Page 96 of Lost on Oblivion
“Hmm—wasIdoing that?”Cadesounded surprised.
Anditurned her head to see him. “Everytime!Ithought it felt like being, you know, fucked—that was until youactuallyfucked me with your shaft,” she added. “Ididn’t even knowKindredcoulddothat with their tongues.”
“Mostcan’t, butIhave someLi’onanblood in my family tree,” he explained. “WhichmeansIcan make my tongue as big as you need, baby.”
“Reallybig,”Andibegged. “Ireally need to be filled!”
“Whateveryou need, baby,”Cadegrowled.Andthen she felt his long tongue filling her, sliding all the way inside her pussy until it found the end of her channel.
Shewaited for it to grow, but at first it felt as thoughCadewas just licking her inside—doing an extremely thorough job of coating the inside of her pussy with his essence.Especiallythe mouth of her womb—she could feel him bathing and caressing the sensitive area and she guessed he was getting her ready to open for the head of his cock again when he took her.
Andimoaned and tilted her hips to give him more room to work—more room to lick her and prepare her.Andthen, at last, she felt his tongue begin to grow—getting thicker and thicker, swelling inside her to gently stretch her inner walls.
Shegasped in pleasure as she felt him filling her and stretching her.Howoften had he tasted her in their time onZo’rathThreetogether?Butthis time he knew what he was doing and he wanted it—wantedher.Andnot just with his body but with hismind.ToAndi, that made all the difference.
Whenhe finally pulled his tongue out, she fully expected him to replace it with his cock.Instead, he turned her around to face him and cupped her face in his hands.
“Iwant you, baby—want to breed you and knot you,” he growled hoarsely. “ButIdon’t want to do it from behind.Iwant to look into your eyes whileItake you…want to know exactly how you’re feeling whileI’mfilling you.”
Andicould have cried with emotion.Thiswas what she’d been longing for so desperately while they were onZo’rathThreetogether!Shewanted more than just a physical connection with the bigHybrid—she needed a mental and spiritual connection too.
“I…Iwant that too,” she managed to get out. “Shouldwe sit back on the couch?Orgo to the bed?”
Toher surprise, he shook his head.
“No—let’s use the breeding chair.”
Andisaw that he was pointing to the oddly shaped rocking chair that someone had mistakenly delivered to her suite.Shefrowned.
“Idon’t understand—what is it?”
“You’llsee.Butfirst, let’s take off the rest of our clothes.Wantto be naked with you, baby,”Cademurmured.
Andiwas more than happy to comply.Theyquickly got rid of their clothes and she found herself blushing again.She’dbeen naked so many times withCadeduring their time onZo’rathThree, but again, this was the first time he was actuallyseeingher as himself.
“Alwaysknew you’d be fucking gorgeous naked, baby,” he murmured, his golden eyes running up and down her body. “Comehere—let me show you how the breeding chair works.”
Andistepped over to the large chair, which was sitting in front of the firewall.Theseat of it seemed to be on a kind of pivot so whenCadepushed the chair, it made a smooth gliding motion.Theseat tiltedupas it moved forward anddownas it moved back.
“DoIsit in it?” she asked, looking down at it curiously.
Heshook his head.
“Isit on it and you sit on my lap—with my shaft up inside you.Thatway when the chair moves and the seat tilts—”
“Oh, it pushes you deeper inside me and then pulls you back out again!”Andiexclaimed.
“Exactly, baby.Itmakes for a long, slow breeding experience.Prettymuch the exact opposite of what happened between us last time,”Cademurmured. “Youwant to try it out with me?”
“Yes!”Andicouldn’t agree fast enough.Shewas aching inside—so empty and needing so badly to be filled, she thought she mightdieif she didn’t get the bigHybrid’scock in her soon!
“Good.Thenlet me get settled and you sit on my lap, facing me,”Cadetold her.
Hesat in the chair andAndiwatched in fascination as the seat moved his pelvis and thrust his thick shaft up and down as the breeding chair glided lazily back and forth.
“Allright—come here,” he said, holding out his arms for her.
Andiclimbed on his lap at once and placed her feet on the footrests on either side of the chair.Therewere no arms on the chair, so she had free range of movement, but at first she simply rubbed against him, enjoying the feeling of his thick shaft parting her pussy lips and rubbing against her swollen clit.