Page 62 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 62 of Lost on Oblivion

“Ifhe’s letting you go,I’dget out of that chair fast, my dear,”GoodieBo-long remarked. “Otherwiseyou’re justaskingfor more.”

“Goodpoint.”Andiscrambled out of the chair and nearly fell, her legs were so shaky.

Cadecaught her at once.Holdingher close to his big body, he looked down into her eyes.Andifelt a shiver go through her—it seemed like he was trying to communicate something, but what?Howcomplex were his thoughts while his mind was locked inManimalmode?Howmuch did he understand about what had been happening between them?

Therewere no answers and they just stared at each other for a long moment untilGoodieBo-long remarked,

“Well,I’vehad enough of being mounted and licked, at least for now.Whatdo you say we do a little shopping?”

“Oh…uh, okay,”Andisaid uncertainly. “ButIdon’t have any money, remember?”

“Don’tworry about that.”GoodieBo-long made a shooing gesture. “I’lltreat you—we need to get you a new outfit.Ithink my clothes are a little too small on you, my dear.”

Andicouldn’t disagree with that.

“Oh, well—that’s so kind of you,” she said, turning to look at the other woman. “Thankyou.”

“Thinknothing of it!I’mjust happy to have a shopping partner.Comeon.”

AndGoodieBo-long led the way out of the play area with her group ofManimalstrooping after her.

Andifollowed withCadeat her heels but she couldn’t ignore the sensation between her thighs—the feeling of having been well and truly stretched by the biggest cock she’d ever had inside her.

Andhe didn’t even get it all the way in me,she thought, still feeling slightly dazed.Iwonder whatthatwould feel like…

Shepushed the thought away sternly.JustbecauseCadehad gotten his cock in her once didn’t mean it would happen again.Infact, it had betternothappen again!

Theyneeded to be careful here—she was going to have so much explaining to do once he finally got back in his right mind…



“Andi?OhmyGoddess!Thankgoodness you’re all right!”Flow-da’s eyes were bright with tears as she grabbedAndiand pulled her in for a tight hug.

“Flow-da!”Andihugged her right back.Shewas glad to see her friend looking well—she’d been afraid thatGoodieTight-azz might have done something cruel to her or even kickedFlow-da out for speaking up for her. “Whatare you doing in here?” she asked, waving a hand to indicate theEmporium.

SheandGoodieBo-long had been to the shopping district and had wound up back atGoodieOo-lah’sEmporium.Andi’shostess had bought her several nice outfits—well, nice by her own standards.Andithought they wouldn’t have looked out of place on a stripper or a sex worker, but since she wasn’t paying for the clothing herself, she had to take whatGoodieBo-long bought her.

Nowshe was in the very back of the large shop, looking at some of the strange products on display whileGoodieBo-long talked toGoodieOo-lah, who seemed tolerant enough, despite the twoManimalswho were nosing underGoodieBo-long’s short skirt.Andihad excused herself from the conversation and wandered to the back, but she hadn’t expected to seeFlow-da there.

“Whyare you in here?” she asked again, since her friend hadn’t answered the first time.

“Oh,I’mhiding out—Isneaked away from the boarding house soGoodieTight-azz couldn’t make me go to another one of those awfulNewOrdermeetings,”Flow-da whispered. “She’sdeterminedto convert me—she was trying to get me to put a control collar on my poorHartfordthis morning!”Shenodded at herManimal, who was rubbing his face against her thigh.

“She’sa fanatic,”Andisaid flatly. “Idon’t want to put a collar onCade, either.Luckily,GoodieBo-long doesn’t seem to care ifIdo or not.”

“Oh, isthatwhere you ended up—with her?Iwatched some of what was going on from the window—Iwas hoping she would take you in!”Flow-da exclaimed. “Iwassoworried about you!”

“Iwas worried aboutyou, too,”Anditold her. “Youdidn’t get into trouble withGoodieTight-azz for trying to stand up for me, did you?”

“Well,Igot a good long lecture on the evils of letting yourManimaldo ‘sinful things’ to you.”Flow-da rolled her eyes expressively. “Tellme—what did she catch you doing?Wereyou lettingCademount you?”

Andifelt her cheeks getting hot.

“No…not exactly.”Shecleared her throat. “He, uh, got a taste of my honey and then he didn’t want to, er, stop tasting me,” she explained. “SowhenGoodieTight-azz burst in on us, that’s what he was doing.”

Flow-da nodded.

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