Page 61 of Lost on Oblivion
“Uh, sorry,Cade,”Andipanted—though it seemed slightly ludicrous to be apologizing to the bigHybridbecause he couldn’t get his cock all the way inside her.Especiallysince she’d been trying toavoidletting him put it in her for the entire time they’d been here. “That’sas far…as far as you can…can go,I’mafraid,” she told him, still panting a little.God, she felt full!Evenwith him only halfway inside her, she was stretched to the limit!
Andwhat would it feel like with him all the way inside you?whispered a naughty little voice in her head.Notjust his cock but his knot too.Youknow, all you have to do is reach down and take the knot-guard off and you can have him deep in your pussy, mounting you, knotting you, breeding you…
Butno—she couldn’t do that!Thatwas exactly what she was tryingnotto do,Andireminded herself sternly.Still, she couldn’t help what she was feeling—it was like her body washungryto be filled this way—hungry to be knotted and bred.
Cadeleaned over her and his warm, wild scent enveloped her.Hecupped both her breasts in his big hands and pressed his mouth to the side of her neck.Andicouldn’t hold back a moan as he tugged her nipples and lapped her tender flesh—or a gasp when she felt his sharp fangs pressing lightly against her throat.
“Cade,” she whispered, trying to control her breathing. “Cade, don’t—you know you shouldn’t do this!”
Shecouldn’t believe she was in this position—laying back in the strange
“fucking chair” with her thighs spread wide and the bigHybrid’scock buried halfway in her pussy while he stroked and fondled her breasts and prepared to sink his fangs into her neck.
Andiknew a little aboutBloodKindred—the one half of his ancestry—because she was friends withSophie,CommanderSylvan’swife.Sheknew that biting was a sign of dominance and possession for theBloodKindred—a way for them toClaima female as their own.Shewas afraid ifCadebit her, he would become even more possessive…although the fact that he had his cock in her was already evidence that he considered her to be his female.
“Cade!” she moaned again but before she could say anything else, the sharp points of his fangs drove into the tender flesh of her neck and he injected his essence into her bloodstream for the very first time.
Cadewas frustrated that he couldn’t seem to get his shaft all the way into his mate toClaimher completely.Heneeded to knot her and breed her to make her his and yet there was something stopping him—keeping him from filling her all the way.
Heknew another way toClaimher though—by biting her and injecting her with his essence.Hewouldn’t breed her, he thought—not yet—not until he could get more deeply into her.Buthe could mark her his in this way—by biting.
Ashis fangs pierced her flesh and his essence hit her bloodstream, his female moaned and arched her back, calling out his name.Cadefelt satisfaction and lust fill him as her tight little pussy contracted around his thick shaft, squeezing him as though she was begging him to breed her.Sheclawed at his back, scoring him with her nails but he took the pain as pleasure—he loved the feeling of her writhing under him.
Ittook an act of will to hold himself back from fucking her, but he didn’t want to do that yet—didn’t want to fill her with his seed and his cream until he was certain he was reaching the end of her channel and breeding her properly.Sohe simply held himself still, buried halfway inside her, as her inner pussy caressed his shaft, gripping him firmly over and over as she moaned her pleasure in his ear.
“Cade!” she cried. “OhGod, that feels so good!Ohplease…please!”
Heunderstood his name and the pleading tone of her voice—she was begging to be bred—begging him to plant his seed in her and pour life into her womb.Again, he felt frustrated that there was something stopping him from doing that!
ButCadewas patient—he could wait.Heknew that eventually he would find a way to remove the obstruction and fill her completely—with his entire shaft and his knot.
Fornow, he continued to bite her as he caressed her breasts and rolled her tight nipples between his fingers.Soonhe would breed her properly but for now, at least he couldMarkher as his own.
Andididn’t know how long the orgasm brought on by the bigHybrid’sbite lasted.Timeseemed to stretch like taffy as the intense pleasure went on and on and her inner walls clamped down on the thick invader, almost as though she was begging forCadeto come inside her.
Hertoes curled and her back arched helplessly as the pleasure poured over her like warm honey.Shecouldn’t help moaning herProtector’sname or scratching his back—despite all the multiple orgasms he’d given her when he was tasting her, this was by far the most intense.
Atlast, just whenAndithought she couldn’t take much more, he withdrew his fangs.
“Ohhh,” she moaned, sinking back against the chair.
Shewas panting hard, her heart pounding a rapid rhythm in her chest.Itfelt like she couldn’t get enough air—and still the bigHybridwas inside her—well, halfway inside, but it was certainly enough.
“Enough,Cade,” she begged hoarsely. “Please,I…Ican’t take much more!”
Shedidn’t know if the bigHybridunderstood her, but he at last withdrew, sliding his thick monster of a cock out of her pussy.
Andilooked down at herself, expecting to see a gush of white cream.Butto her surprise,Cadehadn’t come in her.Cometo think of it, he hadn’t really fucked her either, she thought.He’dsimply held his cock still inside her pussy while he bit her and injected his essence.Wasthat some kind ofBloodKindredorHybridthing?Somekind of mating custom?Ifso, she didn’t know if she could stand it again.Itwas sointense.
“Cade?” she asked uncertainly, because he was just standing there, the top half of his cock shiny with her juices.