Page 56 of Lost on Oblivion
“Okay,Cade—all right.Enough,” she said firmly, pushing away from him.
Toher relief, he let her go—thoughAndithought she could see hurt in his golden eyes.
“It’sall right,” she tried to reassure him. “It’sjust…it isn’t the right time for that right now.Weneed to go seeGoodieBo-long—she’s waiting for us.Comeon.”
Cadetrailed behind her as she left the bathroom, much toAndi’srelief.Butshe soon had another worry—what was she going to wear?Shehated to put back on his uniform shirt—which was now the only item of clothing she had left—but she could hardly wear a bath towel either.
Butwhen she stepped back into the bedroom, she saw the problem was solved.Thebed had been made in her absence and an outfit had been laid out on the luxurious gray satin coverlet.
“Re-ba must have been here again,”Andimurmured, going to look at what she had been left to wear.Shehad to admit, she could get used to having a personal maid—aside from the girl’s annoying habit of coming in whileCadewas busy tasting her, that was.
Andipicked up the two articles of clothing that had been left for her—they were a short skirt and a silk blouse with a deepVneckline.Therewere no panties and no bra, of course—they didn’t seem to wear undergarments here.Unlessyou counted the sports bras with the nipples cut out, she thought.
Shepulled on the skirt—which was made of extremely stretchy bright blue fabric—and found that it was too short.
Thiswas nothing new forAndi—being taller than average, finding clothing that was long enough for her was always a challenge.Butthis skirt was too short, even by her tall-girl standards.
Ifshe pulled it up enough so the waistband was just under her belly button, her pussy and the bottom half of her ass were completely exposed.Butif she pulled it down to cover her lady parts, the waistband rode around her hipbones.
Andisighed.Probablyit was one ofGoodieBo-long’s skirts and she was lending it to her.TheZo’rathianwomanwasshorter than her by several inches.
Shedecided to just pull the skirt down so that the waistband was around her hips and hope that the white silk blouse she had been provided was long enough not to leave a gap.
Luckily, it was—unluckily, theVneck was so wide,Andi’sbreasts kept popping out.Justas she had one breast covered, the other would come into view.Itwas like the blouse was playing peek-a-boo with her boobs.
Atlast,Andigave up trying to hide everything at once.Itseemed like these clothes were designed to show off her body.Whichmade sense if they wereGoodieBo-long’s clothes, since she definitely dressed for easy access to her manyManimals.
“Comeon,” she toldCade, who had been watching her dress with evident interest. “Let’sgo see whatGoodieBo-long wants.”
Shedidn’t know the layout of the mansion butRe-ba had told her thatGoodieBo-long was upstairs in the “playroom.”Soshe found the central staircase and followed it up to the next level.Fromthere, it was easy to tell where she was supposed to go because she could hearGoodieBo-long’s voice clearly, floating down the hallway.
“That’sgood,Gobimy darling—you’re always such agood boy,”she was saying.
Andifollowed the sound of her voice to a set of double doors which led into a large room.
Inthe center of the room was a large, semi-circular couch, much like the one in the living room on the first level of the house, only this one was done in pink and purple spotted leather.Therewere various other strange looking pieces of furniture—swooping armless chairs that had a large curve at one end and a low dip at the other.Andialso saw a row of large cages at the back of the room—most of them heldManimals.
Butthere were otherManimalsin the room that were moving around on all fours.Noneof them had on the leather hand and knee pads but whenAndistepped into the room, she could tell they wouldn’t need them—the floor was made of some kind of thick, spongy purple mat which felt delightful on her bare feet.
“Oh,thereyou are my dear!”GoodieBo-long called to her. “Docome over and have a seat with me.”
Andisaw that she was sitting on the far end of the couch and had aManimalon either side of her, one sucking her right nipple and the other sucking her left.TheotherManimals—around four of them—were crowding around her as though waiting their turn.
“Er, okay,” she said rather awkwardly.Shemade her way across the spongy floor and perched gingerly on the other end of the large, semi-circular couch.
“Didyou sleep well?”GoodieBo-long asked pleasantly, as a thirdManimalpushed his way between her thighs and began lapping her pussy.
“Oh, very well—thank you so much!”Andisaid, smiling and trying not to watch as the other woman got serviced.Tokeep her eyes off the erotic sight, she looked around the room.
Itstruck her after a moment that theManimalsin cages were all older men—their pink hair was gray or thinning and most of them were paunchy and not in the best shape.
Incontrast, theManimalsaroundGoodieBo-long were younger men—all fit and in prime condition.Onein particular was almost as big asCade.Hehad a shock of bright pink hair that had been shaved into a kind ofMohawkand a long pink cock that was already standing at attention as he waited to get a taste of hisMistress.
Assoon asAndigot settled on the couch withCadebeside her, thisManimalcame over and tried to push his face between her knees.