Page 152 of Say I Do
“Shhh. Don’t talk about murder around the baby.”
Harlow pouted. “Don’t start paying her more attention than me. I’ll have to set your clothes on fire with you in them.”
I rolled my eyes. “Puttana psicotica.”
Harlow jabbed a finger into my side. “I am not a psycho bitch,” he growled.
I blinked at him. “How do you know what I’m saying?”
Redness stained Harlow’s cheeks. “I’ve been studying," he muttered. “Don’t make a big deal of it!”
I grinned from ear to ear. Harlow was studying Italian so he could understand me? I’d do the same so I understood every swear, every moaned word, and every threat he tossed my way. I leaned in. Our lips met briefly in the softest kiss that we’d ever shared.
“Glad you two are having a great time,” Tony snapped. “I’m getting the hell out here before the human siren wakes up,” he said as he glanced at Emica wearily.
My heart picked up speed. “You can’t leave us alone with a baby!”
“Got to,” Tony said. “I usually listen to you but don’t make me have to fight you to get out of here. Cuz I will. Next time pick up your phone,” he said as he slapped me on the shoulder. “Bye!”
“Tony!” I hissed.
The man disappeared, leaving Harlow and me alone. We both stared at the newborn in my arms. She wiggled, her face screwed up, and I braced myself. Even with all the preparation in the world, her screaming nearly shattered my eardrums.
“We need help,” Harlow said.
That was the understatement of the year.
Beautiful underappreciated sleep.Oh, how I missed the bed. The moment my head hit the pillow, my consciousness was dragged down into slumber. It didn’t last long, not even five minutes, when the first tell-tale signs of Emica waking hit my ears. I had never been a hard sleeper. Ever since we got a baby, sleep was damn near impossible.
Five days, and I was ready to break. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing Emica to sleep for another thirty minutes at least. I knew the moment she’d gone down, I should have gotten sleep as well. But there was so much I hadn’t done yet. I held my breath as I waited for another second. She settled down, and I finally blew out my breath.
Ringing had me jumping out of bed with a knife. That was it. I would kill whoever the fuck was calling me. I sat up and glared at the phone, waiting for my blurry vision to clear. Quincy’s name flashed on the screen.
Please tell me he’s found Lorelei.I answered the phone, and before I could get the question out, Quincy was talking.
“No, I haven’t found her.”
“Too bad. It looks like I have to stab you now.”
“Is being a dad that bad?”
Yes.I pinched the bridge of my nose. “What are you calling me for?”
I didn’t have the patience to deal with Quincy or anyone else. I wanted sleep and dick. I glanced over to Benito’s side of the bed. He wasn’t back yet.
“I was calling because I have some more stuff for Emica.”
“What stuff?”
Not that we needed anything more. The penthouse was currently overrun with baby shit. I grabbed the monitor at the sound of Emica fussing. She was in her brand-new crib, only a room over. I’d let her sleep in our room, but the first night proved that would not work.
“Some clothes that Lorelei bought and a stroller.”
“We have a new stroller, but I guess clothes will be good. She pukes on everything. How can something so small make such a mess?”
“Wow,” Quincy said.
“What?” My irritation was hard to hold back.