Page 71 of Lost on Oblivion

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Page 71 of Lost on Oblivion


Andi’sfeet took her down the dark stairs before she quite knew what she was doing.Asshe got closer to the bottom, she heard another voice—one she knew.

ItwasGoodieBo-long and she was talking to a male—clearly someone she knew.

“Whydo you continue to torture me like this?” the unknown male asked in low, gravelly tones.Hesounded exhausted, as though he was weary to his core,Andithought as she crept quietly closer.

“Whydidyoutorturemeduring our marriage?”GoodieBo-long snapped back. “Allyou had to do was show me some respect—let me help with your research.Youknow the degreesIhold—you knowI’mevery bit as intelligent and capable as you.Butyou held me down—punished me for being a woman— for being your wife!”

Andiput a hand over her mouth.WasGoodieBo-long talking to her husband—the renowned scientist,Dr.Bo-long?Butshe’d said that he had “goneManimaland run off.”Clearyshe had been lying.

Shereached the bottom of the staircase and peered carefully around the corner.Atthe far end of the basement area—whichAndihad never seen before—was what looked like a kind of laboratory.Therewas a table with some complicated looking scientific equipment, some test tubes, and a large centrifuge.

Butit wasn’t the equipment that drewAndi’seye the most—across from the table filled with scientific paraphernalia was a cage—a prison made of iron bars that was only about as big as a jail cell back onEarth, she thought.AtallZo’rathianman with skin the color of an overripe avocado was standing there, holding the bars and looking out.GoodieBo-long stood facing him, her hands on her hips and a look of triumph on her face.Gobiwas at her heels, on his hands and knees as always, panting eagerly as he pressed his face under her short skirt.

“Ishould have treated you better—Ishould have acknowledged your academic prowess—Iadmit it!”Dr.Bo-long said heavily. “Butwhy must you take my son from my first marriage and turn him into your sex-beast?”

Andibit her lip.Washe talking aboutGobi?WasGoodieBo-long actually hisstepmother?Thisjust got wilder and wilder!Itwas like the plot of a soap opera or a telenovela!

“Thecorrect term is ‘Manimal’, “GoodieBo-long corrected her imprisoned husband. “AndIlikehavingGobias my ‘sex-beast’ as you call it.”Shelaughed. “Ilike havingallof them.Allof your colleagues—every man who ever slighted me is under my control.Ihave them all locked up—mindless beasts, to fuck wheneverIwant.Whichwas certainly something you denied me during our marriage.Younever satisfied me sexually—not once!”

“Letme go,” her husband pleaded. “Orelse stop giving me the antidote.Letme become mindless too, so thatIdon’t have to bear watching you breed withGobiand the others.Please—I’mbegging you for mercy!”

GoodieBo-long laughed cruelly butAndididn’t even hear her reply.Hermind was racing—Dr.Bo-long had said, “stop giving me the antidote”—could that be the antidote toManimalism?Ifso, how didGoodieBo-long have it?Andwhere was it?

Herintention was to stay there, watching and then hopefully search the lab whenGoodieBo-long left.Butjust then someone came up behind her and began sniffing under her skirt.

“Oh!”Andigasped and jumped in surprise.

Lookingdown, she saw it wasManny—the bigManimalwith the pinkMohawk.Hegrowled threateningly at her and then tried to get his face under her skirt again.

“No!No, you don’t!”Andiwhispered fiercely at him. “Getaway from me you…you sex pest!Goaway—can’t you tellIbelong to someone else?”

ButMannyclearly didn’t care thatCade’sscent was all over her.Hemoved towards her again, his eyes gleaming with hungry lust in the darkness.

Suddenlythere was a growl behind her andAnditurned to see herProtectorstanding there, glaring down at the otherManimal.Herheart, which had been racing with fear and angry surprise, calmed somewhat.Cadewouldn’t let another male take her.Hewas protective and possessive in the extreme—Mannywould have his ass handed to him if he tried anything.

Mannyseemed to understand this because, with a growl of frustration, he crawled off into one of the dark corners of the basement.Cadewatched him go and then came to loop one muscular arm aroundAndi’swaist.

“Good—thank you,”Andiwhispered to him. “Butplease, you have to keep quiet!Wedon’t want anyone knowing we’re down here.”

“Toolate, my dear,” a familiar voice said.GoodieBo-long came around the corner, hands on her hips. “Tellme, ”she said, “Exactlyhow much did you hear?”



Andiswallowed hard andCade, perhaps sensing her fear and anxiety, tightened his grip on her and growled low in his throat.

“No,Cade—don’t do that,”Anditold him.Itwas time to come clean.Shelifted her chin and looked at the other woman. “Iheard you say you have an antidote toManimalism,” she said. “AndIwant it—Iwant it forCaderightnow.”

“Actually, it was my husband,Dr.Bo-long who spoke of the antidote,”GoodieBo-long said coolly. “Come—perhaps you’d like to meet the great man himself?”

Shewalked back around the corner andAndifollowed her, somewhat hesitantly.Cadecame with her, his arm still looped around her waist and an alert look in his eyes, as though he was prepared to hurt anyone who threatened her.

ButGoodieBo-long didn’t threaten.Shesimply ledAndito the iron cage where she kept her husband.

“Andi, meetDr.Bo-long—world renowned scientist and also, coincidentally, the world’s shittiest husband,” she said. “Andmy dear husband, you’ll be pleased to make the acquaintance ofDr.AndreaSmyth—she comes from a world where women are not oppressed and holds a degree inMedicinalBotany.She’salso been an excellent house guest, up untilthis moment,”she added, givingAndia frown.

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