to her and her body was sending signals that it needed to be tasted and to have a sexual release.Whywould she stop him from helping her—from tasting her and making her come?
Butit wasn’t just her need—it was his own hunger that drove him.Cadehad never tasted anything sweeter than her cunt honey and he wanted more of it—no, heneededmore!Hewanted to lick her but even more, he wanted tobreedher.
Hecouldn’t understand—why was she denying him?
Theminute the two women were through the door into the other room,Andipushed back from the table and jumped up.Herpanties were drenched, both fromCade’slicking and from all her juices, and her legs were trembling.Shefelt right on the brink of orgasm but at the same time, sheknewshe couldn’t let herself come.Shehad to calm down and stop this right now!
“No!” she said toCade, who crawled out from under the table and was looking up at her with a confused frown on his face. “No, that was bad!Youcan’t…can’t do that to me!Especiallywhen we’re around other people!”
Cademade a soft, possessive growl and came forward.Hetried to get his face under her skirt again, butAndiswatted him away.
“No!” she exclaimed again.Shecouldn’t help thinking that she had never felt so conflicted in her life!Onone hand,Cadewas her coworker and once she got him back to his right mind, he was doubtless going to be upset that she had allowed him to do such a thing to her.Onthe other hand, his tongue had feltamazing, even through the thin panel of her panties.
Herex,Herbert, had never showed an inclination to taste her—he said it was “too wet and slippery” and it “grossed him out.”Andihad never dated anyone else who was especially enthusiastic about going down on a woman either, so this was a new experience—one that she secretly wanted more of—even though she knew she shouldn’t.WhatwasCadegoing to say when he got back to his right mind?
Atthat moment,Flow-da came back into the dining room.
“Heythere, is everything all right?” she askedAndiin a low voice. “Areyou having trouble controlling him?”Shenodded atCade, who was trying to get his face under the skirt ofAndi’sdress yet again.
“Yes,I’mafraid so,”Andiadmitted, pushing the bigHybridaway. “Stopit,Cade!Stopit,Isaid!”
“Well, you’d better take him back to your room and give him someSweetDrops,”Flow-da advised. “Orthe next minute you know, he’ll be mounting you!Andyou knowGoodieTight-azz won’t stand for that.”
“Buthe’s mycoworker!”Andiprotested. “Ican’t let him suck my nipples!”
“I’mafraid it’s either that or getting mounted and knotted and bred,”Flow-da told her. “I’veseen this kind of behavior inManimalsbefore—they get more and more excited and if you don’t give them yourSweetDropsto calm them down, they can get pretty aggressive.”