Page 53 of Lost on Oblivion
Andidecided it was useless to try and explain to the maid that she ought to wait for an invitation to enter after knocking.Clearlyprivacy wasn’t a big deal onZo’rathThree.
“Thankyou, she added, in a rather strangled voice, because sure enough—Cadehad moved up and was lapping her tingling clit again.
“You’dbest get him off you if you want to try and eat anything,”Re-ba advised. “GoodieBo-long is good at eating while they’re eating her, if you see whatImean, but even she spills her morningJillajuice at times.”
“Yes, thank you,”Andisaid, trying to stifle a sigh of exasperation.
Shehad no wish to try and eat breakfast while the bigHybridcontinued to feast on her.Butshe didn’t know how to make him stop, either!Itwas the same problem she’d had the day before, whenGoodieTight-azz had caught them.OnceCadestarted going down on her, he just refused to stop—was that aKindredthing or was it just because his brain was locked inManimalmode?Whicheverit was,Andineeded to find a way to get him off her—at least for now.
“Cade?” she said, tapping herProtector’shead. “Cade, you’re amazing at that but we need to stop now for a while.”
Cadeignored her and kept licking.Andicould feel herself climbing towards orgasm again—how had she suddenly become multi-orgasmic, she wondered distractedly?Herwhole life she’d only been able to manage one orgasm at a time—sometimes two if she took a little time off in between.Butthe bigHybridseemed to be able to make her come again and again andagain.
“Cade!” she groaned, tugging at his hair. “Cade, please—we have toeat.”
Butstill the bigHybriddidn’t move.Hehad his face firmly buried between her thighs and he was clearly in his happy place.
“Trytempting him with aturbut,”Re-ba, who was still watching everything with evident interest, suggested.
“I’msorry—awhat?”Andidemanded.Shecouldn’t believe she was stuck in this position and couldn’t get away!Cadereally was out of control at this point.AndohGod, was she going to come again?Shewas—very soon—if he didn’t stop!
“Isaid, try aturbut,”Re-ba repeated.Sheheld out a dish of something that looked like dark blue sausages which she had plucked from the full breakfast tray.
“Oh, uh, okay,”Andipanted.Shelifted one of the fat blue sausages off the expensive-looking gold-rimmed plate and reached down to wave it close toCade’sface.
“Cade,” she called coaxingly. “Comeon—stop that and let’s have breakfast now—let’s haveFirstMeal.Youhaven’t had anything since breakfast yesterday—aren’t you hungry?”
Atfirst she thought it wasn’t going to work.Cadecontinued to lash her tender clit with his tongue, making her moan and buck her hips helplessly, nearly dropping the sausage.
Butfinally he lifted his head for a moment.Andisaw his nostrils flare and at last he let her go of her thighs and reached for the sausage.
“Uh-uh,” she said sternly. “Comeall the way out from between my legs first.Comeon—come around here… that’s right!Good—excellent!”
SheledCadearound to the side of the bed and sat up before giving him his prize.Hechewed it contentedly asAndipulled down her shirt, covering her bare body at last.
“Er, thank you,” she said toRe-ba, feeling somewhat self-conscious. “Iappreciate your help.”
“Oh, no problem at all,Ma’am.”Themaid gave a little nodding bow. “Iknow how it is—thoseManimals, they’ll be all over you unless you train ‘em right!”
“You’recertainly right about that,”Andiremarked.Shewas beginning to think thatGoodieBo-long had been right—Cadedidneed some training!
“Well, ring for me if you need anything.Ifnot,GoodieBo-long says will you please join her in the playroom on the top floor when you’re finished with yourFirstMeal,”Re-ba said.
“Oh, is she waiting for me?”Andiexclaimed, half getting up.
“No, no—don’t worry about that,” her maid said quickly. “Shesaid to tell you to take your time.She’sgot plenty ofManimalsto keep her busy—you can believethat.”
Shenodded expressively and then left the room, shutting the door behind her.
Andisighed and decided to check out the breakfast tray.Itwas huge with lots of different dishes—some sweet and some savory.Therewere plenty moreturbutsand she gave the majority of the blue sausages toCade, who seemed to enjoy them thoroughly.First, however, she had to wipe his mouth with a napkin since it was shiny and wet with her juices.
Shecould still feel the wetness between her thighs as well as an unfulfilled ache, even though he had just given her one of the most intense orgasms of her life.
Andifrowned.Wasthere something wrong with her?Whywas she still feeling so achy and needy when she had just come not ten minutes before?Well, maybe it was becauseCadehad been edging her towards another orgasm just beforeRe-ba had come in with the breakfast tray.