Page 70 of Lost on Oblivion
Itwas so nice, lying here and letting him pleasure her with his tongue.Andiknew that the leisurely licking would soon lead to a deep and thorough fucking but she had nearly gotten used to his thickness by now and even come to crave it.Shedidn’t know how she’d made do with theViennasausage her ex had between his legs for so long.Nowshe longed for the feeling ofCade’shuge cock stretching her out regularly.
Theonly thing she refused to do was remove the knot-guard.Shewasn’t sure if it actually constituted any kind of effective birth control, but she didn’t think she could take the bigHybrid’sthick knot inside her.Shewas simply too full already when he bred her—there wasn’t any room to spare in her tightly stretched pussy for the thick swelling at his base.
“Isaw my friendFlow-da in theEmporiumtoday,” she said toGoodieBo-long, rufflingCade’shair as he licked her. “Shetold me she thinks theNewOrderis planning something.”
“Arethey?”GoodieBo-long laughed. “Letthem.I’mnot afraid of those ridiculous old prudes.Theyought to be enjoying this opportunity we women have to live free and do what we want while having sex with as many men as we want!Instead, they’re squandering it—letting their own desires rot them from the inside out.Mostof them are as sour as inside asblethianvinegar.”
“Well,Ijust wanted to warn you beforeIwent,”Andioffered. “SincetheMoonshuttle is scheduled to come tomorrow.”
“Ahyes—the shuttle.”GoodieBo-long sighed. “Well,Imust confessI’llmiss your company, my dear.It’sbeen lovely getting to know you.”
“Ihave to thank you for all you’ve done for me andCade,”Andisaid sincerely. “Wenever would have lasted atGoodieTight-azz’s place—especially now that his, uh, appetites have gotten so extreme.”
“Yes, heisa randy one, yourManimal.”GoodieBo-long smirked. “Hisbehavior certainly wouldn’t be tolerated by any of those holier-than-thouNOs.”Shestifled a yawn and stretched. “Well, my dear—IthinkI’llgo on to bed.You’dbest get some rest as well, since you’re leaving tomorrow.Ishall accompany you to theEmporiumand buy your ticket—that way we can say goodbye properly,” she added.
“Er, thank…thank you.”Andiwas trying not to pant by then, becauseCadehad her very close to coming.Sheknew as soon as she orgasmed, he would want to mount her—probably right over the arm of the couch.
“Gobi, stop now,”GoodieBo-long tapped herManimal’shead. “Comeupstairs and you can mount me in the bed,” she told him. “It’smuch more comfortable there.”
Asthey left,Cadesplit her thighs wider andAndilet him.Eventhough she’d gotten used to having an “audience” whileCadetasted or bred her, she still felt much more comfortable when it was just the two of them alone.
“Oh,Cade!” she moaned softly, opening herself for him more completely as she lay on her back. “Comeon—why don’t you try mounting me this way for once?”
Sheloved it when he took her from behind—it was so animalistic, soprimal.ButAndihad to confess that she longed for a face-to-face encounter.Shewanted to look into the bigHybrid’seyes and feel really connected to him as he took her—as he filled her with himself and his seed.Andshe was one of the few human women who were tall enough to have that kind of eye-to-eye connection duringMissionary-style sex with aKindredwarrior.
ButthoughCadesettled between her thighs as she had asked and filled her deeply, she didn’t feel the connection she wanted.Hisgolden eyes were wild in the firelight—filled with passion and affection but not comprehension.Ifonly she could feel like heunderstoodwhat was happening between them and he approved of it, she would feel so much better,Andithought!
Butthat elusive connection eluded her.Evenas she came on his thick shaft and felt him spurt inside her, she knew there was something missing—something she would probably never find, since she was sure thatCadewasn’t going to want to continue their sexual relationship once he came back to himself.
Shefelt like crying when it was done.Itmight be their last time making love, but it hadn’t been making love—not really.Itwas hot and primal—breeding or fucking, take your pick—but it wasn’t making love, wasn’t connecting on a soul-deep level which was what she truly longed for with herProtector.
Cadeconsiderately cleaned her with his tongue and then rolled over on the broad leather sofa for a nap.
Andigot up, straightened her clothes, and thought of taking a final soak in the marble tub upstairs.Cadewould find his way to her later and he was much too heavy to move once he’d decided to sleep.
Abath sounded wonderful but first she wanted to get a snack from the kitchen.Someof the sweet little cookies that tasted like a cross between oatmeal and some kind of extra sweet banana which had been served for dessert at dinner.Sheknew there were some left—she’d only gotten to eat one herself beforeCadehad started licking her.
Shemade her way to the back of the mansion, walking carefully in the dim light since the house had been “put to bed” for the night and all the servants had gone home or were sleeping in their quarters.Shehad only been in the kitchens once, for a very brief tour, so she hoped she could find what she was looking for.
Oncein the cavernous cooking area,Andilooked around with care.Shewas sure the cookies would probably be one of the many pantries she’d seen on her one and only visit—the question was, which one?
Shemade her way to the very back, walking around the gleaming cooking areas and countertops until she found something she had yet to see in aZo’rathianhouse—a door thatwasn’tround.
Thedoor was smaller than most and made of thick blue wood.Itwas rectangular,Andisaw, rather than round like all the other structures on this planet.Otherthan the unusual color of the wood, it wouldn’t have looked out of place in a house back onEarth.
Couldthe cookies be in here?Anditook a firm grip on the knob and pulled open the door.Butwhat greeted her eyes wasn’t a shallow room with lots of shelves—instead she saw a stairway going down into darkness.Atthe very bottom, there was a dim glow, like a single candle flame.
Itoccurred toAndithat this was her last chance to try and find anythingGoodieBo-long might know aboutTheScentor a cure forManimalism.She’dtried her best to search around the house but the mansion was vast and latelyCadehad been so insistent about breeding her all the time, she hadn’t been able to do much looking.
Shouldshe go down those dark stairs?Andibit her lip as uncertainty flooded her.Onone hand, shereallywanted to see if she could find a cure forCade.Buton the other hand, this was like a set up from a horror movie!Ifshe had been watching herself on a movie screen, she would have been shouting,
“Don’tgo down there!” or something to that effect.
Andiwas still standing there, hovering on the top step and filled with indecision when she heard a voice floating up from the darkness.Shecouldn’t make out the words it was saying, but it held her riveted all the same.
Becausethe voice, which was speaking in a low but clearly intelligent cadence, was most definitelymale.