Page 77 of Rogue Romeo
“But awifewho can hold her own…” He trails off as he flourishes my wedding band before sliding it onto my stained finger. “Now that shit is elite.”
I’m helpless to stop a grin from blooming on my face, and I shove his chest playfully.
“Incorrigible asshole.” I narrow my eyes exaggeratedly. “Now I have to shower again!”
He snorts, palming my cheeks before bending my head to peck my nose briefly. “In all fairness, you could do with it.”
I tilt my head. “Huh?”
He scrunches his nose and shakes his head. “No showers for three weeks, Rey? One word –smelly!”
* * *
The sight of Rey asleep in my bed is one that, at times, I thought I may never see again.
These past three weeks following Mariana’s ceremony were some of the darkest days I’ve ever had – and forme, that’s really saying something.
Today marked the four-week anniversary of Mari’s passing, and I’d woken up this morningknowingI couldn’t allow things to continue as they had been. I’d not known exactly what I was going to do, but seeing her so despondent on the bed like that, I’d just acted.
I run my fingers across her slightly damp hair, tucking it behind her ear so that I can soak up her natural beauty.
My eyes instantly note the changes these three weeks have wrought. Her complexion is dimmed, darkness mars beneath her eyes, and her cheeks hold a gauntness I long to banish.
If she knew the month I’ve had since Mari’s passing, she’d sink even further into the abyss, so I mention nothing of the incessant media that are raking through every part of her life—ofourlife.
And I won’t say a damn thing about the tragic deaths of Grayson’s wife and little girl a few short days after Mariana’s service.
I shiver at the knowledge that life can change in the space of a heartbeat, and before I know what I’ve done, I’m gently nudging my sleeping wife—my wife—awake.
Her eyes slowly open to half-mast. “Hmm?”
She buries farther into her pillow, but I’m unstoppable now, so I gather her close in my hold despite her cries of annoyance.
“Rey, baby?”
I dimly note that, to my knowledge, I’ve never referred to her in such an intimate tone, and clearly, she does too, because her eyes fly open. “Yes?”
“How would you feel about a little…road trip, of sorts?”
She blinks heavily once, then twice, before her face lights up in her signature Sunshine smile.
“Where do you want to go, pretty boy?”
“So…wasyour first flight everything you wanted it to be?”
My question is met with silence, followed by an agitated murmur.
“Why won’t you tell me where we are?”
Rey’s eyes are narrowed as she watches me from the seat opposite mine on the private jet owned by DeMarco Holdings.
The wheels have just hit the tarmac on the runway of our destination, and I’ve had the flight staff pull all the blinds for the entire trip, so Rey has no clue where we are right now.