Page 43 of Lost on Oblivion
Andwhat about yourownsexual hunger?whispered a little voice in her head.Whatabout how much you want him—how you long to let him lick you and taste you and touch you again?
Anditried to push the voice out of her head, but she kept remembering howFlow-da had admitted that she wastryingto get pregnant.Shehad said thatTheScentaffected females too—which was somethingAndihad wondered about herself.Butas for feeling the need to be bred and get pregnant, well, she hadn’t feltthatyet—thank goodness.
Maybethat’s only because you haven’t been here onZo’rathThreevery long,whispered the same little voice.Maybeyou’ll wake up tomorrow with the insatiable urge to letCadeknot you—did you think about that?
No, she most certainly hadnotthought about that—nor did shewantto think about that,Anditold herself.Infact, she didn’t want to think about anything but getting through the next few hours.Shecould tellCadewas restless—should she let him suck her nipples again?Orshould she let him finger her pussy and lap up the honey like last night?Orwhat about just trying to jerk him off—that should ease his tension…
Shetried to ignore the nervous butterflies in her stomach and the way her pussy was throbbing with need as she considered all these possibilities.Cadehad made her come sohardlast night when she’d allowed him to finger her.Ofcourse, she shouldn’t base her decision on that—it had to be whatever would keep him under control the longest.Butstill…
Asshe thought this, she opened the door and stepped into the bedroom.Toher consternation, the bigHybridwas waiting for her.Hewasn’t lying on the bed or crouching on the floor either—he was standing there with his arms crossed over his broad chest and a frown on his face.
Hisexpression and the way he was standing were so familiar—so much like whatAndiwas used to seeing when he was irritated with her for risking herself in what he felt was a dangerous situation—that she was certain for a minute that he had suddenly come back to sentience.
Uh-oh—looks like the jig is up!Nowyou’re going to have to explain all the naughty, dirty things you’ve been doing with his hot muscular body while he was out of his mind,whispered the little voice.You’rein trouble now,Andi—better think fast!
“Uh,Cade, hi,” she started, stepping towards him. “Heylisten,Ican explain everything…”
ButCadedidn’t give her a chance to explain.Instead, he grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around.Thesudden spin madeAndidizzy and she almost stumbled.ButCadestill had a firm grip on her arms.Withouta word, he pushed her forward, marching her to the bed.
“Cade—” she began, starting to struggle.
Butit was too late, the bigHybridhad pushed her face-first onto the bed.
“Oof!” she gasped as she went over, bent at the waist with her face in the quilted coverlet.Shestruggled to get up, but a moment later she felt something hot and hard pressing against her ass and a heavy body pinning her to the bed.
“Oh!”Andigasped, beginning to struggle.Shecould feel his thick cock right between her ass cheeks—only the thin barrier of her panties separated them, but he seemed determined to have her.Whatwas she going to do?
Lethim have you,whispered that interminable little voice in her head.He’lltake you anyway—no matter how much you struggle.Youmight as well give in and save yourself the trouble,Andi—he’s huge and he’s probably ten times stronger than you.
“OhmyGod…oh,God,” she moaned softly as she felt him moving on top of her.Washe going to rip her panties off her and mount her likeHartfordwas presumably mounting and knottingFlow-da right this minute?Ifso, would it hurt?
Notif you don’t struggle,whispered the voice in her head.RelaxAndi—if you fight him, he’ll tear you or hurt you.Yourbest bet is to just let him do what he wants.
Andiliked to think of herself as a fighter, but in this situation she felt the voice was right.
“All…all right,Cade,” she whispered, forcing herself to go limp on the bed. “Dowhat you want.Justplease—begentle.”
Alow, rumbling growl was her answer and then he leaned over her, still pinning her to the side of the bed, and licked the side of her neck.
“Oh!”Andipanted as her body suddenly lit up.God, how did he know that part of her was so sensitive?So—
Shegasped again because his hot tongue moved lower.Aftera moment,Andirealized he was licking her back—dragging his tongue over her wounded flesh in long, slow sweeps as though he was determined to cover every bit of the injured area.
“Cade, what are you doing?” she protested. “Youcan’t heal me that way!You—”
Thewords died in her mouth as she remembered how he had healed the cut on her temple the day before by licking it.Oh, so maybe hecouldheal her back this way.Andeven if he couldn’t, there was nothing she could do about his desire to lick her there.Hehad her pinned to the bed with his muscular bulk—he could literally do anything he wanted to her.
Butwhat he wanted right now was apparently just to keep licking her back.Itwas soothing in a way,Andithought—his tongue was warm and soft and gentle and he was licking her in a kind of rhythm—taking his time and making sure to cover every inch where she had been wounded by thePainLeaves.
Littleby little, she found herself relaxing as her bigProtectortended to her…which was why she was so surprised when he suddenly stopped licking her and stood up.
“Cade?” she asked, turning her head—(and noticing that she could do it without wincing in pain)—to see what he was doing.
Heranswer was his big, warm hands on her ass.Hewas bent over her, examining her there for some reason.
Andifrowned—was she wounded there too?Ifso, she hadn’t felt it.Whatwas he studying so intently?Whatcould he be planning?
Heranswer came suddenly—shockingly—whenCadehooked his fingers into the stretchy elastic waistband of her panties and ripped them down.