Page 96 of Safeword: Mayday
“Why do you need three?”
“One for around town, one for road trips, and one for fun on curvy roads.”
He stepped to her, drew her into his embrace, and she melted. How had she grown to need his touch so quickly? Her subs and slaves learned her moods, but they asked permission to touch her or hug her. Bud just pulled her to him whenever, but she didn’t mind — she craved his touch, his warmth, his strength.
“So far, you’ve liked the screened in room best.” His chest vibrated under her cheek and made her smile.
“Yeah. I like my balcony okay at the condo, but I miss my screened in porch at home. Nothing compares to coffee and a cinnamon roll at sunrise with the trees and the birds as company. The city’s nice, but I prefer being out away from people. You’ve managed both.”
“I have, but since my little haven is in the city, I’ve taken measures to ensure my privacy and safety. The front porch, front yard, the garage, and the fence line all have video surveillance. If you’re within ten feet of the fence, you’re on candid camera. The insurance company insists on the garage camera, the rest are for my security. However, you should know warrants have been issued in the past for video and audio surveillance at points inside my home. I regularly sweep for electronics, but with current technology someone can be in a van down the street and hear most everything in the house. That doesn’t work for me because my sex life is no one’s business, so you’ll hear music playing most all the time. Speakers are set throughout the house, and there’s a tone in the music that defeats their listening capabilities.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Americans aren’t supposed to have to worry about the government listening to them have sex. I have no reason to believe I’m the subject of an open investigation, but it’s happened before out of the blue. Just want you to have a heads up. Talk and scream freely when you hear the music, but know someone might be listening if you don’t hear it. It isn’t loud — doesn’t have to be to do the job.”
“We come from different places. I’m usually the one hiding listening devices to catch other people at stuff.”
“Being the president puts a target on my back. I’m used to it, but didn’t want you to get blindsided and be pissed at me for not tellin’ you.”
“Anything else downstairs? This is supposed to be a… four car garage?”
Bud motioned towards a bike up in the air, at the very back of the space. “Five, but if you park one there, it’ll be three deep, so I put a bike lift in it. Gives me a place for my latest project.”
“Figured you’d do that at the bike shop.”
“Not my personal projects. Might take me a year or two to finish it. I buy something old and restore it, and I don’t get in a rush. Just something to do when I need to get my mind off everything else.”
Nickie expected him to throw her over a random bit of furniture and fuck her brains out, but the next hour was spent talking. A roast was in the crockpot and bread was in the fridge ready to go in the oven, but neither was hungry, so they sat in the screened in room and talked. He hadn’t taken her upstairs yet, but she figured she’d see it in due time.
Bud is comfortable in his skin no matter where he is, but she’d noted he seemed more at peace at the bar and then at the clubhouse. Now, at home, he had the energy of a guru or swami — the calmness of a spiritual master. Or, and she didn’t know why she kept coming back to this, of a wolf in his territory. At peace with everything around him. Not just at peace with it, but intunewith it.
* * * *
“Tell me about the bratting,” Bud asked as they finished dinner. “When did it start?”
“I told you from the beginning I’m more of a masochist than a submissive. For most men, I submit enough to get what I want, and yeah, I understand what’s wrong with that, so you don’t have to point it out.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “And I know you’re having fun picking at me, but the clubs I go to list me as a SAM, not a brat.”
“The first time you asked someone if that was all they had, was it a relationship or a play partner in a club?”
“Club. Someone who’d whipped me before, but it felt like he was taking it easy on me.”
“How long ago?”
She shrugged. “Ten years? Fifteen? I honestly don’t know.”
Long enough it was part of her psyche, which was fine with Bud.
“You’ll have to figure me out, but I don’t mind a little lighthearted, fun bratting. When I need you to be serious and submit for me though, you’ll be wise to fall in line.”
“Yeah. I picked up on that.” She said it totally deadpan, but the roll of her eyes added a touch of humor, and Bud chuckled.
“Okay, one more thing. You’re gonna have to find your place with my men and their ol’ladies. You might want to eventually brat to me around them, but I don’t think you want to start out that way. Not telling you what to do or how to act, just trying to steer you in the right direction until you figure it out yourself.”
Bud sipped his water and sat back in his chair. “I’m not too terriblyout therewhen it comes to kinky. I mean, I don’t do fire or needles, I’m not going to cut you open, and I don’t have a secret dungeon. I have a heavy, four-poster bed I can use to tie you up in fun ways, and every piece of furniture in the house is sturdy enough for me to fuck you on it. I have wooden spoons in the kitchen, the belt around my waist, and I can grab an electrical cord, loop it over, and whale on you until you’re black and blue. I don’t have paddles, whips, or floggers here, but I can more than make my point if you need to feel it.”
He smelled her disappointment, but her poker face gave nothing away so he couldn’t mention it. Instead, he asked, “If you could only bring one thing in — a toy or piece of equipment, what would it be?”
“Leather wrist and ankle cuffs. Just wearing them puts me in the right space, knowing you can clip me to something in just a second and I’ll be immobile. They’re like a trigger or something, to get me in the right headspace. I’ll miss them if I never feel the weight of the leather and metal on my wrists and ankles again.”