Page 29 of Lost on Oblivion
Buthowcouldshe, when the only choices seemed to be letting him suck her nipples or lick her pussy?
Andicould just imagine trying to explain why she had allowed such wildly inappropriate behavior not only toCade, but to her direct supervisor and boss,CommanderSylvan.Justthe thought made her flush with mortification.No—that would betooawful!
Andyet…she couldn’t wait untilCade“wentPrimal” either—could she?
Shegot out of the shower and dried herself with the skimpy, scratchy towels that had been provided.ClearlyGoodieTight-azz didn’t care much if her guests liked their accommodations—at least when it came to the bathroom.Thesoap had been harsh and abrasive, too—a dark brown square that felt like it had sandpaper grit in it.
Andiused it to wash her panties in the sink and then used the ancient-looking rusty air dryer mounted on the wall to dry them.Luckilythe silk dried fast because she could hearCadegetting more and more restless on the other side of the door.Maybeshe shouldn’t have left him alone in the bedroom—she hoped he didn’t tear up the place!
Atlast, her panties were dry and she put them back on.Butshe hated to put her wrap dress back on as well—she didn’t want to sleep in the same clothes she’d been wearing all day while she walked all overZo’rathThree.She’dtaken offCade’suniform shirt at dinner and hung it on the back of her chair.Thenshe’d forgotten it when he’d gotten so frisky under the table—so she couldn’t wear that either, since she’d left it in the dining room.
Finallyshe decided just to wrap one of the towels around herself and go out to try and calmCadedown.Thoughhow she was going to manage that, she still didn’t know.
Andipulled the towel as tightly around herself as she could, but it still gaped open in the front and was so short it didn’t even cover her ass.Thescratchy material was irritating to her nipples too, which seemed extremely sensitive for some reason.Sheopened the towel for a moment and peered at them in the mirror.Werethey bigger and darker than they had been?Didthat mean she was producing theSweetDrops?
Experimentally, she poked one tight peak with a finger and gave a little hiss.God, she was sosensitive.She’dalways had big breasts and tender nipples—they gave her a lot of pleasure if she touched them the right way—or if a partner touched or sucked them.Butthey seemed extra sensitive tonight—not to mention really puffy and prominent.Wasall that because she’d been breathing inTheScent?
Andididn’t know but she could hearCadegetting more and more upset out in the bedroom.Reluctantly, she pulled the towel back around herself.Shewished she had a robe like the oneFlow-da had been wearing.Maybeshe could do some shopping around town tomorrow?Shewould ask how much the ticket for theMoonshuttle cost and then see if she had enough to buy at least one other outfit.
Justas she was planning this, there was a loudthump!and the bathroom door rattled on its hinges.
“OhmyGod!”Andigasped, reaching for the knob.Cadewas actually trying to break in to get to her!Ifhe broke the door,GoodieTight-azz was going to throw them out in the cold for sure!
“Stopthat—stop it!” she exclaimed, as she opened the door. “Whatare you doing out here,Cade?”
ThehugeKindredwas breathing hard.Hewas crouched by the bed, looking like he was about to make another run at the door, which already had a huge crack running down the middle of it.
“Oh,no,”Andimoaned, studying the door. “Lookwhat you did!We’regoing to get into so muchtrouble.We’llbe lucky if she doesn’t throw us out!”
Cadeclearly didn’t understand anything she was saying.Hewas staring at her with a look of pure, primal hunger in his golden eyes.
Andicouldn’t help blushing when she saw that look—no man had ever looked at her like that—with such blatantlust.
Buthe’s not a man right now—he’s aManimal—he’s running purely on instinct,she reminded herself.
“Look—” she began, but before she could finish,Caderose to his full height to tower over her.Hetook two strides towards her and gripped her by her upper arms.Lookinginto her eyes, he growled—a wordless noise of pure hunger.Thenhe ducked his head and pressed his face to the side of her neck, inhaling deeply, as though he couldn’t get enough of her scent.
“Hey—”Anditried to protest, but then he was licking her.Shecould feel his hot, wet tongue dragging over the vulnerable side of her neck, which had always been an extremely sensitive area of hers—an erogenous zone, to be honest.
“Ohhhhh,” she moaned and felt herself go weak in the knees—she couldn’t help it!She’dnever had a man handle her like this—with such hunger, suchpassion.Sexhad always been tentative betweenAndiand her ex—Herbertnever seemed to know exactly how to touch her to turn her on.Buteven with an animal mind,Cadeseemed to have an instinct for doing exactly what she wanted.He—
Andthen she felt the sharp points of his fangs against the side of her throat.
OhdearGod—oh no!
Andi’smind went into overload.Washe going to rip her throat out?Butno—he was aKindred.Evenin hisManimalstate of mind, he wouldn’t hurt a woman—would he?
No, he won’t,she told herself firmly, trying to calm down.Think,Andi—he’s partBloodKindred.Theyonly bite their mates to give pleasure or to heal.It’sall right—he’s just trying toClaimyou as his own.
Butactually, thatwasn’tall right.IfCadebit her and injected his essence—which was the pale blue liquid thatBloodKindredmade with their fangs—his next step would probably be to want to breed her.
AndIcan’t let him do that,Anditold herself.
Therewas only one way she could think of to distract him.
Sincethe moment he’d grabbed her, she’d been clutching the too-small, scratchy towel tightly to her chest, trying to keep it in place and keep herself at least minimally covered.Nowshe saw that she had no choice—loosening her grip on the towel, she let it fall to the ground.
“Cade?” she whispered.Tryingnot to move too much, since the sharp points of his fangs were still pressing against her throat, she reached for one of his big hands and brought it to her bare breast.