Page 58 of The Last Ride
Moira:I know I should do it through the proper insurance channels, but I don’t have it in me. So thank you.
Me:Don’t worry about it. The boys and I will handle this part. But don’t even think of leaving without me.
Moira:I won’t…I’m glad you’re here, Ben.
Me:Me too. Deep breaths, honey. We’ll get you through this.
She sent me back a winking emoji. And then I could do nothing but wait as forensics arrived and began cataloging everything, taking samples and dusting for fingerprints. The guys showed up not long after.
“Well, shit. That’s got to put a damper on things.” Liam stated the obvious.
“You think?”
“How’s Moira handling it?” Roman asked, surveying the scene.
“She’s a trooper.” Who was hanging on by a thread. I saw more than she realized. And I was so damn worried about her.
“At least she’s got you staying with her,” Owen stated.
“Yeah, but I’ve only got a few weeks of leave left.” And I still needed to meet up with the rest of the guys. We had the whole continental United States to traverse and return to base in Little Creek, Virginia, before reassignment.
“What are you wanting to do about this?” Roman nodded his head toward the door.
“We need to paint over it tonight. And then I’ll get someone out here tomorrow to replace it.”
“There’s a hardware store about a mile down the street. Why don’t I run and grab some spray cans of black paint? It should do the trick for tonight at least,” Liam offered with a shrug.
“Appreciate it, Liam. I can’t leave. She’s in with Dan and her employees.” There was no way in hell I was leaving her at a time like this. They’d have to physically restrain me and drag me away.
“It’s fine. Why don’t I go with him?” Owen said, clapping me on the shoulder.
I nodded in agreement.
Once they left, Roman asked, “So you and Moira, huh?”
I peered at Roman. He always was a perceptive fucker. But I wasn’t going to deny the truth. “Yes. Granted, I don’t know if it’s permanent or not.”
“Do you want it to be?”
Yes. That was my initial knee-jerk reaction. But to Roman, I said, “Look, you know how it is when you’re getting deployed all the time. It doesn’t mean it can’t work, but we haven’t even broached the topic. Besides, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. We’re not even in the same state. Her life is here.”
“But you’re being reassigned to train naval units.” Roman stated the obvious.
“Yeah.” And it didn’t hold the appeal it once did. It could be my age, though. Because every mission and deployment got tougher. Granted, my new position would keep me stateside.
“Is that what you want? Because if not, I’ve got an opening over at Joint Naval you might be interested in. Unless we have another nine-eleven or World War Three breaks out, you’ll most likely remain stateside for the duration.”
“What’s the job?” The thought of remaining here with Moira was something I hadn’t even considered until now because there’d been no point. And now, he was dangling a carrot that made it possible.
“Training Navy Reserves. It’s something you could do in your sleep. And they’d be better for having your experience and expertise guiding them.”
“The transfer papers have already gone through,” I stated. No matter how much the position might appeal to me. And yeah, I could train them practically in my sleep.
“Yeah, but I’ve got Admiral Johnson on speed dial. All it would take is a phone call, and you’d have the job. We’d set you up with a place on base if you aren’t going to live with Moira and all.”
“I need to help her figure out who’s doing this first.” And have a conversation with Moira about it. “Before I make any moves in that area.”
“Well, it’s an option. We’d love to have you around. I know I’d feel better getting someone with your expertise helping the reserve forces, training them to stay alive.”