Page 58 of Lost on Oblivion
“Butwhat if he gets his knot in me and gets me pregnant?”Andiprotested. “HowwillIever explain that to him onceIget him back to theKindredMotherShipand he’s back in his right mind?Imean, what canIsay? ‘Oh, by the way, while you were mentally vulnerableIhad sex with you and nowI’mpregnant with your baby?’That’snot going to sound goodat all!”
“Oh, so it’s justpregnancyyou’re worried about?Icanhelp you avoid that,”GoodieBo-long said.
“How?Doyou have some form of birth controlIcan take?”Andiasked doubtfully.Shewasn’t sure how medication that was meant for aZo’rathianwould affect her.
“Notbirth control foryou, no,” her hostess said. “ButIdohave something for yourManimal.”
“Idon’t want to give him any medication either,”Andisaid quickly. “Idon’t know enough aboutKindredphysiology to know how it might affect him.”
“Oh, it’s not medication,”GoodieBo-long assured her. “It’sjust a knot-guard—like the kind all myManimalsare wearing.Lookclosely at their cocks and you’ll see.”
“Seewhat?”Andifrowned as she peered at theManimalsmilling around the room on their hands and knees.
“Here—let me show you.They’remade of clear plasti-flex so they’re almost invisible unless you’re looking for them.Offme now, boys,” she said to theManimalswho were licking and sucking various parts of her body.Sheshooed them away with enviable ease,Andithought, and they all drew back so that she could sit up on the edge of the couch.
“Howdid you train them to dothat?”she asked enviously. “To…to stop uh, licking you when you tell them to?”
“Ididn’t reallytrainthem,”GoodieBo-long said. “They’rejust willing to let me go because they know they can have more whenever they want.”
“Oh…”Andinodded.Thatdidn’t seem like much of a training policy to her.Butshe watched whatGoodieBo-long was showing her anyway.
“Here,Manny,” she said, snapping her fingers so that the bigManimalwith the bright pinkMohawkcame up to her. “Up!” she told him. “Onyour knees and let’s see your cock.”
ThebigManimalraised up obligingly and since his shaft was still extremely erect,Andiwas able to see what her hostess was pointing at.
“It’sa kind of flexible plastic collar that fits securely around the shaft of theManimal’scock,”GoodieBo-long explained, tapping it with one fingernail. “It’squite comfortable to wear, so theManimalsdon’t even notice they’ve got one on and you can position it anywhere on the shaft—or just above the knot.Thatway when yourManimalmounts you, he can’t get the knot in because the knot-guard prevents it.Sohe can fuck you as long and as hard as you like and there’s no worry about getting pregnant.”
“Um…Idon’t know—won’t he still be, er, coming in you though?”Andiasked uncertainly.
“Oh, undoubtedly!That’shalf the fun of it—getting a creamy pussy by yourManimal,”GoodieBo-long exclaimed. “Butunless they get the knot in you, the seed is inert.It’sonly having the knot in your cunny that allows the seed to activate.”
“Isn’tthat only withZo’rathiananatomy, though?” she asked.
“It’swithanymale who has smelledTheScentand become aManimal,”GoodieBo-long said firmly. “Believeme,I’vestudied it extensively becauseIdon’twant any children.Theyjust wouldn’t fit with my lifestyle,” she added, with another shrug.
Andicould certainly see how that would be true.Andshe still didn’t like the idea of lettingCademount her, but she had to admit that having a device that would keep him from getting her pregnant if hedidhappen to mount her would bring her peace of mind.
“Er…do you have an extra one of those knot-guardsIcould use?” she asked.
“Ofcourse, my dear!Here—Ihave a supply right in this drawer.”
GoodieBo-long got up and went over to a small cabinet at the back of the room, by the row of cagedManimals.Sherummaged in it for a moment and then brought out a clear plastic cone.Andithought it looked a little like the “cone of shame” the vet puts around a pet’s neck to keep them from licking an injured area, only it was smaller.
“Hereyou go—this should fit.It’sfully adjustable—you just have to get it on him,” she said, handing it toAndi.
Andilooked at it for a moment.
“Er, does it open up?” she asked, frowning.
“Ithas a retractable piece attached to the device,”GoodieBo-long explained. “Justtug on the hole in the center to make it bigger, then insert yourManimal’scock into the hole making certain that the larger end of the cone is pointingtowardsthe knot.Placethe knot-guard wherever you want it along the shaft—your desired depth of penetration, you could say—and then push the hole back together.Onceit’s in the right place, it has a strong but gentle adhesive that will hold it where you put it.Andthat way he can’t get his knot into you when he mounts you,” she added cheerfully.
“So…this really works?”Andilooked at the small plastic collar doubtfully.
“Asyou see—I’vebeen letting myManimalsmount me sinceTheIncidenthappened, ten years ago and no baby bump yet.”GoodieBo-long patted her flat tummy. “ButIcan demonstrate if you’re still unsure.”
“Oh, no—you don’t have to—”Andibegan, but her hostess had already gone over to one of the strange armless chairs which had a rounded hump at one end and a dip at the other.
GoodieBo-long laid face-down over the hump and lifted her short skirt to expose her bare ass and pussy.