Page 52 of Lost on Oblivion
“Excuseme,Ma’am,” a voice said in her ear. “OughtIto bring yourFirstMealTrayto you now or would you rather wait and let yourManimalknot you first?”
“Wha—?”Andimuttered sleepily.Whowas talking to her?Andwhy were they bothering her when she was just about to come?
“GoodieBo-long told me you might be tired and wantFirstMealin bed,” the voice continued.Itwas a feminine voice,Andidetermined. “ButIdon’t want to bring the things up just to get cold and you know how long a knotting takes.SoIwanted to know if you plan to let yourManimalknot you?Ifso,I’llcome back in an hour with the tray.”
FinallyAndi’seyes flew open.Therewere too many dichotomies going on for this to be a dream!Thewarm wet tongue licking her pussy and the big hands cupping her breasts and teasing her nipples didn’t go with the female voice in her ear talking about breakfast trays and when to serve them.
Whenshe looked up, she saw a youngZo’rathianwoman who looked to be still in her teens standing beside the bed, looking at her curiously.
Aswell she might be, because whenAndilooked down at herself, she saw thatCadehad his face buried between her wide-spread thighs and his big hands were on her bare breasts.Hehad pushed the uniform shirt she’d worn to bed all the way up, so that her body was basically naked from the neck down.
“Oh!” she gasped, her eyes flying wide as she tried to cover herself.Didno oneknockon this planet? “Whoare you and what are you doing in my room?”
“I’mRe-ba,Ma’am.”Thegirl gave a little bow. “I’mto serve you while you stay here withGoodie-Bo-long,” she added.
“Well, don’t you knock?Orat least warn someone you’re coming in?”Andidemanded.Shewas trying to disentangle herself fromCadebut it was clear the bigHybridwasn’t going to let her go.Hishands moved from her breasts…only to wind firmly around her thighs as he continued to feast on her pussy with a single-minded purpose. “Ohhhh!” she moaned, filled with shame and pleasure at the same time.Whywouldn’t hestop?
“Sorry,Ma’am—Idon’t never tellGoodieBo-long whenI’mcoming in her rooms, and she don’t care,” the girl said frankly. “Butthen, she lets theManimalstaste her and breed her all over the house and don’t care who sees it.”
Andicould well believe that was true.Butit didn’t mean that she was as shameless as her hostess.
“Well, this…this is…ohhhh!Thisisprivate!”she gasped, pointing down atCade. “AndI…Ican’t get him to stop!Soyou’ll have to leave until he’s finished.”
“Youmean until he finishesyou,”Re-ba said matter-of-factly. “EveryoneknowsManimalsalways want to make their females come to get more of their honey.”
“SoI…I’veheard,”Andigasped.Shecould feel herself edging closer and closer to orgasm but shereallydidn’t want to come in front of a stranger! “Whyare you still here?” she demanded of the girl.
“WhatI’mwanting to know is if you want yourFirstMealtray now or later?” the girl asked patiently. “Thefood will get cold if you’re going to let him knot you.Soare you?”
“AmIwhat?”Andiwas right on the edge.
“Areyou planning to let yourManimalknot you when he finishes licking your cunny?”Re-ba repeated. “Well?”
“No!”Andigasped, bucking her hips, though she was trying not to.ButCade’shot, wet tongue felt sogoodin her pussy!Hewas fucking her with it again—how did he get it to expand like that, so that it felt almost like a cock?
“Allright then.”Thegirl shrugged. “I’llbring the tray up with plenty of food for both of you.”
“Thank…thank you!”Andigasped. “And…next time knock!” she added breathlessly.
Shecouldn’t tell if the girl heard her or not because the next momentCadestarted lapping her clit again and she was coming—coming so hard it made her jerk her hips and cry out his name.
Shesaw stars behind her tightly clenched lids, caused by the strength and intensity of her orgasm.Oh,God!Wherehad he learned such amazing oral technique?
Whenthe pleasure finally faded, she lay there gasping and limp.Cadehad shifted downward again, his long tongue deep in her pussy to collect the honey she’d gushed when he made her come.Andihad a feeling he was going to start licking her again in a moment and she needed to try and stop him, but for a moment she was too breathless to say or do anything but lie there.
Shehad never been woken up by a man like this before—never had any man want to taste her so badly.Herex had found it downright disgusting—which he wasn’t shy about sharing.Butit seemed to beCade’sfavorite activity in the world.Hewas a man like none other she had ever known.
OnlyCadeisn’t a man right now—at least, his mind isn’t,whispered the guilty little voice in her head.You’regoing to have a lot to explain to him when he finally comes back to himself.
Andigroaned—she wanted to bat the guilt away like a pesky fly, but she knew the little voice was right.Shewasgoing to have a hell of a lot to explain whenCadefinally came back in his right mind.
Justthen there was a knock at the door but before she could say or do anything, it opened and the girl—Re-ba—came in again, carrying a large tray filled with dishes.
“Iknocked,Ma’am,” she said proudly, smiling atAndi—who was still in the same basic position she’d been when the girl had left. “Didyou hear me?”
“Er, yes.Yes,Idid.”