Page 102 of Muskoka Blue
Dan shrugged. “Later.” Like maybe never. Why’d she have to know anyway? She didn’t need to know everything. Their entrance stopped the chatter as his family all stared at the necklace.
“Wow, Sarah, that son of mine has chosen well.”
“Now that’s a rock and a half! How many carats?”
While it was a nice change that his father and older brother were pleased with something he’d done, it meant more when Sam, Marguerite, and his mom exclaimed over the photo frame. Sarah had chosen well. The dark wood frame would work well either here or in his apartment in the city. But it was the photos that drew the most comment.
“Oh look, you two look so happy!”
“How much did that fish weigh?”
“That’s taken up the tower, isn’t it? You look like I felt—scared stiff!”
Sarah relaxed and chatted, every so often touching the pendant as if to check it was still there, filling them in on some of their adventures these past few months. Dan watched her wistfully. He hoped she’d hold on to these good memories. He’d give anything to change the past.
Chapter 25
Sarah leaned past her mother to look through the back passenger window, watching the postcard-like scenery flash by. Dark pines contrasted with the white glare of snow, interspersed with the occasional red barn. It was so pretty, so typically Canadian. She sighed.
Ange turned to her. “I know it’s squashy. We’ll be there soon.”
“I don’t mind. Sitting between you and Mum just helps me feel really close to you.”
Her mother laughed. “Sounds like you enjoyed your time at Daniel’s.”
Sarah sighed again. “It was fantastic. And I’m so glad that you got the chance to come here. Muskoka is so pretty, isn’t it?”
“It is lovely. But very cold.”
“That’s for sure. Hey, John, could you turn up the heat back here, please?”
The hike in temperature went some way to diminishing the chill in her feet.
“You and Daniel seem happy together.”
Sarah smiled at her mother. “He’s just amazing. He’s so kind and honest and such a gentleman. Did I show you the necklace?”
“A few times, dear.”
Sarah bit back a smile. Okay, so she’d been a little excited.
“He seems quite serious about you, judging by that gift.”
Sarah glanced at her father in the front passenger seat, his mild expression not giving any cause for concern. “Dan loves me.” Her voice grew softer. “I love him too.”
Her uncle exchanged a glance with her aunt. What was that about? John sighed. “Just remember nobody’s perfect, Sar.”
“I know that.” But Dan was pretty close. She bit her lip and looked outside at the snow-burdened trees. He wasn’t perfect, but neither was she. Guilt streaked through her chest. Despite having had a few opportunities to talk privately, she hadn’t wanted to spoil what little time they had together with such an epic bomb of an announcement. Besides, she almost dared to believe he might just love her enough to look past her shortcomings and still see a future with her. Anyway, hadn’t everyone wanted her to move on? Who better to move on with?
* * *
Dan glancedaround the hotel ballroom filled with the happy hum of his teammates and other people here to celebrate the new year.
“Dan, my man!” Matt Reynolds slapped his shoulder. “How’s it going?”
“Great. Just great.”
“Gettin’ a star for last night’s game has gotta feel good, right?”