Page 57 of The Last Ride
“What’s your relationship with the club owner?”
“We’re dating,” I replied, because it was the simplest answer. When the truth was, we hadn’t set the parameters of our relationship. What I did know was that I had feelings for her, but I’d not stopped to examine them. I’d simply acknowledged their presence and would deal with them at the appropriate time.
The officer’s brown gaze sharpened. “And how long have you two known each other?”
“Years.” I wasn’t going to get into specifics about our relationship. They didn’t need to know all the sordid details. Not when none of it pertained to this case. And I understood his line of questioning. Often it was the boyfriend or significant other.
“And you’ve not proposed or gotten married?” he asked tilting his head and studying my reaction.
“I’m away a lot because of work,” I explained, keeping my face calm.
“And what do you do?” Suspicion lined his face.
“I’m a Navy SEAL and am out on deployments overseas frequently. I’m home on leave now.”
“Get the fuck outta here, are you really?” one of the other officers interrupted with raised brows.
I pulled out my dog tags from beneath my shirt. “Yes, sir. Eighteen years in so far. Another two before I retire.”
He smiled and approached me. “Well, I’ll be, a fellow Frogman.”
“You served?”
“Yep. On the Nimitz, private first class, eight years and six tours.” The officer grinned, he was perhaps about my age with smooth mocha skin. His partner melted into the background now that he realized he was out of his depth with me.
I held out my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, private.”
We shook hands briefly before he asked me. “Any ideas about who could be doing this?”
“Well, Moira doesn’t want to believe it, but then, she’s a bit of a softy. But you didn’t hear that from me, or I’ll be sleeping on the couch. However, given all the separate incidents with this stalker, I personally think it could be one of her employees or someone who attends the club frequently.”
They nodded, almost in unison. “We’ve got forensics on the way to extract samples of the paint and dust for prints.”
“Not going to help on the prints with so many coming in and out. But make sure you have them get the spots along the wall over there.” I nodded toward the red spots I’d spied in my periphery.
One of the officers whipped his head around and swore. “Well, shit. He’s right. Franklin, help me out over there, will you?”
“When will we be able to take care of the door and cover it up?”
“Once forensics is through. I’d be sure to take pictures, though, for insurance and contact them first before you cover it up.”
“Got it.” I’d already decided I was going to pay for the door. I didn’t want her to have to worry about insurance or anything like that. Not when I knew it was killing her that this happened.
I stepped a few feet away from the officers and contacted Roman.
“Yo. What’s up?” Roman answered on the second ring.
“There’s an issue at Moira’s club. Can you guys head over?”
“Yep. I’ll raise the bat signal.”
“Thanks, man. See you soon.” Then I texted Moira, just to make sure she hadn’t gotten lost or worse.
Me:You doing okay?
Moira:Yeah, I’m in with the detective while he’s questioning my people. You?
Me:I’m outside with the cops. I’ve got some of my Navy buddies on the way. We’ll deal with the door once forensics gives the all-clear.