Page 69 of Wraith's Revenge
Tears touched my eyes, and I blinked rapidly. Damn them. Damn my heart. Damn him for saying everything but the one word I was desperate to hear.
But maybe he couldn’t—or more likely wouldn’t—say it until the mess with the pack was sorted and he had a clear way forward.
I couldn’t help crossing all things while silently praying to any god that might be listening that it didn’t take too much longer. I needed him in my life too.
I hesitated, then said, “If anything happens... If the worst comes to pass, then know—”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” he growled. “Nothing will happen, and you will come home. I’ll accept no other outcome. Hear?”
A smile tugged at my lips, even as my heart did those silly flip-flops again. “Hear.”
“Good. Night, then.”
“Night,” I said. “I’ll try and keep you updated, even if only by text.”
“I prefer to hear your voice, but I’ll accept a text if that’s all you’ve time for,” he said. “Please be careful, Liz.”
“I will.”
He hung up. I closed my eyes and hugged my phone to my chest, very much wishing it was him I was hugging. Then, with a sigh, I scooted down under the blankets and went to sleep.
And for the first time in ages, my dreams were filled with possibilities rather than bloodshed. It was a nice change.
The four men in near identical suits once again stared disdainfully at me across the table.
“You cannot be serious,” Ryland said. He obviously still had the spokesman job. “The sum of these properties amounts to far more than the cash you have demanded.”
I shrugged. “Yes, but given your obvious reluctance to pay said cash, I’m giving you a second option.”
“It is too much.”
“It isn’t even a quarter of his assets.” I met his gaze evenly. “And given you’re so desperate to protect the reputation of your deceased sibling, I would suggest you step up and start taking me seriously. Because I will destroy your family’s name if that’s what it takes.”
Anthony touched my hand in warning. I glanced at him briefly then returned my gaze to Ryland. I’m not sure what he saw in my expression, but the amusement running through his faded.
“We want this situation dealt with as quickly as you, and we are certainly willing to make concessions on our demands.” Anthony’s voice was mild but nevertheless no nonsense. “But if you’re not willing to take us or this situation seriously, then we shall see you in court.”
No immediate response, though the four men shared a glance.
Anthony glanced at me and nodded. As one, we rose.
Ryland sighed. “Fine. But eight properties and that amount of cash is too much. We both know the court would not fall that far in your favor. Not when the marriage was never consummated.”
Which was basically an admission that the court would fall in my favor.
Anthony placed his files back on the table but didn’t sit. It was a not-so-subtle reminder we were willing to walk. “What do you suggest then?”
Ryland glanced briefly at his brothers. “One million each and two properties.”
“One million each and six properties,” Anthony countered.
“Three, and we have a deal.”
Anthony glanced at me, his eyebrows raised in question. I nodded mutely, my pulse rate high and my heart thunderous. It was in truth more than I could really have hoped for despite all our planning last night, and it would set me and Belle up for the rest of our lives.
“We have a deal,” Anthony said.
“Do you have a preference for which properties you’d prefer?”