Page 69 of Lost on Oblivion
Andiwoke up vowing it would never happen again…yet that morning at breakfast, after he had finished his plate of blue sausages and a glass of sweet and slightly spicedJimjajuice, the bigHybridgot under the dining table and shoved his face between her legs.Ofcourse she wasn’t wearing panties—there didn’t seem to be any to be had in the shopsGoodieBo-long had taken her to— and the short skirt she had on was stretchy and gave easy access.
“Oh!”Andigasped as herProtectorbegan to lick her. “Cade, no—notnow!”she exclaimed.Butat the same time, she could feel her body responding to his—could feel her nipples getting tight and her pussy getting wet even though it wasincrediblyinappropriate.
GoodieBo-long, who was seated across the table, smirked at her.
“Itseems yourManimalhas an appetite for more than justFirstMealtoday,” she remarked.
“I…he…I’mso sorry!”Andipanted.Shewas trying to close her legs butCadewas having none of it.Heheld her thighs open effortlessly with his big hands as he dipped his tongue into her pussy.
“Don’tbe.”GoodieBo-long shrugged. “Itold you—aManimal’sinstincts to taste and breed are completely uncontrollable.Youjust have to let them have what they want—it’s theonlyway to keep them happy.”
“Butwe’re eating breakfast!Imean, uh,FirstMeal!”Andimoaned, finally giving in and letting her thighs drift wide apart.
Cadewas really making a meal of her under the table, lapping her aching clit and trying to get his tongue into her pussy mouth.Thiswas hampered by her current position but whenAndileaned back just a little, he was able to do what he wanted and slip his tongue inside her.
“FirstMeal,SecondMeal—wherever, whenever,”GoodieBo-long said languidly. “Itdoesn’t matter when or where or how—Manimalsjust want to fuck and sometimes you just have to let them, my dear.”
Atthat point, almost as though he had heard her words,Cadepulled his face away and came out from under the table.LiftingAndiby the shoulders, he pushed away the chair and turned her so that she was facing the table.Then, gripping her hips, he bent her over.
“Oh,Cade!” she exclaimed as he tugged up her skirt, baring her ass and pussy completely.Shebarely had time to push her plate away before the bigHybridwas kicking her legs apart and fitting the head of his cock to the wet mouth of her inner channel.
“Well—it seems yourManimalisextraexited today,”GoodieBo-long remarked, smiling. “I’llleave the two of you to it—Ineed to get my beauty treatment done.”
Andshe nodded casually atAndi, who could only moan in reply, and left the table with two of her favoriteManimalstrailing behind her.
Andiwas left bending over the table, moaning and gasping asCadefucked her deep and hard.Andhe didn’t stop until he made her come and left a load of his cream deep in her pussy.
Shefelt rather shaken afterwards—hadn’t she sworn it would never happen again?Andyet, how could she stop him?Cadewas over a head taller than her and incredibly strong—if he wanted her, he was going to have her.
Thething was though, she wanted him,too.Shecould feelTheScentworking on her more and more.Withevery day and night they spent onZo’rathThree, the effects of the mysterious substance in the air grew stronger.Andifelt like she was horny all the time—and apparently so wasCade, since the incident at breakfast definitely wasn’t the last.
Hetook her wherever and whenever he wanted after that and after a while,Andistopped trying to stop him.Itseemed like the bigManimalwasn’t content unless his thick shaft was buried balls-deep in her pussy most of the time and after a while,Andistarted feeling the same way.
Itbecame regular for her to wake up with him licking her and shortly afterwards, he would be thrusting inside her.Andibegan to understand why all the furniture inGoodieBo-long’s mansion was leather and easily cleanable because it seemed likeCadetook her on every available surface—as well as up against the wall and on the floor, on all fours, or draped over one of the strange, curving chairs in the playroom, whichAndilearned from her hostess, were especially built for doggie-style fucking, which was the mounting position mostManimalspreferred.
Andistopped even trying to pretend she didn’t enjoy having herProtector’sthick cock deep inside her.Afterall,GoodieBo-long was constantly letting her stable ofManimalsservice her—thoughAndionly ever saw her with the younger, muscular ones mounting her.Allof the older ones who were locked in cages only got to watch.
Atmealtimes she often sat inCade’slap with herProtector’sthick cock thrust deep in her pussy.Thatway he wasn’t always diving under the table or bending her over it to fuck her.ThebigHybridkept up a slow, grinding motion as they both ate, thoughAndioften forgot what she was eating as she got carried away with the pleasure.
“Youknow my dear,Idon’t know thatI’veever seen anyone so affected byTheScentas the two of you,”GoodieBo-long remarked one evening, almost a week after she had takenAndiin, when they were relaxing in her living area together.Therewas a fire roaring in the fireplace and casting a warm, golden glow on the room.GoodieBo-long had her favoriteManimal,Gobi, lapping her between her thighs.
Meanwhile,Andiwas half reclining on the sofa opposite asCadenuzzled between her legs.Itwas a surprisingly comfortable position, despite the lack of privacy, she thought.ButCade’ssexual needs—and to be honest, her own too—were so constant and demanding that she’d had to let go of her modesty to a certain extent.Itseemed like the two of them just couldn’t get enough of each other andAndiloved it—though she was still worried about the eventual consequences.Whatwasshe going to tellCade?
Shestill didn’t know but she had done her best to push the worry out of her mind and just enjoy this time with him.Theonly thing she missed was his conversation—she wished they could have a meeting of the minds, not just of their bodies.Butsince the bigHybridwas locked inManimalmode, that was a hopeless wish.
Dueto the constant breeding, the only time she went out of the mansion was once a day to meetFlow-da at theEmporium.Herfriend seemed worried and on edge,Andithought.
“Ithink they’re planning something,” she’d whispered toAndijust that day. “TheNOs,Imean.MotherStrict-ezz andChiefStern-son, who’s the headPeaceKeeperand some of the other high rankingNOswere over at the boarding house the other day and they seemed to be having some kind of a council.Icouldn’t hear much but it sounded bad!”
“Whocares, though?”Andihad asked, trying to put her friend’s mind at ease. “Evenif they’re planning to take over the whole town, we’ll be long gone before that happens.TheMoonshuttle’s going to be here in just a few days, right?”
“Andi, the shuttle will be heretomorrow,”Flow-da had emphasized. “Andit doesn’t wait for anyone.Soyou need to be sure you’re here at theEmporiumat noon exactly to buy your ticket.GoodieOo-lah sells them,” she added. “Meetme here anddon’tbe late.”
“Iwon’t be,”Andipromised.Shewas shocked at how fast time had flown.Itseemed like only yesterday she andCadehad left theMotherShipand crash landed here onZo’rathThree—aka “Oblivion”—and now it was almost time to leave!
Leaveand face the music, you mean,she thought to herself.You’regoing to have a lot of explaining to do once you finally contact theKindredMotherShip.
Now, lying on the couch asCadelicked her in a leisurely way,Andicouldn’t help feeling sorry that their time on the strange purple planet was coming to an end.Sheknew that once she got back to theMotherShipandCadewas restored to his right mind, everything would change—and probably not for the better.