Page 68 of Wraith's Revenge
“Hmmm” was all he said to that.
I smiled, but it quickly faded. “The HCI are all over the situation, Aiden. They know what they’re doing. They won’t let this bastard escape them a second time.”
“Are you saying that to convince me or yourself?”
“Both, I guess. But I do believe it.”
“I take it you’re helping out?”
“I have no real choice given I’m the one being hit by visions. Plus, I’m the only one who can communicate with or even see the ghost.”
“Ghost? Whose ghost?”
“I don’t know. She’s yet to fully reveal herself.”
“One of his past victims, perhaps?”
“Unlikely, given his past victims lost their souls to his demons.”
“What about Catherine? Are you positive your sister’s fate was the same as his other victims?”
“As positive as we can be. Her soul wasn’t lingering, and it would have had she somehow survived being ‘eaten’ but not moved on.”
And it wasn't like there was a third option in the mix, as much as I might wish it.
“Belle can’t commune with her?”
“We haven’t had the chance to try yet. But while she can feel the ghost’s presence, she can’t see her.”
“Not even through you?”
“That’s unusual, isn’t it?”
“According to Belle, some do have the capacity to conceal their presence from spirit talkers.”
“Have Belle’s spirit guides had anything to say on the matter?”
“Probably not. They’ve a tendency to be unhelpful when it comes to these sorts of situations.”
“What’s the point of calling themselves guides if they don’t actually guide?”
“This is a point I have made many times.”
He laughed softly. “And the court cases? How are they going?”
“As well as can be expected.” I gave him a full update and then added, “My father is on the stand tomorrow. I’m preparing myself for a shitfest of lies and a stream of ‘the grief made me do it’ excuses.”
“Surely no one up there will buy that. They all know him too well.”
“Yes, but I’m thinking they’ll use it as an excuse to hand out a gentler sentence.” A huge yawn escaped. “Sorry, you’re not boring me or anything. It’s just been a long day.”
“And I shouldn’t have rung so late. I just needed to know you were okay.”
“I am,” I said softly. “Hopefully I won’t be away for too much longer.”
“Good, because I need you in my life on a daily basis, Liz. It’s just not the same here with you gone.”