Page 97 of Safeword: Mayday
“Next five things?”
“Flogger. Probably two, a moderate and extreme one. Is that two of the five, or one?”
“We’ll call it one.”
“Butt plugs, nipple clamps, TENS unit…”
When she didn’t add anything else, he prodded, “One more thing.”
“I’ll let you know. My guess is you have rope, lube, and lots of things to bend girls over for a spanking.”
“I do. We have a violet wand at the clubhouse.”
Her scent went sour. “Rosso. No. I end up with actual burns from them.”
“Good to know. Tell me the rules your slaves lived under.”
She looked down a few seconds before asking, “Can we not? At least, not yet? Telling you will put me in the mindset of the one in control, and I’m kind of happy with the energy right now.”
Bud smelled the truth in her words, so he nodded. He’d want to get it out of her at some point, but it could wait.
“I have some clamps in the garage I know work well on nipples, and I’m well versed in how to keep a woman in line with a plug stuffed up her ass. We’re on the same page there, even if you hadn’t said anything. Haven’t bought any plugs to use on you yet, but we’ll make that a priority. Never used a TENS on someone.” He’d hooked people up to a car battery to torture answers out of them, but probably best he didn’t bring that up. “Maybe we’ll wait a bit for that, but if it makes you scream and writhe around while you beg for mercy, I’m sure I’ll love it.”
Nickie chuckled. “You say you aren’t versed in the BDSM kind of kinky, but only someone in the lifestyle can negotiate as casually as you.”
“Some of my men are into it, and we’ve been educated on some of the details in the clubhouse. I’ve been a sadist since long before I understood what it meant, though. Found my own ways to make it happen.”
Nickie washed dishes while Bud stored the leftovers, put things away, and wiped everything down.
He put the crock pot away last, and turned to look at her from across the kitchen. “I need to gather a few things from the garage. You go on up — my bedroom’s at the end of the hall, and there’s a hot tub on a little deck off my room. The way the points of the roof are situated, no one can see you between the door and the hot tub, but don’t walk too far to the left naked unless you want to make my neighbors happy. There’s a button to lift the lid — it’s all automatic and clearly marked. Take a few bottled waters up with you. I’ll be up before too long.”
* * * *
Nickie walked out onto the little balcony off his bedroom and breathed in the energy. The ancient hardwoods all around made it feel like a hot tub in a treehouse, a little isolated paradise. And yet, she didn’t want to strip and get in. She loved soaking in a hot tub. Why was she rebelling against orders she didn’t mind following? Bud had more than proved he’s capable of not just Topping her, but truly Dominating her.
She walked back in the house and took in his bedroom. His bed looked like a mix between a treehouse and a fancy four-poster bed. The canopy was made so one would feel as if they were looking up into the branches of a tree from below, and the posts holding it up looked like the trunks of a huge walnut tree, complete with the pattern on the bark. The rest of his house had been decorated with company in mind, but this was Bud’s den.
She was going to have to give one of her werewolves a bed like this.
There was no armoire, no dresser, no chest. All his things were probably in a huge walk-in closet somewhere. The room was dominated by the bed. A bench at the base of it was probably where he sat to lace his riding boots, and a laptop on the coffee table of a small seating area told her he likely worked from home in here sometimes. Or, maybe it was where he watched porn. The thoughts of him jacking off to kinky porn made her grin, and reminded her she was supposed to be getting naked.
Nickie’s clit thrummed to life as she removed her clothes and folded them on the bench. It was just the right height to kneel on and bend over the footboard for a spanking.
Walking outside without clothes felt naughty, but she trusted his word that it was okay. Some hot tubs weren’t configured for short people, but she happily found a seat a little higher than the others, so she could lean her head back and relax without her face being halfway in the water.
“Do I dare ask what you rounded up?” she asked when he stepped out on the little balcony a while later, totally nude. She sat up enough she could look him over from head to toe. She’d seen him naked before, but this was different. He was soft, they weren’t touching, and he was standing in the sunshine.
Overwhelmed by his sheer beauty, she could only stare. Bud was the most magnificent man she’d ever seen. Sculpted, sharp lean muscles wrapped over each other. Add to that the predatory way he walked and the intense look in his eyes, and it took her breath away. Nickie considered what it’d be like to try to Top such a man, but the idea didn’t appeal to her. She wanted Bud over her, dominating her and hurting her in the most marvelous ways.
He wouldn’t be Bud if he let her tell him what to do. Once you’ve tamed the wolf he becomes a pet. A dog. She liked him just the way he was, even if he sometimes annoyed her with his bossiness.
At a loss for what to say or where to look, she asked, “I didn’t see my bag when I came up. Is it still downstairs?”
“It’s locked in one of my gun cabinets, along with the clothes and shoes you just removed.” He settled the towels on a chair, sat on the edge of the hot tub, swung both legs around, and slid into the water to sit on one of the little seats across from her. “You’ll be my naked little brat until it’s time for you to go back to your condo. I’ll get your toothbrush and whatever else you need out of it, but you won’t get the whole thing until shortly before time for you to leave, day after tomorrow.”
Nickie was simultaneously ticked off and horny-as-fuck, and she sat on her right hand to keep from pressing her throbbing clit with it.
“I didn’t agree to that.”