Page 77 of Muskoka Blue
“Those poor, poor people.” Sorrow kneaded her heart. “Why didn’t Ella say anything?”
“Would you tell a stranger all that?”
He pushed a hand through his hair. “Ella, Simone, and Jace left yesterday afternoon.” He sighed. “I was just trying to help them.”
Of course he was. Mr. Fix-it had been at it again. The wind picked up outside, rustling the trees. She turned to hide the sting in her eyes, concentrating on the French press as she slowly pushed the plunger down. “I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions.”
“That’s okay.” A beat. “Sometimes I get things wrong too.”
She peeked up, caught the shadow in his eyes. “We make a good pair, then.”
He nodded. “I always thought so too.”
He’dthoughtso? Past tense. Sarah bit her lip. Past. Not present. Nor future.
Chapter 19
Dan stared at her. Green eyes gazed warily back. Even the dust motes seemed weighted with tension. Sarah seemed to feel it too, because she picked up their mugs and headed to the living room. He sat on the couch opposite where she sat on an overstuffed armchair, knees up, nursing her mug in a white-knuckled grip.
He took a sip and blinked. Despite Sarah’s efforts earlier, it still contained enough kick to power a small city. He swallowed and looked up to catch her wrinkled nose.
Sarah shook her head. “It’s a little strong.”
“Just helps us know we’re alive.”
“That’s for sure.”
At the glimmer of her smile, a knot in his chest eased. “I hate arguing with you, Sar.”
“Me too.” She sighed. “It’s a shame I’m so good at it.”
A beat. “It’s a good thing you’re so patient, then, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.”
“And that you never get upset or misunderstand things.”
Her mouth twitched. He joined in her laughter as it chased away the earlier strain. They finished their coffees in silence, as if words would break the tentative truce between them.
She put her mug down. “Thanks for the groceries. You must’ve dropped them off while I was asleep.”
He nodded. “So, what have you been up to this morning?” His gaze flicked to the notepad still lying on the coffee table from last night.Please tell me what you’re planning.
“Oh.” Sarah swallowed. “Uh, John asked me a while ago about something.” She picked up the notepad. “He wanted to know if I’d play something at church.”
His heart leaped. Was she going to stay? “When will you do that?” He held his breath.
“I’ll probably play at tomorrow’s service.” She shrugged. “I need to do it while I still have some courage.”
He laughed. Confusion filled the green eyes that looked his way again. “Sorry, Princess, but you seem plenty courageous to me. Not everyone yells at bears.”
Her smile flashed. Her gaze fell. “Well, it’s one thing to play here by myself, another in front of others.”