Page 7 of Stolen to Forever
“This is the family house,” I say when I park in front of the most central home.“It’s designed for all three of us to use it together when we have children.”
“Is that something we want?”she asks, looking up at me.
I search her eyes and they’re hopeful, so I smile down at her.“Oh yes.”
“Good,” she agrees and cuddles next to me as we walk into the family home.“Where do your brothers stay?I know we have our own house, do they?”
“Yes, we each designed our own homes in different areas of the island.Vaughn is by the water with a view of the sunsets, and X is on the highest point so he can see everything down below.”
“And we’re somewhere in the middle?”She cocks her head to the side as if trying to think about where we came from this morning.
“Ours is the most private.”I lean down, and though all I want to do is kiss her, I settle for brushing my lips against her cheek.“It’s also next to the waterfall.”
“Can we go see that after breakfast?”Her eyes are filled with excitement and I nod.
“We can do anything you want to.”
When we walk inside I see Vaughn in the kitchen at the stove.He loves to cook, and for as laidback as he is, he’s usually the first one up.
“Good morning, love birds,” he says, and I feel Collins’s arm wrap around my back.“I’ve made muffins and bacon.Do you want eggs to go with it?”
Collins’s stomach rumbles and then she giggles.“Yes, please.”
“Make that two,” I say.I hold out the stool at the bar for her and then take my own.
Vaughn sets down a plate in front of Collins and she smiles at me and takes a bite of her muffin.Just as her teeth sink into it, her eyes widen in shock.
“I’m allergic to blueberries,” she says as she sits the muffin down and looks at it.
“What?”I stand up as I feel panic rising.
“No, no, it’s okay.I just get a bad rash, but I didn’t eat it.I just remembered.”She shakes her head and looks up at me.“How did you not know that?”
“I-I…” My words are stuck in my throat as she gasps.
“My sister always checked for me,” she whispers, almost to herself, then shakes her head.“My sister?Oh God, Kade I need to talk to Berkley.She’s in London right now, oh my God, I have a sister.I remember my sister.”
I wait for more memories to kick in, ones of me and the accident, but after a few silent moments she shakes her head.
“I don’t know how to get in touch with her.I don’t know anything else.God, why is this so hard?”Tears fill her eyes and I pull her into my chest.
“Shhh.It’s okay, love.Just calm down.”I look up to see Vaughn watching her, and when his eyes come to mine there are questions there.Ones I’m not prepared to answer.“Find her,” I say to him, and he nods before he pushes away from the counter.
“You didn’t know I had a sister?”She looks up at me with tears streaming down her face, and I wipe them away.
“No, I didn’t.But I’ll bring her here and maybe that will help.”I glide my thumbs across her cheeks to try and soothe her.But I can’t see her hurting like this.
Leaning forward, I gently touch my lips to hers and do the only thing I can right now to comfort her.She’s so soft and sweet as she opens for me and I feel her breath against my lips.I taste her, and when I feel her tongue touch mine, I groan at the connection.It’s slow, but there is a current of need so powerful simmering below it that I can feel my hands shaking as I kiss her.I want to devour her entire body right here on the kitchen counter, but instead I hold myself back and try to be gentle.
I take my time and make sure that she is so thoroughly kissed that any fear or worry she may have is long gone.I want her to remember me and how much she loves me.But I don’t want the pain.
I just don’t know how to keep that from her.
My lips tingle from the kiss as I wrap my arms around Kade.He puts my bottom on the counter as he sits me down.I hadn't realized I’d all but climbed him until I look around.Kade steps back a little, creating more space than I want between us.I don’t think he realizes I notice he’s slowly shifting away from me.Why is he holding back?I’m his wife, so what’s wrong with us being close?