Page 94 of Lost on Oblivion
Hesat back a little, giving her an intense look.
“Tellme more.Besidessucking your breasts for ‘SweetDrops’, you mentioned that you gave me your ‘honey’.Doesthat mean whatIthink it means?”
“Idon’t know,”Andisaid, half teasing, half embarrassed. “Whatdo youthinkit means?”
“Andrea, look at me…”Hetilted her chin up. “Doesit mean you let me lick your sweet little pussy?”
Andifelt a flush of embarrassment flood through her.
“Yes,” she nearly whispered. “Imean,Icould hardly stop you, to be honest!Youwerereallyinto, uh, tasting me.”
“That’sprobably becauseKindredmales have a biological need to taste their females,”Cadegrowled softly. “Iremember your flavor, you know,” he added, giving her a half-lidded look. “Alot of things are blurry, butthat’sclear to me—you taste fucking delicious.”
Andibit her lip.
“My…my ex didn’t like it,” she confessed. “Healways saidIgot, um, ‘too wet.’”
“Makinga lot of pussy honey just means you’re aNumala,”Cadegrowled. “Afemale who makes a lot of honey is highly prized among my people.”
“Really?”Andilooked up at him in surprise. “Ididn’t know that.”
“Well, it’s true.”Leaningforward, he cupped her cheek and tilted her chin up so she could meet his eyes. “Didyou make a lot of honey for me, baby?” he murmured. “AnddidIspend a lot of time between your thighs?BecauseIseemed to rememberIdid.”
Andi’sheart was banging against her ribs but somehow she managed to nod.
“Yes.You…you did,” she admitted. “Sometimesyou made me come seven or eight times in a row!Itried to stop you, but you were so insistent thatIjust gave up most of the time and, er, let you lick me.”
“Gods!”Cadeshifted closer, his golden eyes blazing. “Justthe thought of doing that…of holding you down and tasting you over and over—it makes me so fuckinghard, baby.”
“Doesit?”Andimoved towards him.Theywere close enough to kiss now—which was something they had never done when he was aManimal.Shewanted desperately to feel his mouth on hers—claiming her in a way he never had before.
“Yes, it fucking does,”Cadegrowled and then he took her mouth in a hungry kiss that nearly took her breath away.
Andimoaned and moved closer.Puttingher arms around his neck, she pressed herself against hi s big, hard body.
Cadegrowled and pulled her into his lap.Shestraddled him, feeling her skirt ride up.Shewas wearing a plain black skirt and a white silk blouse thatLivhad brought her earlier in the week, while she was still in the decontamination suite.Underher clothes, she had on a white lace bra and panty set but of course now the bra was open, baring her full breasts and tight nipples.
ThebigHybidcupped her breasts again as he lapped at the seam of her lips.Andiparted for him, welcoming him in eagerly.Sheloved the feeling of him exploring her—owning her—now that he was in his right mind again and acting of his own volition.
Cadegrowled again—a hungry sound, and let go of her breasts to grip her ass.Pullingher closer, he began to thrust his hips up, rubbing the rock-hard ridge of his cock against her through the black leather trousers he was wearing.
Andimoaned and pulled her skirt higher.Shamelessly, she pressed her panty-clad pussy against his cock, feeling the thick shaft part her pussy lips right through the lace of her panties.Shecould feel how hot and hardCadewas—theMagroagaricustrisporusspoors might be gone from his system, but it was clear he wanted her as much as she wanted him.
Atlast, after exploring her mouth thoroughly,Cadebroke the kiss.
“Gods, baby,” he panted. “Wantyou so fucking much!”
“Iwant you too!”Andimoaned. “Ineedyou,Cade—need you inside me!Fillingme up—knotting me!”
“Areyou sure you want the knot too?Imean, after what you went through last time—”
“Iwant all of it!”Andisaid recklessly. “Youdon’t understand,Cade—I’msoemptyinside!Beforewhen you were…were knotting me, breeding me, it felt like…like the mouth of my womb had opened up and was almostsuckingyou inside.Ifthat makes any sense?”
Henodded thoughtfully.
“Wecall that a ‘deep breeding’—it doesn’t often happen, but when it does, it’s said to be intense.”