Page 95 of Lost on Oblivion
“Itwasdefinitelyintense.”Andinodded. “ButIfeel likeIneed it again—Ijust really need to befilled.”
“AndI’mgoing to fill you, sweetheart,”Cadepromised. “ButIwant to slow things down a little bit—all right?Idon’t want to hurt you again, likeIdid whenIwas out of my fucking mind.”
Andishifted on his lap and moaned softly.Slowingthings down was the last thing she wanted!Butshe could understand thatCadedidn’t want to hurt her.
“Allright,” she said reluctantly. “Butplease,Cade—it’s been a whole week!Andwhen we were onZo’rathThreetogether,Igot used to you breeding me every couple of hours.”
“Damn, we really fucking went at it, didn’t we, baby?” he growled andAndicould feel his thick shaft throbbing against her, through the layers of leather and lace.
“Yes, we did,” she panted. “God,Cade—Ineedyou!”
“Youdon’t know what it does to me to hear you say that,” he murmured, stroking her cheek. “Butbefore we do anything else,Iwant you to do me a favor—show me exactly how you ‘offered’ yourself to me whenIwas aManimal.Iwant to see what you were doing to get me to take you and breed you.”
“Youwant me toshowyou?”Andi’sstomach was suddenly filled with excited butterflies.SoCadewanted her to put on a show for him, did he?Well, she thought she could manage that.
“Yeah—show me, baby,” he growled. “Showme what you did to get me to mount you.”
“Well…all right.ButI’mafraidI’llhave to take off my panties to really give you a good idea,”Andimurmured as she slid off his lap and stood before him.
“Goahead.”Cadeleaned back against the couch, his eyes lazy with lust. “Takethem off and show me, sweetheart.”
Feelinghot and naughty,Andireached beneath her skirt and hooked her thumbs into the sides of her white lace panties.Sheslipped them off but when she would have tossed them aside,Cadeheld out his hand.
“Givethem to me,” he growled softly.
“Oh, uh…okay.”Andihanded them over and watched with wide eyes as he pressed the lacy fabric to his nose and inhaled deeply. “Gods, love the sweet scent of your pussy, baby,” he murmured. “Goon now—show me.”
“Well…mostlyIwould just, uh lean over.Likethis.”
Andiwent to the arm of the couch—it was high because all the furniture in theMotherShipwas built to accommodate seven-foot-tallKindredwarriors.Sheleaned over the arm, feeling the cool leather against her bare nipples, and spread her legs.Thenshe hiked up her skirt a little, so that the bottom half of her ass was on display.
“Hmm…”Cadewas up and circling around her, his golden eyes fixed on her bare ass. “Isthat what you did to get me to mount you, baby?Youshowed me your hot little ass?”
“Well, sometimesIdid this too,”Andisaid breathlessly.Spreadingher legs, she tilted her hips and pressed her pelvis out, letting him bet a better view of her bare pussy, which was throbbing with need.
“Hmm, so you showed me that sweet little pussy, did you?”Cademurmured.Hecame to stand right behind her andAndihad the familiar feeling of his big, masculine body looming over her and covering hers with his heat.Shefelt a big hand between her legs and moaned softly as he cupped her bare pussy.
“Oh…oh,Cade!” she gasped, wiggling against his palm. “Yes…I…Idid.”
“Soyou opened your legs for me and just let me in, wheneverIwanted you?” he murmured.
Ashe spoke,Andifelt his long fingers parting her outer lips and slipping into her hot, wet depths.Shemoaned and rubbed against him as he began stroking and circling her aching clit from behind.
“Answerme,Andrea,” he growled. “Isthat what you did?”
“Yes!” she moaned, pushing her ass out further, offering herself shamelessly. “Yes,I…Iopened my legs for you any time you wanted me.Ilet you mount me anywhere—not just the bedroom.Anyroom in the house.Sometimesyou would be under the table, tasting me at dinnertime, and then you would get up and push me right over the table and take me from…from behind.”
“Gods!”Caderumbled. “Andyou didn’t mind that?Lettingme have you anytime and anywhereIwanted?”
“No—becauseIwanted it too!”Andiadmitted. “Andthe more you took me, the moreIwantedyou to take me.Please,Cade—Ifeel soemptyinside,” she added, wiggling against him.
“AndIpromiseI’mgoing to fill you up—fill you with my cock, baby,” he growled softly, as he continued to massage her clit. “ButfirstI’mgoing to taste you—need to get my tongue nice and deep in your pussy to get you ready for my knot.”
Andididn’t even try to protest.Sheonly moaned and spread her thighs wider as he dropped to his knees behind her and pressed his face between her legs.
Shecould feel his hot tongue sliding into her at once, exploring to circle her throbbing clit at first and then finding the mouth of her pussy and circling that as well with soft, teasing strokes.
“Please,Cade!” she moaned, gripping the leather arm of the couch. “OhGod,Ineed your tongue inside me.Andplease, make it really thick when you get it in me!”