Page 30 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 30 of Lost on Oblivion

Thatgot the bigHybrid’sattention.

Witha low noise of surprise, he pulled back and looked down to where his hand was.Hecupped her bare breast firmly but gently and then—toAndi’ssurprise—he circled her nipple, which was tight with fear, gently with his thumb.

“Ohhh…” she moaned softly as sparks of pleasure shot through her. “Yes, that’s right,Cade,” she said coaxingly. “I…I’lllet you play with my breasts but no biting, all right?”

Shelooked up into his golden eyes, trying to see if he understood.Shecould see the sharp, curving points of his fangs protruding from under his upper lip.Carefully, she put up one finger and tapped it lightly against one of them.

“No…biting,” she said clearly and shook her head for emphasis.

Shestill wasn’t sure if he understood, but he was holding her other breast now as well and gently thumbing both nipples.

Histouch—which was surprisingly tender considering his current state of mind—sent sparks of pleasure throughAndi’sentire body.Shewished desperately that they were doing this whileCadewas in his right mind, but the circumstances couldn’t be helped.Shehad to give himsomekind of physical contact or there was going to be a big problem in the near future.She—

Suddenlythe door to her bedroom opened andGoodieTight-azz was standing there, frowning like a thundercloud.

“What’sall the ruckusIhear going on?” she demanded.

“Oh!”Andigasped.Shewanted to cover herself, butCaderefused to unhand her breasts.Soshe was caught simply standing there, naked except for her panties, with her huge, nudeProtectorlooming over her and fondling her large globes.

Ifthere was a more embarrassing situation to be caught in,Andididn’t know what it was.Thehumiliation she felt was akin to the time in middle school when she’d walked to the front of the class to give a book report with a long piece of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoe.

“Don’t…don’t you knock?” she demanded asGoodieTight-azz stomped into the room.

“Don’tneed to—it’smyhouse.Whathappened here?”

Thelandlady was pointing at the crack running up the middle of the bathroom door whichCadehad made trying to get in.

“Oh, uh…”Andididn’t know what to say. “I…Ican pay for that,” she said at last, rather weakly. “Itwas an accident.Iwas in the bathroom andCadegot a little upset because he couldn’t see me.I’mreally sorry!”

“You’redarn right you’ll pay for it,Missy!”GoodieTight-azz snapped. “That’sanother gold pieceI’llbe needing for repairs.”

“Allright,”Andisaid meekly.Sheknew she ought to be angry with the other woman for bursting in on her, but the truth was she was so embarrassed to be caught in this position, it was hard to stand up for herself.

“Andkeep an eye on that big brute of yours!”GoodieTight-azz added, glaring up atCade, who was glaring right back at her, a possessive growl rising in his throat. “You’dbest give him some of yourSweetDropsdirectly or else go buy him a collar tomorrow at theEmporium.Anddon’tbe letting him taste you or mount you!” she added, pointing an accusing finger atAndi. “Iknow you want to let him but it’smorally wrongwhen he’s got a beast brain!”

“Idon’twant him to, for your information!”Andisaid, finding her tongue at last. “AndIwas just about to, er, give him mySweetDropswhen you burst in on us!”

“That’sright,Iburst in andIwon’tapologize for it,”GoodieTight-azz snapped. “Ihaveto make surprise inspections to keep all you young hussies from letting yourManimalsmount you!Justyou remember that and keep your pantieson!”she added, pointing atAndi’swhite silk and lace panties.

Thenshe stumped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.



Andilet out a sigh as soon as the landlady was gone.Shereally hoped thatFlow-da had heard the noise and had taken it as a warning.Whatif she’d allowedHartfordto knot her?Hopefullyshe hadn’t and she was being careful what she let herManimaldo, sinceGoodieTight-azz was doing surprise inspections whenever she wanted.

Cademade a questioning sound in his throat andAndiglanced up to see an uncertain look on his face.

“No, no—it’s all right.She’sgone,” she said soothingly, reaching up to stroke his shaggy, golden-brown hair.Thetop part of it had mostly come free of its leather thong.Shewould have to tie it up for him again so it didn’t fall in his eyes, she thought.

Cademade a low rumbling sound that seemed to be ascent and then he ducked his head and sucked one of her nipples deep into his hot mouth.

“Ohhhh!”Abruptly,Andifelt like she was melting again.Hernipple felt so tight and sensitive and his mouth was so hot and wet!Histongue was circling her peak, as though trying to coax out theSweetDropsshe was supposed to be making.

Hemust have found what he was looking for because the gentle licking ended suddenly and a deep sucking began.

Andimoaned and arched her back helplessly as the waves of pleasure came crashing over her.Itseemed almost as though her nipples were as sensitive as her clit—and just as capable of giving extreme sexual pleasure.Wasthat even possible, she wondered hazily asCadecontinued to suck her tight, tingling peak deeply into his hot mouth.Couldshe come just from having her nipples sucked now?

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