Page 57 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 57 of Lost on Oblivion

“Oh!No—badManimal!”Andiexclaimed, shoving him away with her hands.

Cadewas on his knees and growling at the other male at once, his eyes glinting a dangerous red.

“Manny, no!”GoodieBo-long called to theManimalwith the pinkMohawk. “Thenice lady hasn’t invited you to taste her pussy yet—you must wait to beasked.”

“Oh, um,Idon’t thinkI’mgoing to be inviting anyone to, uh, dothat,”Andisaid nervously.Buteven as she spoke,Cadewas pushing his way between her thighs. “OhCade, no—notagain!”she exclaimed, trying to shove his face away.

Butthe bigHybridrefused to be deterred.Hepressed hard against her, his broad shoulders splitting her thighs wide.Ofcourse, the short skirt she was wearing provided no protection and the next thingAndiknew, herProtectorhad her spread out on the spotted sofa.

Toher surprise, however, instead of diving in to lick and taste her, he simply rubbed his scratchy cheeks against her bare pussy mound—which produced an extremely intense sensation now that she was completely bare down there.

“Oh…oh!” she gasped, shifting her hips. “Cade, what are you doing?”

Cadestill didn’t look up at her.Afterrubbing his cheeks and mouth against her pussy mound thoroughly, he turned and glared fiercely at the otherManimalnamed “Manny”.

“Ido believe that’s a show of dominance and possession, my dear,”GoodieBo-long remarked with a lazy grin. “YourManimalis showingMannythat he owns you.He’smarking you with his scent so all the otherManimalswill know you’re off limits.”

“Oh,I…Isuppose he might be,”Andigasped, asCadestarted rubbing against her again. “Cade, please—that’s enough!” she begged, trying to get away from him.

“Offerhim yourSweetDrops,”GoodieBo-long suggested. “Sometimesyou can get them to behave that way.”

Andididn’t know if letting the bigHybridsuck her nipples was much better than letting him lick her pussy, but she was afraid ifCadegot started tasting her, he wouldn’t want to stop.Hewas sopersistentonce he got between her thighs!

Leaningdown, she let her blouse gape open—something it was doing on its own anyway—and offeredCadeher breasts.

“Cade?” she called coaxingly. “Comehere—do you want someSweetDrops?”

ThebigHybridlooked up at the sound of his name.Atthe sight of her bare breasts, his eyes went half-lidded.Comingup on his knees, he tookAndi’sright nipple between his lips and cupped her left breast in his hand.

Ofcourse, this position meant she still had her legs spread wide with herProtectorbetween them, which wasn’t exactly whatAndihad meant to do.ButCadewas so much bigger and stronger than her, she certainly couldn’t stop him.Also, the feeling of his hot mouth teasing one nipple while he tugged and rolled the other between his fingers made it very difficult to think.

“Therenow—that’s a bit better, isn’t it?”GoodieBo-long asked, smiling.

“Uh…I…Iguess,”Andipanted. “Sincehe seems, er, determined to do, uh, one or the other.Imean to uh, taste me one way or the other—you know?”

“Oh,Iknow.”GoodieBo-long nodded. “Manimalsare the horniest creatures on this big purple planet—TheScentmakes them always ready to mate.Ido believe yourManimalis readynow,” she added, nodding atCade.

Andilooked down and saw that the bigHybrid’sshaft was fully erect with the knot at the base of it half again as large as his thick shaft.

“Oh, no!” she moaned, shaking her head.

“Hashe tried to get it in you yet?”GoodieBo-long asked casually, as though it was no big deal.

“Notyet,”Andisaid. “Sofar he’s been content to just, uh, taste me.ButI’mafraid he’ll get the wrong idea and try to, uh, mount me any time now,” she confessed.

“Yes, in all probability.”GoodieBo-long shrugged. “That’swhat allManimalswant—to get their knot into you and breed you, my dear.”

“Youtold meIcould train him though,”Andireminded her. “Canyou teach me how to keep him from, uh, doing that?He’smy coworker—not my lover or husband.Ireally shouldn’t even be letting him do this.”Andshe nodded down to the way the bigHybridwas sucking and playing with her breasts—which was making her pussyextremelywet.

“Oh,Ican’t help you train him not to mount you,”GoodieBo-long said. “Believeme,I’vetriedbut aManimal’smating and breeding instinct is simply too strong to be controlled or circumvented.”

“Butwhat was that you said about training him, then?”Andidemanded, feeling betrayed.

“Imeant you can get him to come when you call, of course—that’sveryimportant, especially when you get into a situation like you two did last night with the wildManimalpack,”GoodieBo-long explained. “Butother than that, you can’t stop him from mounting you unless you’re willing to put a shock collar on him.”

“ButIdon’t want to do that!”Andiprotested. “Idon’t want tohurthim!”

“Thenyou must accept the fact that sooner or later he’s going to mount you.”GoodieBo-long shrugged. “It’sas simple as that.”

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