Page 78 of Muskoka Blue
“Do you want me to be your audience? I’m really happy to—”
“No! I haven’t even played for Ange and John yet.”
“Come on, Sar. It’s just me. Be brave.”
Her eyes widened. She bit her lip, then slowly nodded. “Only if you don’t look at me.”
He couldn’t promise anything. It’d be really difficult not to look.
Sarah moved to sit at the piano, her fingers poised above the keys. She glanced at him once, sighed, then refocused on the sheet music in front of her. Then she began to play.
The piano music trickled over his soul, soothing away the tension that still edged his heart. She’d admitted some plans, but still, would she admit to leaving? He chewed his lip. Was she going because she’d thought he was interested in Ella? How could she think that? How obvious did he need to be?
She started singing and everything else dropped away. The words were so powerful, so real, it was like a tiny slice of heaven was in the room. He’d seen icy Sarah, spunky Sarah, broken Sarah, but this was another side to her…this honest, gentle, spiritual side. Like a diamond, she kept revealing further facets the more he got to know her.
The music poured through her fingers and voice, reflecting her soul, and the words—all the brokenness, the hope, and the healing were there. He was reminded of the YouTube clips he’d seen her in—but this was different. Although unpolished, it felt much more genuine, connecting with his heart in a way that moved him deeply. He blinked back an unfamiliar burn in his eyes as she played the final note, the sound ringing off the rafters.
The glance she shot him was shy. “What do you think?”
He couldn’t speak. Could only stare.
“Oh, Dan.” Her face went all soft. She moved to perch on the coffee table, leaning closer with that gorgeous smile. “Are you getting a little emotional, tough guy?”
He cleared his throat. “You’re amazing.”
The tease in her eyes disappeared, replaced with vulnerability. “So, it’s okay, then?”
“Way more than okay.” How could she not know that? “I’ve never heard that song before.”
Sarah shrugged. “That’s because I wrote it.”
She nodded.
“Like what you did for Heartsong Collective?”
Another nod. “You’ve heard some of that music?”
Admit he’d spent way too many nights watching and re-watching all the videos he could find of her? That even though it was worship music, he’d still found her energy and vibrancy mesmerizing and strangely sexy? “I think you’re amazing. The song is really, really good, Sar. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to hear you perform it in church.”
She bit her bottom lip as indecision wavered in her eyes.God, please help her to trust me and tell me the truth.
“Yes, Princess?” He picked up her hand.
“Am I a project to you?”
“A what?”
“A project. Somebody you felt you had to fix.”
“Where’d you get a crazy idea like that?”
She looked down. “People say you have a tendency to be a bit of a hero.”
He frowned. “Who said?”