Page 11 of Safeword: Mayday
He took a breath as if to fortify himself. “Okay, if you were to make me stay nude, and then not allow me to eat as you and Marcus do — either make me feed you before I’m allowed to eat, or cut my food up and put it in a bowl on the floor and require I eat from it with only my mouth, or make me kneel by your chair and feed me from your hands. Something to clearly show my submission to you, to delineate those in charge with those who…aren’t.”
She started to ask if he wouldn’t feel demeaned by eating from a bowl on the floor, but a voice in her head pointed out he wouldn’t ask for it unless it was what he wanted. She had a lot to learn about her boyfriend. She remembered some of the things in the video she watched at Marcus’s office, and asked, “Do you know where Marcus keeps his things in here?”
“Yes, my Lady.”
“Have you ever called anyone that before?”
He smiled and pinked a little. “No, my Lady.”
“Okay, stay put a second and let me check with Marcus real quick.”
She walked out to the little kitchenette area of the party floor and found Marcus preparing food on a tray. “Is it okay if I use a few of your things on Kyle? Some of those things that go on wrists, and maybe a few things like that?”
He gave her a curious look, but answered without asking questions. “Kyle knows what I consider personal versus what I’m good with others borrowing. Ask him to get what you want, and he’ll retrieve it for you.”
“Okay, thanks.”
She returned to Kyle and told him, “Please get me some of those leather handcuff things, and a leash, and something to attach the leash to.”
“Yes, my Lady.”
He went straight to the drawers and shelves the items were on or in, which told her a lot about the amount of time he’d spent in this room. Marcus had moved here long after they’d shared a girlfriend, so they’d clearly played together since. He’d moved in here after Mira had died, if Heather had the timing right, but Heather didn’t have it in her to ask about Mira. Not yet, and not where Marcus might hear. She’d ask Kyle later.
Kyle returned to her with the items and placed them on the bed. He’d opened part of the curtain and looped it over a holder on the canopy support when she got out earlier, and now he did the same with another portion before he went to his knees and offered his wrists.
She was kind of clumsy getting the first on, but felt she did better with the second.
“They’re called wrist cuffs, my Lady, and you may want to make them one notch tighter. It’s good you didn’t cinch them tight enough to interfere with my circulation, but they can rub if they’re too loose.”
“Thank you. Is this weird, you educating me as I figure this out?” she asked as she tightened them.
“Nothing is weird with you, Heather. I love you, and I love that you aren’t weirded out by all of this.”
“I love you, too, and...” She sighed. “I’m a little weirded out, but I just had my first orgasm, and it happened withclothespins. I don’t think I have room to judge anyone else’s sexual stuff. If this does it for you then I’ll do my best to figure it out. Not to mention, I kind of think I like this power exchange thing.”
She picked up a tangle of leather straps and asked, “What is this?”
“It’s a chest harness. Collars have significance in our world, and I didn’t feel comfortable bringing a collar when you didn’t specify it, so I brought a harness for you to attach the leash to.”
“I see. Okay, show me how this goes on.” She didn’treallysee, but she’d figure it out.
He slid the harness on, stood, and turned so she could see what needed to be fastened together in the back. She managed to get it buckled, and then clipped the leash to the ring in the center of the back.
“Hands and knees, Kyle. Let’s go get something to eat.”
When she walked into the eating area with Kyle on the leash, Marcus’s face lit up. “My my my. Youaretaking to this new role, aren’t you?”
Heather shrugged. “I’m figuring it out as I go.” She looked over the food he’d pulled out. “This looks good, thanks for putting it together.”
There was a veggie tray as well as some fancy breads, some leafy greens, and lots of things to put on sandwiches. She unhooked Kyle’s leash and said, “Up, give me your hands.”
She’d intended to attach the cuffs together, but the rings were solid and there was no way to do it. She’d need some kind of hook or clip. “It seems I didn’t give you enough instructions. I want to hook these together. Please bring me something so I can do that.”
“Here, you can use this,” Marcus said. He rummaged in a drawer and threw a small carabiner to her. She thanked him and clipped Kyle’s hands together.
“Make yourself a plate,” she told Kyle, “and then sit in the chair beside me and make sure you eat enough to keep your strength up. I assume you can manage with your hands like that?”
“Yes, my Lady. Thank you.”