Page 14 of Muskoka Blue
“Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
He picked a blade of grass, neatly sliced it with his thumbnail. He didn’t push; just waited, as if he knew she’d eventually crack.
“Why? Why would you want to hear my story?” Why would anyone want to hear her heart bleed, let alone a near stranger?
He shrugged. “I like to hear you talk. Your accent is cute.”
“Besides, bottling stuff up isn’t healthy. Sometimes you just gotta let it out.”
Maybe, but not today. Emotion felt too close to the surface, with no guarantee her façade wouldn’t splinter into a million tiny pieces.God, I need some help here.
The line bobbed. Then dipped again.
“Hey, I think we caught something.” He moved to grasp the line, then with a careful flick and quick reel, brought up a large silvery bass. “Look at the size of him!”
“You like to catch fish.”
“I gotta admit, I usually end up feeding the fish rather than actually catching them.” He grinned. “You’re good luck. We’ll have to do this again.”
She groaned. But maybe, if he asked, she might even agree.
“This is really good, Sarah.”
John’s praise tugged at the corners of her heart. She clicked to the next slide. “It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.”
“It’s really good, Sarah.” He eyed her kindly, as if willing her to accept the words.
She ducked her head. Why was it so hard to accept affirmation these days? Rarely did it settle. Had the forced cheer of the do-gooders led her to doubt people’s words?
She had to get out of here. She closed the laptop, pushed back her chair. “I might go for a swim, before it gets too hot.”
“Good idea. I would, too, if Ange and I weren’t going to Bala today. Enjoy.”
“You too.” She nodded to the tray of cookies Ange had set out to cool on the counter.
He laughed and patted his rounded stomach. “I always do.”
Her answering smile lingered as she wandered down to the small beach situated between the cottage and the mansion next door. She dropped her towel on a handy boulder and waded through the shallows out to the deep. The water was still a little chilly, but at least nobody else was around.Thanks, God.
She swam out to the little buoy. Her smile broadened—her legwasimproving. She touched the buoy, then dived, the water so clear she could see the rocks and tiny green weeds on the bottom. She swam underwater for a while, then resurfaced with a grin and a wet hair toss that would do a mermaid proud.
Sarah turned. Dan stood on the beach, prime witness to her Ariel impersonation. Oh. No. “Uh, hi.”
“Nice in?”
“Yeah.” She continued treading water. “John and Ange might still be at the house if you want them.”
He lifted his towel. “I’m swimming too.”
Great. She still felt weirdly nervous around him, but maybe he wasn’t so bad. “You can come in. I won’t bite.”
“Promise?” He smirked, then stripped off his T-shirt and waded in.