Page 28 of Lost on Oblivion
“Howwas she acting?”Andiasked.
“Well, pretty much the same wayIact whenHartfordgets his knot into me.”Flow-da giggled and blushed bright green. “Moaningand begging and gasping—clearlynothating it, if you know whatImean.Andafterwards she was pretty calm and she didn’t seem angry with herManimaleither.Butof course, different people react different ways to being mounted.Somereally like it and others hate it.TakeGoodieBo-long for instance.”
“Oh, what about her?GoodieOo-lah from theEmporiumsaid she was a scientist, looking for a cure for theManimals,”Andisaid eagerly.
Flow-da raised her dark pink eyebrows.
“Isthatwhat she said?Well,Idon’t know about that.Firstof all, women weren’t allowed to be scientists beforeTheIncident—thoughIsuppose her husband might have trained her before he wentManimal.ButIcan’t think why she would want to cure them when she seems to enjoy having so manyManimalsherself.Why, some people say she’s got a whole pack in that big mansion of hers!”
“Really?Apack ofManimals?Howin the world does she keep all of them in line?”Andiasked, shoving atCade’shead, since he was trying to get his face under her skirt again.Theyhad reached her bedroom door some time ago and she knew she ought to get inside and start trying to figure out what to do for the night, but she didn’t want to deal with that yet.
“Idon’t know, to be honest—think how sore your nipples would get, trying to giveSweetDropsto all thoseManimalsall the time!”Flow-da leaned forward. “Thoughsomepeople say she doesn’t just use herSweetDrops.I’veheard it said that she lets any one of them put their heads under her skirt and lick her any time they want—they like the honey too, you know,” she added. “It’ssupposed to have even more of a calming effect than theSweetDrops.”
“Itdoesn’t seem to have that effect onCade!”Andiprotested, pushing herProtector’shead away again.Hewas nothing if not persistent! “Imean, he got a little taste of my, um, honey under the table but it seems like it only made him wantmore!”
“Oh, he probably didn’t get enough to calm him down, that’s all,”Flow-da told her. “That’sthe thing about the honey—it has a calming effect but you have to really let yourManimalget in there and lick you a nice, long time for it to work.”Shegiggled. “Betweenyou and me, sometimesItake off my panties and just letHartfordspend the night between my legs.Butonly when theSweetDropsaren’t enough to keep him calm, of course,” she added quickly, as though she thoughtAndimight judge her.
“Oh, um, okay.”Andididn’t know what to say about that.Herpussy was still tingling from the wayCadehad licked her through her panties and the feeling of his hot tongue slipping into her pussy mouth was fresh in her mind.Butshe knew what he had done was wrong—it had been very unprofessional of her to allow it, though she hardly knew how she could have stopped it.
“Anyway, you might try that too,”Flow-da advised. “IftheSweetDropsdon’t calm him down.Justdon’tletGoodieTight-azz catch you!” she added in a low voice. “She’llkick you out in a heartbeat if she does!”
“ButIcan’t letCadelick methere!That’seven worse than letting him suck my nipples!”Andiprotested, even as she shoved herProtector’shead away again.
Flow-da sighed.
“Youreally need to be careful or you’re going to get knotted.Youhave to let him lick yousomewhere.Manimalshave a deep need to taste the females they’re connected to—right now, yourManimalis telling you he’s starving for a taste of you.Ifyou keep denying him, he’s going to goPrimaland then there’s nothing you can do but spread your thighs and let him breed you!”
Andididn’t know what to say to this.Earliershe’d been so sure thatCadewould be docile and obedient, but since getting a small taste of her under the table during dinner, he justwouldn’tleave her alone.Shewas almost afraid to be alone with him that night—not because she feared him “goingPrimal” asFlow-da said, but because she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to resist her hugeHybridProtectorany longer and she might do all kinds of inappropriate things with him that would make him hate her when he woke up from theManimaltrance.
Afterall,Cadehad given her a few compliments and said that her eyes were pretty, but he’d never made a move on her—had never asked her out on a date or expressed any other interest in her the whole time they’d been working together.Ifthey had been a couple, this situation would have beensomuch easier,Andithought.Ifthey had been dating, she was sure he wouldn’t be upset about the things they did when he wasn’t in his right mind.
Butwe’re not dating and as far asIknow, he’s not even interested in me,she reminded herself.SoIhave to keep a lid on this situation somehow!
Buthow she was going to manage that, she didn’t have any idea.AsFlow-da said goodnight and went along the curving hallway to her own room,Andiwas left with the realization that she had a huge, hornyHybridon her hands and she had no idea how to handle him without doing extremely inappropriate things.
Cadepaced back and forth in front of the fresher door, making deep noises of discontentment in his throat.Whatwas taking his female so long in there?Andwhy had she shut him out?Whenwould he get to taste more of her honey and make her come for him?
Hecould hear her on the other side of the door and he could see the mechanism which might open it.Itwas a round, shiny metal knob.Cadehad the feeling that he had once known how to work such mechanisms.Hestudied it for a while and then it came to him.Puttinghis hand on the knob, he twisted it—first one way and then the other.Butstillthe door didn’t open.
Thiswas incredibly frustrating!Heshouldbe able to get to his female!Sheshould not have shut herself away from him.Whatif something happened to her and he wasn’t there to save her?Whatif someone attacked her, like the wild ones in the field and he wasn’t there to protect her?Whatthen?
Cadecould feel himself getting more and more upset.Ifshe didn’t come out soon, he would have to throw himself against the door and see if he could break it to get to her.
Hedidn’t see that he had any other choice.
Anditook a long, hot shower even thoughGoodieTight-azz had told hernotto use too much hot water.Shefelt like she needed it—the heated water pounding on her head was calming.
Oritwouldhave been if she hadn’t been able to hearCadescratching at the door and making low growling sounds.Whatin the world was she going to do with him?Shecouldn’t leave him out in the bedroom while she stayed in the bathroom all night.HerProtectorwas already restless and unhappy—she had to do something to soothe him and calm him down.