Page 12 of Safeword: Mayday
“You’re very welcome. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Such simple words, but they had the hope of a future, now, and sometimes it had made her sad to say them before, knowing they both absolutely meant what they said, but that there was no way a romantic relationship could work.
They were all busy preparing their sandwiches and gathering the veggies and dips on their plate, and she felt a small stab of guilt that Kyle was having a little trouble with his hands together, but then she noted his raging hard on, and she reminded herself he was enjoying it. She wasn’t sure how she was going to help him get off, but she had a feeling it might work this time for her to just order him to jerk himself off while she watched. At one point he was struggling too much so she took his bread from him and put his mayo on, “If you need help you should ask, Kyle.”
He nodded. “Thank you, my Lady.”
Once they were all eating, she looked at Marcus. “Okay, so what’s next on the agenda.”
“Who says we have an agenda?”
“Do we not?”
He grinned. “Not exactly, but I have an idea of where we go next. First though, understand that as your Top, I take my responsibility for your safety quite seriously. When we finish eating, I’ll want you to take your shirt off and let me get a good look at how your body handled the clothespins. I have weaker clothespins we can use, or if you need more intensity then I can buy some stronger ones. I’ll let Kyle tell me what shape your clit’s in, since he’ll be up close and personal to it a little later.”
Heather started to protest that she didn’t like when Kyle didthat, but Marcus stopped her before she got the first word out. “Please trust me on this, okay? It’ll be nothing like you’ve done before. Not everything I try will work, and that’s fine — we’ll move on to something else when we find a flop. Also, you should know that every orgasm isn’t going to melt your brain and make you pass out. It’s kind of like flying first class the first time and not realizing what coach class is like, so you can’t appreciate how good first class really is. Not many peopleeverhave an orgasm as intense as the one you had, so please don’t feel let down if future releases aren’t as crazy, okay?”
“Whatever you’ve planned for later, will you and Kyle get off? I don’t want to be the only one who has an orgasm next time.”
“If you want Kyle to get off then I’ll work the situation so you can make that happen. I won’t make any promises about myself, but I’ll keep it in mind that you’d like it to happen, and we’ll see how things play out.”
Heather realized Kyle had finished eating, and she was close to being through.
“Kyle, give me your hands please.”
“Yes, my Lady.”
She unclipped the cuffs from each other and looked at Marcus. “Is there somewhere I can take a shower?”
Marcus looked at Kyle thoughtfully before answering. “There’s a shower off the playroom, but I’d rather neither of you gets too carried away because I have plans for later. I’ll give the two of you a little alone time, and I’ll join you in the shower.” He pulled more cheese from one of the trays and arranged it on another slice of thin bread. “You’re both invited to stay the night. We can all sleep in the big bed, or if you prefer then I can give the two of you a room with a door, so you can have your privacy.”
Heather realized they were both looking to her for an answer, and she shook her head in protest. “Hey, I’m the one flying without a net here, don’t look at me! My answer is that I’ll let you know when we come to it. Kyle, if you have an opinion, please voice it.”
“I’m fine with us staying. I know I’m just next door and we could be at my house in three minutes, but if you’re okay with us all sleeping in the big bed, that works for me.”
“When I ask your opinion, it means I want your opinion. It doesn’t mean I want you to tell me you’d be okay with something if I am.”
He gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry, my Lady. If things go well then the energy will probably be best if we all just crash together.”
“Thank you. Let’s go take a shower, shall we?”
Chapter 8
Kyle realized Heather wanted some time with just the two of them outside of any D/s role, and that was fine with him. As a service submissive, he saw it as his job to make his lover happy in whatever way was needed. If she needed him to be the Kyle she was used to having around, that was perfectly okay with him. He was amazed she’d understood what he needed during their meal — the wonderful, warm feeling of belonging he got by being treated like treasured property. However, he didn’t need that all the time. He didn’t really evenwantit all the time, but it’d fulfilled a need he’d been doing his best to ignore.
Kyle led Heather to the shower and adjusted the water to the uber-hot temperature she preferred. He’d have been happy to undress her, but he knew her well enough to understand she’d want to disrobe herself.
He retrieved one of the plastic spongy things Marcus kept in his frou-frou bath closet. He had no idea what to call it, but loved the way it made the soap all frothy. He also chose some lavender soap he thought Heather might enjoy. He’d had a conversation with her mom about the sensory stuff after Heather had told him about it, and her mother told him Heather had always been able to smell things no one else could, and a doctor had explained the parts of her brain normally relegated to other sensory duties were doing double duty to help her smell. Heather’s mom had stressed the need for natural scents though, and not manufactured ones. He didn’t know if this lavender was natural or not — he’d need to talk to Marcus to make sure the lotions and soaps were natural. He’d told him about the massage oil, but hadn’t thought about everything else. Kyle had long ago cleared his house of anything with an artificial scent.
When he walked back to her, Heather was already in and was playing with the various streams. Marcus had the best shower ever, with two shower heads and three jets each on three of the walls, and three more shower heads coming down from the ceiling. She looked up at him and asked, “Is this awesome or what?”
Kyle started to point out the attachments on the walls where submissives could be anchored, but decided it could wait. “Yes, Ilovehis shower.” He ran the spongy thing under the water and lathered it. “C’mere Babe, let me get you all soaped up, then you can do the same to me. I know Marcus is going to also, but I want to check you over, see how your skin structure handled the clothespins.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure the structure of my skin is just fine,doctor, but if you want to take a look, feel free.”
He smiled and kissed her nose. “Go ahead, make fun of me, but if we’re going to start in with this kind of play then we need to know how far we can safely go, and a big part of it has to do with how your body accepts trauma. If you ever have to take aspirin, we’ll need to know before we start playing — especially if we’re going to get into some of the extreme stuff, and I think that may be where we’re headed. Ilovedthat you enjoyed yourself so much, but the idea that you felt no pain from all those clothespins and the clamps…” He shrugged. “We’re going to have toreallyconcentrate on the safety aspects to make sure we don’t injure you, especially since you likely won’t know if we do. I love you, and I’msoglad we’ve managed to awaken this part of you. I want to make sure we can keep doing it safely, that’s all.”