Page 51 of Lost on Oblivion
Herbrain still felt fuzzy around the edges, but she was pleased nonetheless when the bigHybridfollowed directions and carried her up the stairs to the second floor whereGoodieBo-long was leading them.
“I’llput you in my nicest guest suite—goodness knowsIdon’t have many visitors these days.Notsince that dreadfulNewOrderhas taken over this town and they all see me as some kind of ‘ScarletWoman’,”GoodieBo-long remarked.
Sheled the way into a bedroom that was twice as big and ten times as luxurious as the oneAndihad been renting fromGoodieTight-azz.
“Oh…this is beufidal!Imeanbeautiful,”Andimurmured, leaning her head back againstCade’sarm to look up at the crystal chandelier hovering near the ceiling.Thesight made her dizzy—like the whole room was spinning.
“Yes, it is—isn’t it?”GoodieBo-long smiled. “Wealthmight not buy one happiness, but itcangive one a rather lovely place to be miserable in.”Shesighed. “Ihope you and yourManimalwill be comfortable here.FirstMealis whatever time you get up—just ring the bell and the girl will bring you whatever you need.”
“Girl?”Andiasked, looking around.Shedidn’t see any girl—though therewasa vast round bed covered in a luxurious gray satin bedspread and a furry white rug underfoot.Well, underCade’sfeet, she amended to herself, since he was still holding her.
“ThemaidI’llassign to you,”GoodieBo-long explained. “She’sstill asleep right now—most of the household staff is.Thoughgoodness knows it’s getting harder and harder to get good help lately!Whatwith theNewOrdertelling everyone it’swrongto work for a ‘ManimalWhore’ like me.”Shesighed. “Still, we struggle on!Anyway,I’llsay goodnight, my dear.”
“Goodnight.Oh, wait!”Andicalled, as the other woman turned to go.
“Yes?”GoodieBo-long raised her eyebrows.
“Can…canManimalsbe in the bed?”Andisaid. “Imean, canCadesleep with me?Hewasn’t s’posed to atGoodieTight-azz’s,” she added as explanation.
“Ofcoursehe can sleep with you, my dear!Justas my darlingGobisleeps with me every night,”GoodieBo-long exclaimed. “Tomorrowyou’ll learn thatManimalsare given free reign around here.Aslong as they’re well behaved, nothing is off limits—not athing,”she added, her eyes flashing. “Butfor now,I’llleave you.Goodnight and sweet dreams.”
Thenshe turned and sauntered out of the room withGobiat her heels, leavingAndiandCadealone at last.
Cadefrowned as he looked down at his female.Shewasn’t acting as she usually did.Shewas limp in his arms, though not unresponsive—just very, very relaxed.
Hehad an idea it might have had something to do with the strong-smelling stuff in her glass.Butat least it had warmed her up and stopped her from shivering with cold and fear.Infact, her scent was warm and calm now, which made him think she was all right.
Perhapshis mate simply needed rest.Cadehad to admit he could use some himself.Theyhad nearly been attacked by the pack of wild ones—all of them intent on taking his female from him.Hehad been ready to stand and fight them all to his last breath, and though it had not been necessary, theRagehe had gone into had taken its toll on his body.Hewas extremely tired.
Carefully, he placed his mate on the large round sleeping platform.Thenhe climbed in behind her and drew her close to him, so that her soft, curvy body was cupped by his own larger one.
Hisfemale sighed contentedly and snuggled against him.Shesmelled of contentment and her heart rate was slow and steady and relaxed.Everythinghere spoke of safety and calm.
Cade’seyes were already closed before the overhead lights completely dimmed.
Andiwoke up to a warm sensation between her thighs—something hot and wet and soft was lapping her there and it feltreallygood.Thelapping continued, bathing her inner thighs and then her outer pussy lips.
Shemoaned softly, her eyes still closed.Ifthis was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up!
Large, warm hands spread her legs apart, splitting her thighs wide which caused her pussy lips to open as well.Andimoaned again as the warm, wet sensation moved to her inner pussy, bathing her inner folds and sending tingling arcs of electrical pleasure through her whole body as it swept over her throbbing clit.
Alow growl came from somewhere down there—the sound an animal might make.Ormaybe a man who has a primal side,Andithought.Sheliked that kind of man—it was the exact opposite of her ex,Herbert, who had been so exclusively cerebral he lived almost entirely in his own head and never did anything spontaneous.Likesay, for instance, licking her awake.
Yes, licking—because that was what it was, she thought—someone was licking her.Thewarm wet tongue slid over her inner pussy folds and then dipped down to slide inside her, expanding until she felt almost as though a thick cock was in her.
Andimoaned and bucked her hips.God, that felt good!Thisdream wasamazinglyrealistic—she’d never dreamed anything like it before!
Thethick tongue inside her fucked her gently for a few strokes and then slid out again and began bathing her inner folds and aching clit once more.Andigasped and shifted but the hot, wet tongue stayed with her.Whoeverwas licking her was very determined to make her come, it seemed.
Andihad no objections.Shehad never come in a dream, but there was a first time for everything, she reasoned.Twobig, warm hands were on her breasts now, cupping them and tugging on her nipples as the tongue between her thighs continued to drive her wild—