Page 5 of Lost on Oblivion
“Werewolves?”Hefrowned. “No—nothing like that.Theykeep their humanoid forms—they just lose their sense of self.It’slike they’re operating on a strictly primal level at all times.”
“But…what’s in the air that does it?Isit some kind of a mind-altering compound that only affects people with aYchromosome or something?Andhow did it get there?Wasit released intentionally?”Andiwas full of questions.
“Tobe honest, theKindredhaven’t studied it much,”Cadetold her, shrugging his broad shoulders. “TheZo’rathianshaven’t asked for help and they don’t have any interest in making a genetic trade with us or letting us call brides from their planet.Sowe’ve pretty much left them alone and we just avoid the damn planet.There’sa reason it’s nickname is ‘Oblivion,’” he added darkly.
“Howfascinating,”Andimurmured—and she really meant it.Inaddition toBotany, she also loved learning about other cultures.Itwas yet another trait that made her a good fit to work at theKindredMotherShip.
Shealmost wished they could make a stop onZo’rathThree—though of course that would be a bad idea.Cadewas the only one who could fly the ship—if he suddenly lost his mind they would never get out of there.
“Youready to fold space now?” he asked and she realized the long-range shuttle was edging closer to the red gash in the blackness.
“Oh, yes.Yes, of course.”
Anditook a firm grip on the armrests of her chair.Shealways felt so strange when they went through the fold, though she knew a lot of people said it didn’t bother them in the least.Itdidn’t hurt or anything—it just felt like an endless moment in time and sometimes she was afraid it wouldn’t end—that she would be stuck in that in-between limbo forever.Whichwas foolish, she reminded herself.Itwas perfectly safe as long as you weren’t pregnant and there was no possibility of that.Shehadn’t been with anyone sinceHerbert—because she didn’twantanyone butCade.
“Allright—here we go,” he rumbled and piloted the long-range shuttle into the red gash in space.Therewas a long, breathless moment when time itself seemed to stretch like taffy and then, finally they flew out the other side…
Anddirectly into the middle of an meteor storm.
“Whatthe fuck!”Cadegrowled as the viewscreen showed him what looked like many tiny but deadly chunks of rock hurtling towards them and the proximity alert sirens in the shuttle began to blare.
“OhmyGod, what is it?What’shappening?”Andrea’svoice sounded panicky andCadedidn’t blame her—they were in bad fucking trouble.
“Don’tknow,” he said tightly. “We’vecome out in the middle of a meteor storm—which isn’t on the fucking star charts.Somethingmust have happened here—possibly an asteroid collided with one of the planet’s moons and threw up debris.”
Hewas already putting up the shuttle’s shields as he spoke, but it was too late.
“Hullbreach,” a loud voice informed him. “Multipleimpacts.Dangerof imminent engine failure.Recommendimmediate landing.”
“Ouch!”Andreagasped and then she was ominously silent.
NotthatCadehad much time to notice.Hewas too busy fighting with the steering yoke.
“We’regoing to have to make an…emergency…landing,” he grunted, as the side of the planet loomed up in the viewscreen.Cadewasn’t sure if it wasZo’rathTwoorZo’rathThreebut at this point it didn’t matter—the engines were failing and the hull was breached.Theyhad to get someplace with a breathable atmosphere before all the oxygen was sucked out of the ship and they both died.Alreadyhe was feeling light-headed.
Hestruggled grimly to retain his consciousness.
Justhave to get us landed,he told himself.Thenyou can pass out.MustprotectAndrea!
Theside of the planet got closer and closer and soon they were diving through the atmosphere, nose first.Cadeprayed grimly that the shuttle’s heat shields would hold.
Please,Goddess!he sent.We’rein trouble—help us now!Helpme get my charge to safety!
Heheard no answer but the shields held—barely.Theywere barreling towards a vast green field.Cadeyanked on the steering yoke, leveling the ship out through sheer strength.Hismuscles burned and trembled but he didn’t let go.Itwas going to be a rough landing but not a deadly one—he hoped.
Theshuttle came down hard enough to make his teeth click together and plowed through the field, cutting a wide swath of destruction through the vegetation—whatever it was.Atlast it came to a stop with a sudden jerk that threwCadeagainst his harness.
“Gods!” he gasped as he fell back in the seat.Hishead was ringing and he felt fucking dizzy but his first priority, now that they had landed, was his charge.
Heturned to look atAndreaand saw that she must have passed out.Atleast hehopedshe was only passed out.Hefelt like passing out himself but he unbuckled his harness and reached over to shake her arm.
“Andrea?Areyou well?”Hisvoice came out in a rough croak.
Herhead lolled on her neck and he saw a trickle of blood running down her cheek.Hefelt a flash of panic.Hadshe hit her head on something?Orhad one of the meteorites come through the viewscreen and hit her?