Page 103 of Muskoka Blue
“Sure.” He could count on one hand the number of games when he’d been considered worthy of star status by the League. He only hoped Sarah was impressed.
“Gotta love some old-school hip-checks,” Reynolds continued. “The way you laid into Guillemette was pretty fun to watch.”
“Wasn’t personal.” He’d apologized to Ryan for the big hit afterward, but his Bible study friend had brushed it off, understanding what playing hard meant.
Dan forced a smile as Reynolds started going on about the game they’d won against Edmonton last night. It was a mask he’d worn many times in recent days. He was the world’s biggest fake. He might’ve won a star, but it didn’t really matter. He wasn’t happy. He hated the small talk. He didn’t want to be here. All because this woman he hadn’t even known seven months ago was going away, leaving a massive hole in his heart.
How could he have ever thought she was an ice princess? He’d had her so wrong. She was more like the sun. Everything from her hair to her smile to her kiss made him warm inside. How would he cope when the sun moved away?
Sarah looked up from her conversation with the coach’s wife, caught his gaze, and smiled. He returned it even as his heart protested. Sarah was leaving. He was staying. And as John kept reminding him, if he was as serious about this relationship as those diamonds suggested, Dan still really needed to talk to Sarah.
* * *
Sarah dustedthe icing sugar off her new dress. How did people eat these pastries without making a mess? Yet another one of life’s little mysteries.
“You look gorgeous. That dress looks amazing on you.”
She smiled up at Dan, glad she’d bought the vintage designer wrap dress in its striking pattern of amethyst, turquoise and ochre. It was nice to leave him with a good impression. She’d barely seen him since Christmas. He’d been busy with training and last night’s game, so she’d put her last few days to good use: packing, saying goodbye to friends like Georgia, and shopping, which had necessitated repacking.
She stepped closer. “What, this old thing?”
He drew her close, his hand stroking the back of her neck. Breath suspended as he leaned close to her ear. “Seems like a pretty new thing.” With eyes lit with laughter, he handed her the price tag that had been attached to the back.
“Oh.” Her cheeks were hot—what a surprise. “What can I say? I was excited about coming. I didn’t have time to check.”
He grinned. “You do excitement well, Princess.”
“Do you think many people saw it?”
“Nope. Your jacket hid it before.”
“Oh well.” She laughed. “You know, it’s not the first time that’s happened.” She leaned closer. “When I first started teaching I had parent teacher interviews, so to make a good impression I went out and bought a new suit. It was only halfway through the night that I discovered the tag was still swinging from my arm. I’msucha professional.” His snort of laughter drew some curious glances. “So, thanks for looking after me.”
Her heart sank, but she kept the smile pasted on.Anytimecouldn’t last much longer; she had a plane to catch in just over twelve hours. Twelve hours? How could everything that needed to be said be shared in such limited time? Whilst glad she was attending the Leafs’ New Year’s Eve party, she was equally glad they were only staying for a few hours. She didn’t want to share Dan a moment longer than necessary.
A tall figure moved into her line of vision and gave Dan a man-hug before kissing Sarah on the cheek. “Hey, good to see you again, Sarah.”
She smiled. “Hello, Brendan. Happy almost-new year.”
“Have you met my fiancée yet?” He drew forward a petite blonde. “Candice, this is Sarah.”
Candice smiled at Sarah. “That’s a gorgeous pendant.”
“A gorgeous man gave it to me.” She caught Dan’s cheeks turning red. So adorable.
Another couple joined them, and she was introduced to Matt Reynolds and his very pregnant wife. She froze, the reminder of what would never be spearing guilt within.
“Hey, Sarah, you’re the first girl I’ve seen Dizzy with in years.”
Dan’s smile grew tight, and he glanced at his watch.
“Hey, Brendan, what was the name of Dizzy’s last girlfriend?”
Sarah glanced between Dan and his teammates. Why did he seem so tense?
“Lana something, wasn’t it? From Pittsburgh, I think.”