Page 153 of Say I Do
“Never thought I’d hear you sound like an adult.”
“Fuck you. You annoying ass hat.”
“That’s more like the Har I know.” Quincy laughed, and I had half a mind to find him and shoot him. “Okay, but besides that, I found the documents you asked for. The birth certificate and everything.”
“Did that piece of shit sign his name?” I hadn’t had the time but the moment I had a little bit of freedom, and after some good sleep, I would slit Notin’s fucking throat.
“Yeah,” Quincy groaned. “You sure you don’t want me to—”
“No, I want the pleasure of watching him cry like a little bitch.”
Emica started fussing a little more, and I knew she would be wide awake any second. I pushed off the bed and made my way to the kitchen. The bottle-making contraption on the counter scared the living shit out of me, so I avoided it like the plague. I switched Quincy to my left ear as I looked for the pre-ready bottles Benito had set up for me before he left.
“Fine, I won’t do anything, but I did get him to sign over his rights. He’s in hiding, but I have a few guys watching over him.”
I nodded before I remembered I was on the phone. "Good. Now where the hell is my sister?”
“No clue, and your dad isn’t any help. Shit, if she was this good at disappearing, she could have saved you—”
He shut his mouth instantly. I closed the fridge.
“Look, I have to go. Emica is out of pre-made bottles, and I have to call my husband.”
“My bad. All right, I’ll let you know if I find anything on Lorelei.”
“Thanks.” I hung the phone up and got ready to call Benito.
Emica took that moment to go from level one to a hundred. Her scream pierced the air, and I instantly turned down the volume on the monitor. It did nothing when her screams could be heard through the walls.
“Fuck, is she part banshee?” I twisted around in the kitchen, unsure of what I should do.If I go in without a bottle, she’ll be angry. I take any longer to get her, and she’ll get louder.I looked at the bottle maker machine and shook my head. I was liable to break it.
“I’m coming!”
Not that me saying it would calm her. When Emica cried, she cried until she got what she wanted. A spoiled princess in the making. Benito swore she was just like me. I jogged over to her room and opened the door. Instant regret hit me at the stench in the air.
"What the heck did you eat?” I gagged as I covered my nose and mouth.
Emica looked at me with the same gray eyes as mine and Lorelei’s. Her mouth opened for another scream. I couldn’t even focus on it. Instead, I was stuck staring at the huge mess in her crib. Green shit was splattered everywhere.
I will never look at the color green the same again.
“What… What do I even do with you?” There wasn’t a clean spot on her. I knew if the smell was getting to me, she had to be uncomfortable.
“It’s just blood. That’s easy.” I coached myself as I reached into the crib and braved the copious amounts of diarrhea. “A little blood splatter. Emica just killed someone, that’s all.”
I was trying. I picked her up and held her away from my body. My stomach rolled, and the thought of tossing her back in the crib crossed my mind. Emica’s cries intensified, and I wanted to join in.
This can’t be happening. When Benito comes home, I’m going to kill him.
“Emica, it’s okay. I got you.” I made sure my voice was soft, like Benito said.
Her chubby face was turning red as she continued to scream. This wouldn’t work. I knew what I needed to do to get her to calm down, but I was reluctant. She had so much poop on her.
Come on, Harlow. Don’t be a bitch.
I blew out a breath and grunted at the smell. I drew Emica closer and tucked her into my side. I pressed her firmly against me, just like Benito had shown me. The moment she was nuzzled against me, she stopped screaming. One tragedy taken care of, another to go.