Page 42 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 42 of Lost on Oblivion

Andwith that, she turned on her high heels and marched across the street to her large, round mansion with theManimalshurrying along behind her on all fours.

“Well!”Andimuttered out of the corner of her mouth. “Thatwas interesting.”

“Itcertainly was!”

Thebreathy tone ofFlow-da’s voice madeAnditake a closer look at her friend.

“Hey—are you all right?” she asked, becauseFlow-da was nearly panting.Hercheeks were flushed and her eyes were sleepy with lust.

“I…I’mfine.Whattime is it?Thatmeeting is supposed to run for at least three more solar hours, isn’t it?”Flow-da asked, all in one breath.

“Iguessso—why?”Andifrowned. “Areyousureyou’re all right?”

“I’mfine exceptI’mjustdyingto letHartfordmount me!”Flow-da lifted her chin. “I’mgoing to do it—I’mgoing to take a chance.Heusually only takes an hour or so to knot me.Weshould be finished and have plenty of time to clean up beforeGoodieTight-azz comes home!”

“Areyou sure you ought to risk it?”Andiasked doubtfully. “Whatif she comes home early?”

“Shewon’t—she’d better not.Youdon’tunderstand!”Flow-da gave her a pleading look. “TheScentdoesn’t just affect males—it makesfemaleshorny too!Andit’s been so long sinceIlet my sweetHartfordmount me!Ijusthaveto let him knot me and breed me.”

Atthe sound of her words,Hartfordmade a low, interested sound in his throat and began nudging his face against her crotch.

“That’sright, my sweetHartford,”Flow-da cooed at him. “Wouldyou like to breed me?Doyou want to try your best to give me a big belly?”

“Wait—Ithought youdidn’twant to get pregnant!”Andiprotested.

“Ionly said that becauseIwas afraid you would judge me,”Flow-da admitted. “Becausethat’s the dirty secret aboutTheScentthat nobody talks about—not only does it make you want to get knotted and bred—it makes you try to get pregnant every chance you get.Somepeople think it’s a biological thing—that whatever madeTheScentwants to replicate itself somehow and since it lives in us now, it wants more hosts.”

“Doyou think that’s true?”Andiwas taken aback. “YouthinkTheScentis some kind of parasite?Ithought it was a chemical or a compound.”

“Whoknowwhat it really is?”Flow-da snapped. “AllIknow is thatIneedHartford’scock in menow.Iwant him to breed me untilI’msure he’s planted his seed in my womb—untilI’msureI’mpregnant.Itwon’t matter—it won’t show until long afterI’mat theMooncolony,” she added. “IthoughtIcould wait untilIgot there to let him knot me again butIcan’t—I’msorry!”

Thenshe tugged at herManimal.

“Comeon,Hartford—come inside.It’stime for mounting.Doyou want to knot me?Doyou?”

ThebigManimalmade excited sounds in his throat andAndinoticed that his long pink shaft was already stiff and leaking precum with anticipation.

“Good!”Flow-da said. “Thencome on inside—let’s go!”

Andthe two of them went up the porch steps quickly, leavingAndistanding there withCadebeside her, wondering what to do.Shouldshe stay out here and keep watch forGoodieTight-azz?

Butno—Flow-da hadn’t asked her to do that and besides, her back still burned where she’d been cut with thePainLeaves.Sheneeded to go inside and get a shower and see if she could find some kind of ointment to put on her wounds.

“Comeon,Cade,” she said to the bigHybrid. “Let’sgo.”

Shewould go and take care of herself andCadeand try to digest the strange new informationFlow-da had just given her, she decided.Shejust hoped her new friend didn’t get caught breaking the rules.



Anditook as long a shower as she dared, which wasn’t nearly long enough.Butshe could hearCadepacing restlessly outside and she didn’t want to risk him trying to break down the door again.Itwas already cracked, so this time he might actually succeed!

Sheblotted herself dry and tried her best to examine her back in the mirror—a very difficult proposition since it was an old-fashioned flat kind, not the useful 3-Dviewers theKindredhad.Asfar as she could tell, she had washed all the blood off but her back was still raw.Itlooked like she had fallen backwards into a thorn bush and been stabbed by all the thorns at once.

Andiwrapped a towel around herself but this time she was careful to cover her breasts and just hold it close to her chest by tucking it under her arms.Shelet it hang open behind her, since she couldn’t bear to have the scratchy material against her wounded back.

Shewas just about to step out into the bedroom when she realized she’d forgotten her panties.Quickly, she scooped them up and put them on.Itwouldn’t do to go out without them.Theywere the only barrier she had between herself and her hugeProtector’ssexual hunger.

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