Page 6 of Stolen to Forever
“Thank you, doctor.”I push up from my chair and hold out my hand for my wife.She takes it before she slides off the table and we exit the infirmary.
“Do I finally get that tour of the island now?”she asks, leaning into my side.
“Yes, and then we’ll get some breakfast.”I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes, trying to absorb every ounce of her I can.It’s not enough, but I have to be patient.
Just as we make our way to a row of golf carts, I spot X standing nearby with a scowl on his face.
“You go ahead and pick which one you want to ride in.I need to talk to my brother.”I kiss her hand before I let it go, and she smiles at me and walks over to the carts.
When I get to where X is standing, he looks over at me like he’s surprised I’m here.Did he not just watch me walk out of the building?
“What’s wrong with you?”I say, looking him up and down and seeing he’s visibly upset.
“A woman doctor?Really, Kade?”He clenches his fists then crosses and uncrosses his arms like he’s not comfortable in his skin.“We said no women, only wives.You’re ruining everything we’ve built.”
“She wasn’t brought here to party with, she’s my wife's doctor.”I move in close to him, my own anger surging.Maybe we didn’t settle things on the plane like I thought.“And you’ll stay the fuck away from her.”
“Or what?”He raises his chin.
“You really want to go toe to toe, let’s do this.But if you so much as make that doctor second guess the reason she’s here or impede her caring for my wife, so help me God, I’ll end you.”
His face blanches for a moment before he narrows his eyes.“So that’s how it is now?”
“That’s exactly how it is.”I take a step closer to him, so our chests almost touch.“The only thing I care about right now is making sure my wife remembers who I am and that she loves me.That woman in there—” I point to the door I just walked out of.“She’s the one who is going to make that happen, and I won’t let you or anyone else stand in the way.”
There’s a tense silence between us and it’s broken when I hear Collins’s soft voice call for me.She can’t see the two of us on the other side of the bushes, so I take a step back and wave to her.
“Be right there,” I tell her and she smiles at me from behind the wheel of the golf cart.
“You’re not telling me the whole story,” Xander says softly, and it sounds like a betrayal.
“I know,” I admit as my anger deflates.“But she has the right to know first.”
He looks away from me and shakes his head.“I don’t understand what’s happening.”
“You will.”I reach out and grab his arm and he turns to look at me.“I swear to you, brother, I will explain everything.Just trust me.”
He looks at the infirmary and then back to me and gives me a short nod.“I will for now.But as soon as she’s better, I want that doctor out of here.Am I clear?”
“I’ll pack her bags myself,” I agree.
I leave X standing there staring at the infirmary as I go over to my wife and pull her out of the cart before sitting down and replacing her on my lap.
“Hey, I wanted to drive,” she pouts, and I smile.
“You wanted a tour, but you don’t know where anything is,” I say, backing out of the parking spot.
“True,” she agrees as she cuddles into me.“Okay, so this is the hospital part?”She points back to the infirmary.
“Yes, so this part of the island has an infirmary for basic medical needs, but there’s also a surgical wing for emergencies that can’t wait.”Groves of mango trees line the path as I drive along the edge of the ocean.“This side also has the private landing strip where we came in last night, and most of the housing for the staff that lives here full time.”
“How many people live here full time?”
“Almost two hundred.”When her eyes widen, I smile at her.“We allow anyone who works here to bring as much of their family with them as they want.We even have a small school right there.”I point to the hut with little children sitting on the porch looking at the teacher in front of them.
“That’s so sweet,” she says, waving to them.
We drive down the road along the sea and the smell of the salt air and jasmine fills my lungs.I’ve never felt more at home than I do right now with her here.