Page 76 of Rogue Romeo
He chuckles around a mouthful of spaghetti as I dab the sides of my undoubtedly sauce-covered mouth with my napkin. “Don’t worry. I have plenty of other meals up my sleeve. We’ll round out those curves again in no time.”
I ball up my napkin with a fake gasp of indignation before tossing it across the island, hitting him square in the face.
The fork of spaghetti that was poised at his mouth goes flying, sending saucy noodles splattering across his T-shirt before landing with a wetplopon his lap.
My eyes blow wide while my mouth forms an O as he looks down at the mess I’ve made. He lifts his head, quirks a brow, and smirks.
“So that’s how you want to play, Sunshine?”
He grabs the pasta from his lap, and I jump to my feet, pivoting to make a dash toward the stairs when I feel the noodles hit me in the center of my back.
I spin around just in time to see him fist another handful of food from his plate to raise it up with a devilish smile.
“Don’t. You.Dare!”
I narrow my eyes as menacingly as I can, and he shrugs before I find myself with a face full of spaghetti.
Noodles cover my line of sight, and I gingerly pluck them from my face, dropping them to the tiles beneath my feet with an arched brow and a curled lip.
His howl of laughter reverberates through the penthouse, and even covered in spaghetti sauce, I feel a pinprick of light shining in a world that has been wholly dark for the last three weeks.
“Ooh, pretty boy!” I step closer to my half-eaten plate of food, taking relish in the slippery texture of the noodles when I grab a handful, and flick my gaze to a grinning Alex. “You asked for it!”
I launch the spaghetti, and it lands on his shoulder, so I immediately reload while cursing my aim before ducking behind the island.
“Come out, come out wherever you are…”
I can hear Alex squelch his hand in some pasta, and so I drop to my knees to scurry around the island, ducking out to surprise him from behind.
He spins at my exclamation. “Have some—”
I cut him off when I fling the spaghetti, hitting him between the eyes. His shout of disgust makes me snort, and I quickly shuffle back to my almost depleted pasta dish to scoop up the last super saucy remnants.
Silence follows after I duck behind the island again, pressing my back against it as I listen closely for a telltale sign that he’s about to attack.
My eyes shift left then right as my heart palpitates in my chest, waiting on the inevitable retaliation.
A sharp whistle from above makes me look up, surprise painting my face. Alex is kneeling on the island, his half-eaten dinner in hand, while his face wearsthebiggest self-congratulatory grin.
The dish tips over, sending the spaghetti careening down and onto my surprised face almost in slow motion.
My cry of indignation is met with a full-body laugh before Alex drops down beside me, holding his stomach.
“You should—” Chuckle.
“See your—” Howl.
“Face!” Snort.
He throws his head back as laughter wracks his body, and beneath the faceful of spaghetti, I pop a brow before thrusting my own sauce-filled hand forward to connect cleanly with his smug face.
His mirth freezes on his features, moving closer to pull me onto his stained lap. He clucks me under the chin with a tomatoey index finger, his smile making me genuinelysmilelike I haven’t in so damn long.
“I love a girl who can hold her own, Sunshine.”
His eyes are brimming with admiration, even when dripping with spaghetti sauce, and he suddenly shifts, digging his hand into his right pocket.