Page 97 of Lost on Oblivion
“Gods, baby—Ican feel howwetyou are,”Cadegrowled. “Needto get my shaft inside you and fill that sweet little pussy up.Isthat what you want?”
“Yes!”Andiraised herself slightly, using the footrests for leverage.Graspinghis thick cock, she pressed the broad head to the mouth of her hungry pussy.
“Easy, baby—take it easy!”Cademurmured.Grippingher hips, he helped lower her down onto his thickness.
Andimoaned and tried to open herself for him.She’dgotten quite used to accommodating his girth during their stay onZo’rathThree, but a week of inaction had made her forget how big he was.Still, he had prepared her well with his tongue and she found that she was stretching well to take him.
Atlast, she was seated in his lap, with all of his thick shaft buried in her to the hilt—all but the knot, that was.Butwhen she tried to take more,Cade’shands on her hips stopped her.
“Ina minute, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Knottingtakes time—Ineed to breed you a little first.Allright?”
“All…all right,”Andipanted.Shefelt as though her whole body was on fire with need, but it definitely helped to have his thickness deep inside her, stretching her inner walls and giving her something to hold on to. “Nowwhat?” she askedCade.
“Nowwe just let the chair do it’s work,” he murmured.Reachingto the side, he flipped a switch on the side of the breeding chair and it began to move.
Andimoaned helplessly as the seat tilted down, loweringCade’spelvis and pulling his thick cock almost all the way out of her…then tilted up again as the chair glided forward, burying his shaft deep in her pussy again.
“Holdon to me, baby,”Cadegrowled, putting his arms around her. “Ittakes a little while to get used to—just relax and let the chair help me breed you.”
Anditried to do as he said.Sheleaned against his broad chest and opened herself as the chair glided forward and back, forward and back and the bigHybrid’sthick cock slid in and out of her wet pussy.Shecould feel the broad head kissing the mouth of her womb with every thrust and she was beginning to have that feeling that it was opening—like a pair of lips eager to suck on the thick invader inside her.
“Feelthat, baby?”Cademurmured, stroking her bare back with his big, warm hands as he looked down into her eyes. “Doyou feel me so deep inside you—feel me breeding you?”
“Yes,Cade,” she whispered, looking up at him. “OhGod,yes.”
“Andis this what you needed?” he murmured, stroking her cheek tenderly. “Tofeel me in you, breeding you, filling your sweet little pussy with my cock?”
“Thisis…is exactly whatIneeded,”Andipanted. “ExactlywhatIwished for—to be with you when you were in your right mind.Toknow that you wanted it as much asIdo.”
“Baby,I’vealwayswanted you,” he assured her. “Comehere, let me kiss you whileI’minside you.”
Andimoaned softly as he took her mouth, feeding her the taste of herself as he stroked her back and the chair thrust him inside her over and over again.Shenever wanted this to end—and yet, she needed somethingmore.
Inside, she could feel the mouth of her womb opening, beginning to suck at the broad head of the bigHybrid’scock.Andbelow, she could feel the swelling of hisMatingFistorBondingKnot—whichever you wanted to call it—beginning to slip into the entrance of her pussy.Itfelt as though her whole body wanted more of him and was opening to receive him—she just wished thatCadewould knot her completely!
Atlast he broke the kiss, and looked down into her eyes.
“Cade, please!” she begged softly. “Oh,God, it feels so good to have you inside me this way butIjust need…needmore!”
Hestroked her cheek.
“Youwant to go deeper now, baby—is that it?”
“Yes!”Andimoaned. “Muchdeeper—Iwant your knot in me!”
“Well…you seem to be opening up really well for me,” he murmured. “SoIguess if you’re really sure…”
“Iam!”Andiassured him. “Please!”
“Allright, baby—but let me know if it gets to be too much,” he murmured.Reachingdown, he did something to the switch on the side of the breeding chair.Suddenly, the motion changed.Thegliding back and forth was still smooth and even, but the bottom of the chair began tilting at a steeper angle.Whichmeant that when the chair slid forward and the seat tilted up,Andicould feel the head of the bigHybrid’scock sliding all the way into the mouth of her womb .
“Ohhhh!”she moaned as his knot entered her fully at last.Shecould feel her entrance stretching to take him, and it feltincredible.Therewas none of the pain of the last time either, since he had prepared her so well and they had taken things so slowly.Itwas pure pleasure to feel herself so opened and stretched by the man she loved—a pleasure so deep,Andiwas suddenly right on the brink of orgasm.
“Feelthat, baby?”Cademurmured, gripping her hips. “Feelme all the way inside you now, knotting you?Fillingyou all the way up with a deep breeding?”
“Yes…oh,Cade!I…I’msoclose!”she moaned.
“Iknow baby—Iam too.”Onthe next upward tilt of the rocker, he turned off the chair, causing it to freeze in place with his cock and knot buried to the hilt inside mer. “Allthe way in you now,” he growled softly. “ButIwant to feel you coming beforeIcome inside you and fill you with my cream.”