Page 27 of Lost on Oblivion
“Likethe wildManimalpacks?”Andiasked, her heart in her throat as she remembered their barking cries of“Fuck!Fuck-fuck-fuck!”
“I’mafraid so,”Flow-da said, nodding. “Theyjust tend to get sonaughtywhen they’re horny, you know?Comeon—let’s go back to the bedchambers,” she added. “Awayfrom prying eyes, if you know whatImean.Hartford, come!” she added and herManimalcame trotting over obediently on all fours.
“Cade, up.Isaidup!”Andimade a motion with her hand, trying to get herProtectorto stand.Shefigured that if she got him on his feet, he couldn’t get his head under her skirt again.
Butthough she was fairly sure that he understood her since he had obeyed this particular command before,Caderefused to stand.Hejust growled softly and stayed where he was, on all fours.Hewas giving her a look that was equal parts resentful and lustful.Itwas slightly unnerving, to tell the truth.
“Oh, all right,bethat way,”Andisaid crossly and hurried to catch up withFlow-da, who was already leaving the dining room.
“Hurry,IthinkIhearGoodieTight-azz,” her new friend murmured, asAndicaught up with her.
“I’vecertainly had enough ofherto last me for a while.Waseverything she said about women going out to ‘get mounted’ by the wildManimalpacks true?”Andiasked under her breath as the two women made their way down the curving hallway withCadeandHartfordtrailing behind them. “Imean, it’snot—is it?Whowould want to go be raped by a bunch of wild men?”
“Well, mostly it’s an excuse women can use when they turn up pregnant because they let theirManimalmount them,”Flow-da murmured. “Imean, you can’t be blamed that way, you know?It’swhatIwas going to say ifHartfordgave me a big belly,” she added confidentially. “ButIhaveheard of a few women who went out to meet the packs on purpose.It’ssaid to be best if you can just find two or three wildManimalsroving together—nobody wants to be mounted by the entirepack,” she added with a shiver.
“But…why would they do that?”Andiasked, shaking her head. “Eventwo or three sounds like too much to me!”
Flow-da shrugged.
“Forthe sheer, wild thrill of it,Iguess.Beingtaken by two or three big males—mounted over and over out in the wild like that.Thatreallygets some people excited.Notme, of course,” she added. “Theonly oneIwant is my sweetHartford.”
“Youhave him so well trained,”Andisaid enviously. “Cadewas, uh, putting his face between my thighs under the table and there was no wayIcould stop him!”
“Ifigured something like that was going on.”Flow-da nodded. “I’mtelling you, you’d better give him some of yourSweetDrops.Theyhave a calming effect on aManimal.Infact,I’mgoing to letHartfordsleep with me and suck my nipples all night long—it’s the only thing that keeps him from mounting me.”
Andithought of doing that—of lettingCadeinto bed with her and allowing her huge, nakedProtectorto suck and lick her bare nipples all night.Arush of pure desire ran through her and she tried to push it back.
No,Ican’t do that!He’smyProtector—not my boyfriend.Thinkhow he’ll feel once he gets back to his right mind!she told herself.Becauseshe wassurethat the bigHybridcould be cured—one way or another.Shecouldn’t let herself believe anything else.
“Ijust don’t know,” she said hesitantly.
“Look, you need to take the situation in hand before it gets out of control,”Flow-da argued. “Iknow you’re new here and you haven’t been in this position before, but believe me—youdon’twant yourManimalgoingPrimalon you!”
“GoingPrimal?”Andiasked, frowning. “Whatdoes that mean?”
“Gettinglike the wildManimalpacks, where he’s been deprived of sex for so long that all he can think about is claiming you as his mate,”Flow-da explained. “I’veseen that happen and it’s not pretty, believe me!”
“Oh?Whathappened?Where?”Andicouldn’t help asking. “Itwasn’t you andHartford, was it?” she added in a low voice.
“Ohmy goodness, no!Imean, yesHartfordhas knotted me and bred me a few…well, alotof times,”Flow-da admitted, blushing bright green. “Buthe’s mostly being playful when he does it.AManimalwho’s gonePrimalis fierce and wild and out of control!Ithappened to a friend of mine—she had to go on a trip and she left herManimalat home alone.Therewas plenty of food for him and everything, but he went crazy missing her.Youcan’t explain to them that you’ll be back you know—they don’t understand,” she added.
Andinodded, thinking she had often had the same thought about pets.Howcould you reassure an animal that even though you were leaving, you would be back for them?Italways seemed like one of the crueler aspects of pet ownership to her.
“Anyway, when she got home, herManimalpractically tackled her!Hehadn’t had anySweetDropsin ages and he basically pushed her over the couch and mounted her then and there.Iwas with her andItriedto stop him,”Flow-da added, her eyes wide. “Buteven thoughIthrew a whole bucket of cold water on him, he just wouldn’t leave her alone!Hiseyes went red and that’s whenIknew he had gonePrimal.”Shesighed. “Theworst thing was, my friend was aNO—aNewOrderbeliever.Soshe thought it was incredibly wrong and sinful to let herManimaldo anything sexual to her—let alone knot her and breed her.”
“Ohno—what happened to her?Didshe ever get over it?”Andifelt for the poor woman—how awful for her!
Flow-da sighed mournfully.
“Well…I’mafraid she got pregnant.Shetried to hide it but the otherNOsfound out and kicked her out of their society.Sheand herManimalwent to live on the moon colony.”Sheshrugged. “Therewas really nothing else they could do.”
“Soshe still kept him, even after he—you know—attacked her like that?”Andicould scarcely believe it.
“Ohyes.”Flow-da nodded. “Shefelt it was wrong to leave him on his own.Hewas her husband for years you know and they were deeply in love.Totell you the truth,Ithink she was glad to have an excuse to move away from theNOsand go someplace less judgmental.Shereally did miss her husband and want to be with him—it was just that they’d convinced her it was wrong with all their holier-than-thou talk.”
“Theyseem to have a lot of influence around here,”Andiremarked.
“TheNOs?Ohyes—in this town especially.Theyhave a ‘Haven’ here—that’s what they call it.Theytry to brainwash you if you come anywhere near them—that’s what happened to my friend.”Flow-da looked thoughtful. “Youknow,Ialmostwonder if she left herManimalalone for so long on purpose, so hewouldgoPrimaland she couldn’t stop him.”Sheshook her head. “Butof course,Ican’t presume to know that andIwould never say such a thing to her—it was just the idea thatIgot from the way she was acting while he was—you know—knotting her.”