Page 8 of Stolen to Forever
“Do you love me?”I ask as I feel insecurities starting to rise.
“More than I’ll ever be able to make you understand,” he says instantly with such confidence.
“And I love you?”It’s a weird question to ask because my heart tells me I do.It makes my chest ache with need to be close to him.
“You’ve said those words to me before.”He reaches up, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.
He’ll give me these small touches but not much more, even though my body craves him.Not only have I practically climbed my husband when he kissed me but I found myself all over him in my sleep too.Although I feel safe with him, some things aren’t adding up.Shouldn’t my husband know if I have a sister or if I’m allergic to something?
“Why don’t you know these important things about me?”
He might have distracted me with the kiss for a moment but he’d ended it.If he’d taken the kiss further, I would’ve forgotten for a little longer.Now my mind is racing with what he might be trying to hide.But even with all the questions and everything not coming together, I’m not afraid of him.
“It’s supposed to come back on its own.”He sighs and drops his hand from my face.
“Give me a little something.”I tilt my head back to look up at him.
“You and that lip.”He reaches up and tugs on my bottom lip.“You know that pout gets me.”I didn't, but I’ll take that small piece of information and tuck it away.“We were a little bit of a whirlwind.”He pulls me from the counter and sits me in the chair beside him.“Eat your bacon and eggs for now.I’ll talk to the doctors about this allergy thing.”
He pushes my plate toward me and I can tell he’s pissed.Not at me but at not knowing I was allergic to something.
“When you find my sister, she’ll know everything about me.”At least I think she will.I can see her in my mind and I know she’s a year older than me.My head starts to hurt trying to pull the memories to the front of my mind but everything is foggy.
“Stop.”His finger goes under my chin to tilt my head back.“Don’t force it.”He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine.“Trust me.”
“Okay,” I agree.I lean up and I’m the one to kiss him this time.He lets out a small groan as he kisses me before pulling back yet again.
“Now eat.There’s still so much I want to show you.”I pick up the fork, and unlike last night, I don’t have to force myself to eat.It looks like my appetite is back in more ways than one.
I clean my plate only to have Kade try and pile more onto it.He sends off texts as he eats too, and glares at his phone as he does.But every time he lifts his gaze to look my way, he smiles.
I may not remember my husband, but in the short time since I’ve woken up in the hospital, I’ve learned a lot about him.He’s stern and direct with others but with me he is sweet and soft.It’s interesting to watch.I’m his sweet spot and it makes me believe even more that I really did love him.Heat blooms in my chest once again thinking about our love.Everything thus far has been about him trying to protect me and I should follow his lead.He’s right, I should trust him.
“Anything on my sister?”I ask when he pockets his phone.
“I’m working on it.Don’t worry.”He holds his hand out for me to take.“Waterfall?”he asks, and I nod with excitement.This whole place has been beautiful.I can’t imagine what the waterfall is going to look like.
He guides me out of the house and back toward the cart.I want to tell him I might need a bathing suit, but if I don’t have one what would Kade do if I stripped down and went in naked?I guess we’ll just have to find out.If I can get past my shyness of getting naked.
After we ride around the island for a bit, he pulls to a stop and takes my hand.He leads me down a path that’s marked as private with our fingers tangled together.I can hear the water before I see it, and as we walk across a wooden bridge, it comes into view.
“Oh wow!”I say in wonder as I look up at the falls.It’s a breathtaking romantic paradise that’s hidden from everything.There’s a large waterfall with a lagoon-like pool below it and a sandy white beach surrounding the clear blue water.“I don’t think I’ve seen anything more beautiful.”
“I have.”Kade turns me in his arms and looks right at me as I slide my hands up his chest.
“No wonder we were a whirlwind.I can see how easy it would be to fall in love with you.You’re so good to me.”
“You might not remember falling in love with me, but I promise I can get you to do it again.”
I want to tell him I already am because I feel it in my soul.He lifts me off my feet and I giggle in his strong arms.
“Don’t get any ideas,” he warns.His voice is stern but his eyes are teasing.I’m not sure what he’s talking about.“I know you want to swim but you aren't going in naked.”I bite my lip.“Yes, love.I know what you were thinking.”I laugh because he really does know me.
He kisses me once before putting me back onto my feet.
“I don’t think you should be swimming until you’ve fully recovered.”He’s probably right.I don’t actually know if I can swim but I feel like I can.“I just wanted to show you, but we’ll come back soon and spend a whole day when the water is calmer.”He kisses the top of my head.“We have forever.”
“Fine.”I press into him.“What are we going to do all day then?”I give him a wicked smile and I know what I want to do.The doctor told me to take it easy so I’m actually not sure we can do what I want.Maybe that’s part of why Kade is putting some distance between us.