Page 4 of Lost on Oblivion
“And…and make sure he was worthy of you.”Cadescowled at the complicated instrument panel instead of meeting her eyes. “Idon’t know whyIask you if you’re pregnant every time we go on a mission,” he added. “It’sprotocol but also…”
“Alsowhat?”Andiprompted again.
“Iguess…”Cadesighed and ran a hand through his hair. “GuessIjust like to be sure you’re not…you know…not starting anything with anybody.Imean, you’re so fucking gorgeous, you could have any male you wanted on the ship, you know?”
Asa matter of fact,Andididn’thave any such idea about herself.Shewas tall and awkward and clumsy and though she had great hair and pretty eyes—at least according toCade—she was also way too big all the way around.
Thoughshe had to admit, that living on theKindredMotherShiphad lessened that feeling a lot.Sinceall the furniture and living spaces here were built for seven foot tall warriors and she was surrounded by those warriors on a daily basis, she actually felt almost petite at times—a first for her, which she found she liked a lot.Butshe’d certainly never thought of herself as gorgeous or imagined she had the ability to get any man she wanted.
“That’s…really sweet of you,Cade,” she said carefully. “I, uh, guessIdon’t really think of myself that way.Imean, none of the human guys down onEarthseemed to feel that way about me.”
“Humanmales are fucking idiots, then,” he growled, his golden eyes raking over her body. “Justlook at you, with your full curves and those big, gorgeous eyes—Istill don’t know why you hide them.AndIlikethat you’re not so fucking tiny thatI’dhave to—Imean,a malewould have to worry about breaking you if he took you.”
“If….if youtookme?”God, what was he saying?Andifelt her breath coming short and her nipples were suddenly tight under her low-cut wrap dress.Shereallyshould have worn a bra.Sheshifted in her seat, pressing her thighs together to try and ease the ache she felt growing there.
Shewasn’t really dressed for field work to be honest.Butthe planet they were visiting was supposed to have a very mild climate and she’d wanted to look attractive for herProtector, so she’d worn a dress instead of jeans or trousers.Herthighs might be thick, but her legswerelong and shapely—she’d wanted to show them off.Plus, the top of the dark red wrap dress had a deepVneckline which showed off her cleavage to full advantage.
Thedecision to not wear a bra was kind of a last minute one.She’dbeen thinking that maybe during this tripCadewould open up and they might become more than work colleagues.Besides, she liked it when his golden eyes followed her and raked over her body—it made her feel sexy and desirable in a way she never had before.Shewaswearing panties though—that was a line she wasn’t willing to cross, even to get attention from the bigHybrid.
Shecouldn’t help wondering if this might be the opening she was looking for.Washe suddenly going to tell her he was attracted to her and he wanted to be more than herProtector?
Buthe only stared at the instrument panel and growled,
“Justtelling the truth.”
Thenhe seemed immersed in the business of flying the ship, but the silence between them still felt extremely awkward.Somuch so, thatAndifelt like she needed to change the topic and talk about something completely different.
“So, have you ever been toZo’rathTwobefore?” she asked, as casually as she could.
“Once,”Cadesaid.Hecleared his throat and squared his shoulders—clearly he wanted to get over the awkwardness between them too. “ThewholeZo’rathSystemis on the other end of the galaxy from your little planet ofEarth, you know,” he added. “ButZo’rathTwois the only planet you’d want to visit there—even thoughZo’rathThreeis actually inhabited.”
“Itis?”Andiasked. “Butwhy?Arethe people their hostile?”
“Well, no—they wouldn’t be toyou.”Cadebarked a laugh. “Meon the other hand—well,Idon’t thinkI’dget along quite so fucking well.”
“Why?”Andiasked again.
“Becauseit’s female ruled for one thing.”Hewas doing something to the control panel, getting ready to send them through the red gash in space, which always madeAndia little nervous.
“Isit likeYonnieSix?” she asked, referencing the female dominated planet where males weren’t allowed to be anything but bodyslaves.
“Notexactly.”Hefrowned. “Theyhave kind of a unique situation down onZo’rathThree.It’sin the habitable zone of theSystem’ssun and the inhabitants are humanoid—though most of them have green skin and pink hair—but around ten cycles ago, something strange happened to all their males.”
“Strange?How?Whatdo you mean?”Themore hints he dropped, the more curious she got.Also, talking helped keep her mind off folding space,Andithought.
“Well…”Caderan a hand through his hair. “Awhileback, all the males onZo’rathThreesuddenly lost their minds.”
“WhatIsaid—they lost their conscious minds.Theirsense of self,Iguess you could call it.”Hegestured with the hand that wasn’t on the steering yoke. “Nowthey’re no more than animals and that’s how the females treat them—like pets.Imean, not like they have a fucking choice but it’s still not a great situation.”
“Likeanimals?”Andiasked, shaking his head. “Doyou mean they keep them in pens?”
Heshook his head.
“Honestly,I’mnot sure of the details—Ijust know that any male that breathes the air ofZo’rathThreeloses his conscious mind.”
“Doesit actually turn them into animals?Imean, do they grow hair and change like werewolves or something?”Andiasked.