Page 59 of Lost on Oblivion
“Gobi,” she called to theManimalshe’d claimed was her favorite the night before. “Comehere and mount me!”
Gobicame over at once on hands and knees andAndithought again that he was a very handsome man with his thick hair and muscular frame.Otherthan the fact that his skin was green, his face wouldn’t have looked out of place on anInstagrampost back onEarth, she thought.Itseemed strange all over again to see males who looked completely humanoid acting like animals, but she supposed one would have to get used to it if they lived onZo’rathThree.
“Comeon now,Gobi—hurry before one of the others takes your place!”GoodieBo-long exclaimed, because several of the otherManimalswere sniffing around her exposed ass.
Crawlingon all fours,Gobicame up behind her andAndibit her lip as she saw his long, thick, bright pink cock find hisMistress’spussy.
“Nowwatch as he,uh,puts it in me,”GoodieBo-long gasped.
Andididn’t really want to—it was a very intimate act and she felt like she was watching live action porn.Butit seemed rude to look away when her hostess had gone so far out of her way to demonstrate this strange form of birth control.Soshe kept her eyes on the action asGobipushed his long, thick cock deep intoGoodieBo-long’s pussy.
And, sure enough, when he got almost all the way in her, the plasti-flex knot-guard kept him from getting his knot into her,Andisaw.
“There—see?”GoodieBo-long panted. “Nomatter how hard he breeds me, he can’t get the knot in.Goon,Gobi—show them.”
Shespread her legs wider and pushed her hips back, obviously encouraging the bigManimalbehind her.
Gobimade an eager growling sound and began fucking her with extremely vigorous strokes.Andibit her lip as she watched, overcome by a mixture of embarrassment and lust.Shehad never asked to watch this but she had an idea thatGoodieBo-long rather liked putting on a show.
“That’sright,Gobi!” she was panting. “Breedme hard and deep!Breedme deep and shoot all your nice cream in my cunny!”
Itdidn’t take long.Gobiseemed extremely excited, even though he couldn’t get his knot into hisMistress’spussy.Hefucked her deeply for a few minutes and then gripped her hips with his big hands and shoved as deeply into her as he could.
Andicouldn’t hold back a small gasp as she realized he must be coming in her—shooting his seed directly into her pussy.Itseemed like an awful chance to take if you didn’t want to get pregnant.ButGoodieBo-long claimed that she’d been doing it for years with no problems.
“Uh…uh!That’sright—good,Gobi!Fillme up with your cream!” their hostess was moaning as her favoriteManimalfinished inside her.
HerManimalcertainly obeyed.Whenhe finally pulled out, a gush of white cream wet the insides ofGoodieBo-long’s thighs.
“Yousee?” she remarked, turning her head to look atAndi. “Theknot-guard makes it possible for yourManimalto mount you as many times as he likes but he can’t get you pregnant.”
Shestarted to get up, but another handsomeManimalwas suddenly behind her, takingGobi’splace.
GoodieBo-long turned her head to look at the new male who was trying to get his shaft in her pussy.
“Oh, all right,Trebi,” she said, sighing good naturedly. “Youneed to mount me too, do you?”
Heranswer was a low, frustrated groan as theManimalshe’d calledTrebisearched for her entrance.
Obligingly,GoodieBo-long spread her thighs wider and pushed her hips out.
“Thereyou go,” she murmured, as the bigManimalat last found her pussy and slid home inside her. “Oh!My—aren’t youeager.Goon and mount me then,” she moaned. “That’sright—get in nice and deep!”
Andididn’t know if she still ought to be watching.Afterall, the benefits of the knot-guard had already been shown in the most graphic way.Speakingof which, she had probably better try to put the knot-guardGoodieBo-long had given her ontoCade, she thought.
“Cade?Cade…enough for now,” she said, tapping his head and pulled gently away from his mouth and hands.
ThebigHybriddidn’t seem to like this but whenAndileaned down and reached between his legs, he went still and stopped trying to recapture her nipple with his mouth.
“That’sright—that feels nice, doesn’t it?”Andimurmured, stroking the long, thick shaft up and down gently.Itoccurred to her that thoughCadehad tasted her and sucked her nipples and fingered her pussy, this was the first time she’d handled his shaft.Itstill felt wrong in a way—she felt like she was touching him against his will, despite his eagerness to engage.Wouldhe still be so happy to have her touch him if he was in his right mind?
Andiwasn’t sure.
“I’mreally sorry about this,Cade,” she apologized as she fit the knot-guard onto his long, thick shaft. “ButIneed to put this on you to be sure we don’t, er, go too far.Allright?”
Ofcourse, the bigHybridcouldn’t understand her, but he made no move to stop her as she adjusted the knot-guard around his cock.
Ratherthan putting it just above his knot at the base of his shaft,Andiactually decided to position the plasti-flex device around midway on his long shaft.Thatway even if he mounted her, he wouldn’t be able to get his cock all the way in her, she reasoned.Andconsidering how long and thick he was, even half of him was bigger than her ex or any other man she’d ever been with for that matter.